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So since Sabrina and Dean have the spotlight right now here's a chapter for Sam and Avery...




Avery's P.O.V

"Avery wake up! You need to change!" I heard Sabrina say in a panicked tone "Why?" I groaned, just then there was sharp pain in my lower stomach and back "What the hell?" I thought. I sat up and there was blood everywhere "Sam and Dean are on their way back from a job. Get up and go take a hot shower, I'll replace your bedsheets" Sabrina said "I don't have any... Stuff" I said quietly "What do you mean?" Sabrina asked "I was a late starter" I shrugged "Go take a shower in my bathroom, everything you need is in the little purple bag on the sink" Sabrina replied...


After the nice hot shower I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom "Well that's... different" Dean said "Fuck off" I glared "Oh" Was all Dean said before leaving the room as if he knew what was happening...

"Hey Vee, have you seen Dean?" Sabrina asked "No... I need drugs though" I whined "There's a brand new unopened bottle of midol complete under the sink in my bathroom, you can have it" Sabrina replied...

*Time Skip*

I guess Sabrina had found Dean because neither of them were anywhere to be found, the boys were even gone. I found Sam sitting in the library at one of the tables, reading... "Hey, where'd everyone go?" I asked "Dean and Sabrina took the boys and they're going up to Bobby's for a couple days" Sam smiled, scooting his chair out a bit so I could sit in his lap "Sam... I think I'm dying" I whispered "You're not dying, it's just menstrual cramps... It'll be over in a few days" Sam chuckled "I feel like I'm dying" I said "How about we go lay down" Sam suggested "Ooo I like that idea" I smiled. Sam put his hands under my legs and upper back and stood up, carrying me to our bedroom "Can we get high?" I asked "Sure" Sam smiled...

Author's P.O.V

Avery sat on the bed, giggling at Sam almost tripping over his own two feet "We... Should make a baby" Avery smiled "Like a little African Asian baby" She said, Sam almost instantly sobered up at her comment "Avery, we can't make African Asian babies" Sam replied "Why not?" Avery asked "Because that's not how it works" Sam said "Well... I want one" Avery said, attempting to light another joint "I think that's enough for now" Sam said, taking the lighter and the joint "Sam, give it back" Avery said, barely able to keep her eyes open "No, go to sleep" Sam said sternly "But-" Avery started "No... Sleep Avery" Sam said before taking Avery's stash and hiding it until she sobered up a bit...

*Time Skip*

Avery woke up in bed alone and extremely hungry, her cramps had been so bad she didn't feel like eating and waking up stoned didn't help matters much with being hungry... Avery reluctantly rolled out of bed and walked to the kitchen, finding Sam making something but whatever it was it smelled amazing "Hungry?" Sam asked "Starving" Avery replied "Well, it's almost done, go sit down and I'll bring it to you" Sam smiled, Avery nodded and done as she was told...

"You made chicken alfredo?" Avery asked, as Sam set a plate in front of her "Yeah... It was pretty easy... Sabrina sent me the recipe, while you were asleep I went out to get the stuff I needed and here we are" Sam smiled. "Sooo... Since Dean, Bree and the boys are gone, maybe we could go out and do something" Sam said, sitting at the table in front of me "I don't see why we couldn't" Avery smiled "What do you have in mind?" She asked "It's a surprise" Sam winked...


"Sam, please... Tell me what we're doing" Avery begged as Sam blindfolded her walked her to the car "No... You have to wait until we get there" Sam said, making sure Avery didn't hit her head when she got in the car... "Are we going to get food?" Avery asked "No, something better" Sam replied "What could possibly be better than food?" Avery chuckled "I can think of a couple things" Sam smiled, even though Avery couldn't see it...


"Wait right there" Sam said as he got out of the car, as soon as he opened the passenger door, Avery was climbing out "Take this damn thing off of me" She glared, starting to feel a little claustrophobic. Sam gently took the blindfold off Avery, careful not to pull her hair while untying it...

"Here we are" Sam smiled, Avery gasped and tackled Sam with a hug "You have no idea how long it's been since I've been to a carnival" Avery grinned "You talk about it quite often so I figured it would be fun" Sam said, grabbing Avery's hand walking her through the gates...

Sam and Avery road a couple rides, ate come cotton candy and even had some funnel cake. Avery had been eyeing the ferris wheel the entire time but was too scared to ask Sam to go on it, Sam had taken notice in this "You wanna ride the ferris wheel?" He asked "I'd love to ride the ferris wheel" Avery smiled "Okay, one more thing and we'll go ride it" Sam smiled... Sam and Avery walked up to what looked like a shooting range "Thirty seconds to shoot down all targets, would you like to try?" The man at the booth grinned "Sure" Sam smiled, laying some tickets on the wooden stand "Your time starts... Now" The man said when Sam picked up the water gun. Sam had 30 seconds to take down 30 targets and it only took him 15 seconds, Avery stood in awe as she watched her man take a giant wolf plushie from the man at the booth "Here ya are my dear" Sam winked "Why thank you, kind sir" Avery giggled as the made their way to the farris wheel. Avery really wasn't a fan of heights so as soon as they stepped on she grabbed Sam's arm and held on for dear life. "Hey, relax... I got you" Sam said softly, Avery took a deep breath and relaxed a bit. "Wow, the view is beautiful" Avery smiled "Yeah" Sam agreed, staring at Avery "You truly are" He said quietly "What was that?" Avery asked, knowing very well what he said "I said uh... you truly are" Sam repeated "I heard you the first time, I just wanted to hear it again" Avery grinned, leaning in towards him "I figured" Sam chuckled closing the gap, pulling Avery into a passionate kiss...


Sam and Avery were making their way back to the car "Hey, stay here... I'll be right back" Sam said, kissing Avery's cheek then walking towards what looked like a restroom... Avery couldn't help but to smile as she watched Sam walk away, but the smile soon faded when she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head and everything went black...

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