The Zoo pt.2

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The next morning, Avery was the first one up, she got Jack up and got him ready, then got Ethan up and ready, she let the boys wake Sam up...

"Wake up! We're going to the zoo!" Jack exclaimed, jumping on the bed beside Sam. Ethan had followed Avery closely. "Hey, are you okay?" Avery asked "I wanna talk to Mommy" Ethan said quietly "Go get my phone and we'll call her" Avery smiled. Ethan ran and grabbed Avery's phone, almost tripping in the process, if Sam wouldn't have been there to catch him he would have hit his head on the nightstand beside the bed...

Ethan ran back to Avery, giving her the phone so she could call Sabrina...

(On the phone)
(S) "Hello"
(E) "Hi Mama"
(S) "Hey Baby, are you having fun?"
(E) "Yeah... I miss you and Daddy though. Can I talk to Daddy?""
(S) " Daddy isn't here at the moment, he had to run to the store... We're almost done though, We'll be home soon"
(E) "Okay... Uncle Sam let me sleep with him and Aunt Vee last night"
(S) "Uncle Sam is nice"
(E) "Yeah... Jack wants to talk to you before we leave. I love you Mama"
(S) "Okay. I love you too Baby"
(J) "Hi Mommy"
(S) "Hi Sweetheart, are you having fun?"
(J) "Yeah! Uncle Sam took us to the park and got us chicken nuggets and we are going to the zoo today"
(S) "Oh. That sounds fun"
(J) "Yeah... Daddy never buys us Chicken nuggets"
(S) "I know he's mean isn't he?"
(J) "Yeah..."
(J) "We're leaving now"
(S) "Okay, have fun... I love you"
(J) "I love you too Mommy"

*At Bobby's*

"Apparently, Daddy doesn't buy chicken nuggets" Sabrina chuckled as Raven and Dean came back into the house "What?" Dean asked "I talked to the boys, Sam got them some chicken nuggets yesterday and Jack said that you don't buy chicken nuggets" Sabrina replied "I bought chicken nuggets a week ago" Dean said, setting a bag on the table. "I know, but they weren't from McDonald's" Sabrina teased, Dean only rolled his eyes. "What'd you get?" Sabrina asked "300 pounds of wood, 6 boxes of screws and a few other things" Dean replied "What other things?" Sabrina asked "Cookies for Raven and then she saw a stuffed otter... So I bought it for her" Dean replied, looking at his feet "Is 300 pounds of wood gonna be enough for what you have planned?" Sabrina asked "Not sure yet" Dean replied "Bobby still digging?" He asked "He just started pouring the concrete" Sabrina replied "Perfect. Should be ready to start next weekend" Dean smiled "I'm so excited!" Sabrina grinned "Are we actually gonna have it done as soon as you said? And are we gonna have the money to finish?" She asked "Well, as long as nothing happens then we should. And with as much money as we've saved up from hustling pool and your occasional lap dance. I didn't even make a dent so yeah I thknk we'll have enough" Dean answered... "Shit happening is literally our life though" Sabrina sighed "Hey, it's gonna be okay... We'll get it done" Dean said, pulling Sabrina into a hug "By the way... I still haven't gotten my lap dance" Dean smirked "She up" Sabrina giggled...

*At the zoo*

Ethan and Jack were having the time of their lives, Ethan was infatuated with the tigers and Jack wanted to take the snakes home. They almost cried when Sam told them no but over all they enjoyed the day...

Before leaving they stopped by the gift shop, The boys got a couple different plushies, shirts and Sam even bought them a hoodie that would still fit them as teenagers.

Even though Dean and Sabrina couldn't be there, Sam and Avery made sure the boys had the best birthday...

*Time Skip*

Avery's P.O.V

It was about 7pm by the time we got home, Dean and Sabrina were still at Bobby's, more than likely. We still had no clue what exactly they were doing...

Sam and I got the boys fed, bathed and put to bed by 10pm "Jesus, are you sure you're ready to have kids?" I asked "I hope so cause it's a little late now" I said "Yes, I'm ready. I'm also ready to be able to wrap my arms around you and us both be able to sleep comfortably like that" Sam chuckled "Okay me too, I miss being able to cuddle comfortably" I replied...

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