Finally happy

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Sabrina woke up in bed by herself, she looked at the clock and almost fell off the bed trying to get up "Shit, I missed him" she thought running downstairs...

"Morning sleeping beauty" Dean smiled "Oh God... I thought I missed you" She sighed, laying her head on Dean's chest when he got to her "Oh no, absolutely not. I wouldn't have left without telling you" Dean smiled, wrapping his arms around Sabrina "When are you guys leaving?" She asked "Bobby asked us to stay another night" Dean replied "Really?" Sabrina smiled "Yeah but he doesn't know you're staying yet" Dean whispered "So are you just gonna like... leave me here and not say anything?" Sabrina giggled "Where is Bobby?" She asked "Out back" Dean answered, Sabrina nodded and let go on Dean making her way to the back door...

"Hey Bobby" Sabrina smiled, walking over to where Bobby was working "Hey kid" Bobby smiled "So, you and Dean are getting married?" He asked "Yeah... I'm a little nervous because I over heard Sam telling him that all this was out of character for him" Sabrina replied "It is and it was very odd for him to announce it the way he did but I wouldn't worry about it. He told me that he's never loved anyone the way he loves you and he's really excited but you didn't hear that from me" Bobby smiled "Hey Bobby, how's that motor coming along?" Dean asked "It's coming... slowly... These people had a dead cat in it and I'm not sure how it got there and I'm not planning on asking" Bobby said "But, in a couple more days it should be ready to put in Bree's car" He said "Wait, I thought you said my car was ready" Sabrina said in a questioning tone "Well, it was but I went to start it the other day and nothing happened, I couldn't even turn it over so I popped the hood and it's full of water and the wires have been cut so I fixed the wires and got the water out and tried again, it still didn't start I tried everything to get it to start but no avail" Bobby explained...

*Time Skip*

Dean and Sabrina went back inside after talking with Bobby so he could finish and they wouldn't be in the way, Dean had offered to help him but he said he didn't need any help at the moment...

Dean, Sabrina, Avery and Sam were sitting on the couch (in that order) watching TV when Sabrina's stomach made a loud gurgling noise "Hungry?" Dean asked "Yes" Sabrina nodded "I need to feed my food baby" She chuckled "What are you in the mood for?" Dean asked "Hmmm" Sabrina thought for a moment "Chinese... I'm in the mood for Chinese" She said "We should all go get Chinese" She gasped "Go see if Bobby wants to come or if he wants anything" Dean smiled, Sabrina got up and ran out the back door...

"Bobby!!" She exclaimed "What?" Bobby asked, not taking his eyes off his work "We're going to get Chinese, do you want to come?" Sabrina asked "No, I've got to get this finished" Bobby replied "Okay, do you want us to bring you anything?" She asked "No, I'm good. Thanks sweetheart" Bobby smiled "Okay... We'll be back in a bit" Sabrina said "Okay, be careful" Bobby said as Sabrina walked back to the house...

"He said he has to finish what he's doing and that he doesn't want anything" Sabrina said reentering the living room "Okay, let's go" Dean replied, Sabrina grabbed Dean's hand and put his arm over her shoulder and walked to the car with Sam and Avery not far behind. "Dean" Sabrina said quietly "Yeah?" Dean asked "I love you" Sabrina smiled "I love you too Babygirl" Dean smiled back...

"Those two are so happy" Avery smiled "Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Dean that happy" Sam said as they slowly trailed behind Dean and Sabrina "I'm gonna be honest though... This all is very out of character for both of them and it's almost worrying... Like I'm happy for them but I don't want them to feel like they have to do this for each other" Avery said "I don't think they are... Dean's had the ring in his pocket since they got together, I was with him when he bought it" Sam replied "I honestly didn't think they were gonna last this long... When they got together I think Dean was only doing it because he felt bad for her" He went on "Well that doesn't seem to be the case now?" Avery point out nodding her head towards the car, Sam looked up and saw Dean holding onto Sabrina like it was the last time they were going to see each other...

