what happend

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Dean's P.O.V

"She's gonna hate me" I sighed "She's gonna hate both of us" Sam replied "You should have told her" He said "I know, I wish I would've" I replied...

Sam and I weren't actually on our way to Nevada, we were headed to the bunker to clear out a room for Sabrina which we have also had planned for a while but we didn't actually know we were doing it now until we were leaving Bobby's...

*Time Skip*

Sam and I had been cleaning and moving stuff for the past three hours "Whyyyyy?" I groaned "Why what?" Sam asked "Why didn't I fucking tell her" I replied "Cause you're an idiot" Sam stated "Wow thanks... That makes me feel so much better" I glared, my phone then started ringing "It's Bobby" I said, answering and putting him on speakerphone...

(D) "Hey Bobby, you're on speaker"
(B) "Sabrina is gone and I can't find her and she's left her phone on her bed"
(D/S) "We're on our way"

*Time Skip*

Sabrina's P.O.V

I woke up in a dark room, the last thing I remembered was going for a walk and then everything went black and now here I am. "Everything hurts. Why does everything hurt?" I thought. I tried to move but I soon realized I was tied to a chair "Fuck me" I groaned "Don't tempt me" I heard someone reply "Who are you and what do you want?" I asked "Oh calm down sweetheart, you're not the one I want. You're the bait for the trap, when Dean comes in to be the hero I'm gonna kill him, his brother and that stupid old man" The man replied "You and what army?" Dean asked, Sam and Bobby were standing behind him with guns and Dean had a knife and a lighter "What the absolute fuck?" I thought "What are you going to do with that?" The Man asked "Well, ya see.... You're not very good a covering your tracks and there was a bunch of sulfur left behind where we found Sabrina's jacket. We also found the water supply for the building" Dean explained, he then held his lighter up to one of the sprinklers on the ceiling causing them all to go off. The Man yelled out in pain as Dean got closer to him. "If any of you lay a finger on her again I will personally kill every last one of you" Dean threatened before stabbing the man...

Author's P.O.V

"Are you okay?" Dean asked "Yeah" Sabrina replied "Come on Baby, let's go home" He said softly, cutting the rope around her wrists "Dean look out!" Sam yelled, just as he fired a shot to distract whatever had snuck up behind Dean it had stabbed him in the back, his mouth fell open and he let out a shaky breath "I love you" He said before his head fell onto Sabrina's shoulder, Dean hadn't untied her legs yet so she still couldn't move, all she could do was sit there and hold onto Dean "You're okay, Bobby can fix you up. It's not even that bad" Sabrina whispered, trying to convince herself more than anything, she had put her hand over the stab wound and put some pressure. Dean was still breathing but it was very faint "I love you too, you're gonna be okay Dean" Sabrina said as tears began streaming down her face, she tucked her face in the crook of Dean's neck...

Bobby and Sam stood back for a bit and let Sabrina have her moment. Sam heard a quiet ringing noise and looked up "Bobby, look" He said quietly, Bobby looked up to Sabrina who was glowing "I wonder if that's what Cas was trying to tell us" Sam said "It's exactly what I was trying to tell you, she just doesn't know she's doing it" Cas replied, popping up behind Sam.

Dean woke up with a gasp, and if Sabrina wouldn't have had ahold of him he would have fallen backwards "What happened?" He asked "Sabrina is part Angel and she just healed you" Cas butted in "What?" Sabrina and Dean asked in unison "I didn't stutter" Cas replied walking away.

"Give me your knife" Sabrina said seriously to Dean "Why" He asked "Because, I need it" She replied as Dean desperately tried to finish cutting her loose. Dean was seeing double and couldn't for the life of him find the ropes "Dean, let me have it before you stab me or cut yourself" Sabrina said sternly, Dean gave in and handed her the knife, Sam walked over and helped Dean up "My head is pounding" He sighed "I'm sure, come on Bobby's got Sabrina" Sam said making his way to the car...

*Time Skip*

When they got back to Bobby's, Cas was there waiting on them. "Alright... Explain" Sabrina said sternly "Your mother was an angel and your father was a human... You're part Angel. You're also, my sister" Cas explained "So, if I healed Dean then why does he still look and feel terrible?" She asked "I am right here" Dean butted in "Because, you weren't able to completely heal him, he wasn't dead yet. You only healed him enough to wake him up, which was all you could so without killing yourself. Though you didn't know it, your body knew how much you could do" Cas replied "So have you known about this the whole time?" Sabrina asked "Yeah, since you were born" Cas answered "You mean, I've had a brother this entire time and he never once made an effort to help me out. I could've still been with Bobby growing up if you would've fucking stepped in. I wouldn't have had to go through all that shit, I would be somewhat normal and Dean wouldn't have to deal with an emotional train wreck" Sabrina snapped "I know and I'm sorry. I failed you and I failed mother" Cas sighed "Yeah, you did" Sabrina glared, walking off...

Sabrina's P.O.V

A little while later I heard a knock on my door "Go away" I said "Sabrina, I need to talk to you" I heard Dean say "If it's about that sorry excuse for a brother then I don't want to hear it" I replied "Well, too bad. Because we're talking about him" Dean said, coming into the room...
Dean sat on the bed in front of me and wiped the tears off my face. "If it makes you feel any better he didn't actually know where you were" Dean said "He could've found me" I replied "Well true but what if it made matters worse. What if your foster parents would've done something that couldn't be undone" He said "They already did. Dean, stop trying to make excuses for him. If he would've stayed after I had been born I could've lived my life with Bobby instead of behind forced to do things a 16 year old shouldn't have to do to her 40 year old foster parent. I know this sounds selfish but none of you know how bad it actually was and it haunts me every day of my life. I know I need to let it go but it's hard when it plays over and over in my head" I cried "Baby, you know you can talk to me about it. Maybe I can help you" Dean said "We've tried that already and it made you want to bring him back and kill him again" I replied "Fair point" Dean sighed "Hating Cas isn't gonna do you any good though" He said "I don't hate him... I'm just... extremely pissed" I replied "He truly is sorry Sabrina" Dean said, I nodded and laid down "I am too" I said quietly "But I'm taking a nap before I apologize" I stated "Okay. That sounds like a good idea" Dean smiled "You should nap with me" I said "Should I now?" He asked "Yes, you should. You should take you shirt off and cuddle me" I replied, Dean let out a soft chuckled and did exactly as I said. As soon as Dean laid down I wrapped my legs around him and nuzzled my head in his neck and let sleep take over...

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