The Moose and Avery

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Avery's P.O.V

I woke up in a very unfamiliar room. I sat up and looked around trying to remember what had happened yesterday. Although I was in a strange place, I felt safe. I rolled off the bed and went out to explore...

I found my way to what looked like a library where I also found the boys "Good morning" Dean smiled, being the first to notice me, I picked up that he was clearly the oldest with the way he takes care of everyone else around him. "Good morning" I smiled back, sitting down at the table "Where's Sabrina?" I asked "She's still asleep. She had a long night last night" Dean asked "I'm sure" Sam said sarcastically, Dean looked over with a serious bitch face "She kept waking up from nightmares, Asshole" He snapped. Dean seemed to get really defensive when something was said about Sabrina, which I liked he seemed like a good match for her...

After a few minutes of silence, Dean looked up and behind me "What's wrong?" He asked worriedly, Sabrina walked over in a flannel that was way too big and a pair of pajama shorts and tears in her eyes. She sat in Dean's lap and nuzzled her face under his chin. I had never realized how small Sabrina actually was until she was in Dean's lap but I also noticed that the flannel she had on looked too big for Dean "Is she fucking both of them?" I thought to myself "No, she wouldn't. I mean yeah people change but that's not her scene.  Maybe she just stole it from Sam, or he gave it to her because he never wears it" I thought. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Dean's chair creaked as he got up, Sabrina had fallen asleep, Dean gently laid her on the couch and kissed her forehead. "Is she okay?" I asked "She will be" Dean replied, covering her up "Also, she didn't get her Moose hug before she went to bed so you have to give her a hug when she wakes up" He said "Okay" Sam chuckled...

"So what all do you guys know about her... past?" I asked "All of it" Dean answered "I heard Able got killed" I said "Yup" Sam nodded "Which one of you got the pleasure?" I asked "Dean" Sam answered "How'd it feel?" I asked "Not bad actually" Dean answered "I've got to make a run to town, do either of you want to go?" Sam asked "I will" I smiled "Dean?" Sam asked "I'm gonna stay here with Bree. Hey Sam, don't forget the pie this time" Dean answered "Okay" Sam nodded and with that we left...

"Dean's a little protective over Sabrina" I stated "Oh yeah. Sabrina is his "Babygirl" and no one fucks with her" Sam replied "Wow. He really cares" I smiled "Yeah, he does. He stayed up all night with her once because she was afraid to go to sleep" Sam said "I was afraid she would affect the way he hunted but she motivates him to do better and work quickly but still carefully. I think they're great for each other, they take care of each other. She's willing to do anything for him and he's willing to do anything for her" Sam went on "Also, if you was to ever hear them doing stuff, feel free to come across the hall to my room because they get loud" Sam said "Okay" I chuckled "This is a really nice car" I smiled "It's Dean's" Sam replied "This is also Dean's baby and no one fucks with her either" Sam chuckled "Bree and Dean are a lot alike" I said "Yeah, they are. It's a little scary sometimes" Sam replied...

When Sam and I got back to the bunker, Dean had moved to the couch and fell asleep with Sabrina "I've never seen them both this relaxed" Sam smiled "Really?" I asked "Yeah, and Sabrina is gonna want this in a picture frame" Sam said getting his phone out "Dude. Are you serious? She used to say she hated when people did that stuff" I chuckled "Well she does it, she has I don't know now many pictures of her and Dean and the dogs hanging up in their room" Sam said "Wow. I never thought she'd be one to take pictures" I smiled "She has her own camera and everything, she's always talking pictures of something or someone" Sam said, now walking into the kitchen...

Sam began putting the food away and everything else in it's rightful spot "Did she do all this too?" I asked, looking around the perfectly organized kitchen "Yeah, she did while we were gone on a hunt and Dean had an absolute fit because he thought she got ride of his sharpening stones" Sam said "He never yelled though... Well... He never yelled at her" He said "He did one time though and I don't know who took it harder, him or her" Sam chuckled "Really?" I asked "Yeah. She looked scared and Dean looked like he was about to cry but then he immediately apologized" Sam said "But now he can yell and she yells back and then they go have sex and they're fine" He said "Jesus. That escalated quickly" I chuckled "Yeah and it does for real too" Sam said "I don't want to know all this" I said "If I have to suffer, you do too" Sam chuckled "I hate you" I laughed...

The rest of the day went pretty well, Sabrina got her "Moose hug" as Dean called it. Sabrina made some homemade beef stew and put it in a casserole dish and baked cornbread on top of it, which even though I'm not a fan of cornbread it was really, really good. Sabrina said that she cooks homemade meals every night, it helps ground her and relax after a long day...

After dinner, Sabrina and Dean went and took a shower leaving me and Sam alone which even after the conversation about Bree and Dean and the time we spent in the car it was awkward now. Sam was really tall and quite good looking and I tried not to make it obvious that I was looking at him but, although he acted like he didnt see anything, he still knew. "So... How long has Sabrina been living here?" I asked "About a year" Sam answered "She seems to like it" I stated, trying to break the awkward silence "Yeah. We enjoy her company too and it's been nice not having to listen to Dean complain about not seeing her" Sam chuckled, there was something about Sam and his laugh that made my heart leap with joy, I just wanted to love him....

We fell into another but this time comfortable silence "Well, I'm gonna go on to bed" I smiled "Okay. Goodnight Avery" Sam smiled "Goodnight Sam" I smiled back.

As I got ready for bed I heard Sabrina and Dean so I turned some music on just loud enough to tone them out... As soon as my head hit my pillow I was asleep...

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