Consider Me Gone

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(Listen to the song)

It had been about six months since Sam, Dean, Sabrina, Avery and the kids moved back to Sioux falls...

Dean and Sabrina were currently on a hunt in St Louis Missouri, dealing with a possible shapeshifter...

While at the hotel doing research, Dean seemed a little distant "Are you okay?" Sabrina asks "Yeah, I'm fine" Dean says quietly "Bull shit. For the past six months, that's been your only reply to that question. I'm not as stupid as I look! Something is clearly wrong!" Sabrina snaps. Dean was shocked by her sudden outburst and just sat there quietly "Fuck this... I'm going for walk" Sabrina sighs "Be careful" Dean says quietly, as Sabrina slams the door behind her...

Sabrina's P.O.V

(On the phone)

(S) "That's all he ever fucking says anymore is "yeah I'm fine" or "Baby, I'm fine" and clearly something is bothering him. Mom I need help, what should I do?"

(M) "Go off on him... Tell him he's either gonna start talkin or you're gonna start walkin"

(S) "But I don't want to leave him... I just wish he would talk to me so I could try to help"

(M) "If he doesn't want you to leave then he'll start talking and you wouldn't leave him for good, just long enough for him to come to his senses"

(S) "This is Dean Winchester we're talking about... He's more stubborn than an ass... Fucking Winchesters"

(M) "I'm sure he just doesn't want to worry you"

(S) "Well he ain't doin a very good job"

(M) "Just let him know you're there for him but still be stern about him communicating with you"

(S) "Okay thanks, Mom"

I hadn't realized how far I had walked, I had only planned to walk around the block but I ended up three blocks away at a bar, since I was here I decided to go on in and have a drink.

Just as I sat down and ordered a drink, my phone rang, I saw it was Dean and debated on answering.

"Boyfriend troubles?" The bartender asks "Husband actually" I smile "Ah, you want me to answer?" She winks "He would kill me" I chuckle "We're actually on a job together so I probably should answer" I say, still look down at my phone "What would you like?" The bartender asks "Anything but tequila" I smile answering my phone

(S) "What?"

(D) "Don't move"

(S) "Why?"

(D) "I need you to keep an eye on the bartender"

(S) "hmm Done"

(D) "Not her"

(S) "Awe"

(S) "Him?"

(D) "Yeah, him. He's the shifter and you're not the only one eyeing up the lady bartender"

(S) "Did you do what I think you did?"

(D) "Yep... I'm here, I've got your gun on me, I want you to take it when I come in"

(S) "Okay"

(D) "I need you to stay calm Babygirl"

(S) "Trying"

(D) "You're doing great"

(D) "Walking through the door right now"

As much as I was mad at Dean, I was happy to see him at the moment. I didn't doubt myself as a hunter but I did get a little nervous on my own. When Dean walked up to me I wrapped my arm around him tightly "I'm sorry about walking out on you" I whisper "It's okay but I promise I'm okay" Dean replies, kissing my head. I got my gun and slipped it in the waistband of my pants and let go of Dean.

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