Sam ran up to the car and slammed his hands down on the hood "DEAN THERE'S A SPIDER ON YOUR ARM!!" He yelled, causing Dean to freak out and brush the "Spider" off his arm, Sabrina was the first to burst with laughter "Oh you should have seen your face" She wheezed, Dean glared and shook his head "Get in the car" He growled "Awe... what's wong Dean?" Sabrina pouted, Dean glared down at Sabrina "I'll get in the car" Sabrina said quietly, getting into the driver's seat "Um excuse me?" Dean asked "I'm driving" Sabrina grinned "Not without the-" Dean started "Keys? Yeah... I've learned a thing or two from you" Sabrina chuckled, holding up the car keys, Dean just stared blankly at Sabrina "Please" Sabrina smiled "Okay fine" Dean smiled "Hell yeah!" Sabrina "Shotgun!" Avery exclaimed, Sam didn't say a word he just got in the back seat with Dean "They are spoiled and it's our fault" Sam said, Dean paused for a second "Yeah" He nodded "But it's worth it" He smiled...

When they had gotten back to Bobby's, Bobby had finished Sabrina's car for the second time... "You kids have fun?" Bobby asked as they all walked back in the house "Uh yeah! Dean let me drive baby and after we finished eating we went bowling and then we got ice cream" Sabrina replied "This was the best day of my life" She grinned "Good... Looks like everything worked out then" Bobby smiled "What do you mean?" Sabrina asked "Well, ya see sweetheart... Those three had this all planned by the time you got up this afternoon" Bobby explained "Really?" Sabrina asked "Yeah... Since Sam and I weren't able to do your whole surprise thing Dean thought it would be a good idea to take you out for a bit and he asked us to join and so we helped him figure out what to do" Avery explained "I love you guys" Sabrina smiled with tears in her eyes...

Everyone congregated in the kitchen for a bit and had an all around good time "I'm gonna go take a nice hot bath" Sabrina said, getting up from Dean's lap "Towels are in the dryer" Bobby informed, Sabrina nodded in acknowledgement as she yawned "Hey why don't you go on to bed when you finish" Dean suggested "Don't fall asleep in the tub" Bobby said "I won't" Sabrina said making her way towards the stairs "Oh and I will go to bed when I get done... Goodnight, love you guys" She said with a tired smile...

Sabrina's P.O.V

I grabbed some bubble bath that I had in my room and started my bath. I started to undress when I realized I had forgotten a towel "Shit" I sighed, I put my shirt back on and went to leave to get a towel when there was a knock on the door, I opened the door "Forgetting something?" Dean asked, holding a couple towels "Thank you" I smiled, I took the towels and sat them on the sink "Hey, you wanna join me?" I asked "Sure" Dean smiled "Are you okay?" He asked, coming in and shutting and locking the door "Yeah I just don't wanna be alone and I didn't wanna ask you in front of Bobby" I explained "That why you 'forgot' your towel?" Dean chuckled "No I did actually forget that" I replied...

We both stripped and got into the hot bath, I pressed my back against Dean's chest and laid my head back on his shoulder "We should do this more often" I smiled "We really should" Dean sighed contently... "Can I ask you something?" I asked "Of course you can" Dean replied "When we got together... You weren't just dating me because you felt bad.... Were you?" I asked "Honestly... And please don't get mad... but yes I was for like the first two weeks but then I fell for you and Baby I fell hard" Dean answered "And now?" I asked "Now I love you more than anything. I wouldn't know what to do without you, I don't think I would be able to go on without you" Dean said "Babygirl, you mean the world to me" He whispered, hearing this made me feel really good about myself because this was the first time in a long time I had heard something like that "I love you Dean" I smiled, turning so we were now chest to chest "I love you too" Dean smiled pulling me into a soft, sweet kiss, which I happily returned...

We laid there in each other's arms until the water started to get cold then we showered off and went to bed. We didn't bother getting dressed we just dried off and laid down. Dean wrapped his arms around me tightly and pulled me to back into his chest "I love you Babygirl" He whispered "I love you too Dean" I smiled, scooting closer to him if it was even possible at this point. The last thing I remember was Dean tightening his grip and kissing my shoulder before I fell asleep in the warmth and safety of his arms...

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