Epiphany ~ Chapter 5.

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-Guren's POV-
I put my head in my hands and ran them through my hair before standing up and pacing around the room again.

"Shit..." I groaned, opening my office door, I couldn't stay here.

I walked out and didn't notice I almost whacked Kai with the door. He didn't seem too mad as he followed after me in a rush and grabbed my shoulder,

"Hey, Guren? You alright?" He seemed concerned,

"I'm going to work!" I announced loudly,

"It's your day off though?" Kai queried confused,

"...day off to work." I nodded as I completed his sentence,

He sighed.

Takana suddenly ran out of the living room, "Master Guren wait!"

I stopped and turned to face her, raising my eyebrow at her, "What is it?",

She looked at me guiltily, "P-please don't be too harsh on Y/N. I provoked her, it's my fault so punish me instead." She stuttered,

I sighed, placing my hand on top of her head, "It's not because of that; it's something else."

"I still got her into trouble though; I'm the reason you guys fought. So I deserve to be punished for that." She lowered her head,

I gave her curls a ruffle, she seemed to be shouldering a lot of unnecessary guilt and I didn't want to put anymore on her, "Take care of Y/N for me. I'm relying on you, ok?" I shot her my best grin and she seemed to cheer up a bit,

"Ok." She nodded to me, seeming more determined,

I began walking out the door, but when I opened it something came to mind, "Wait a second, Takana?" I turned around,

"Yes, Master Guren?" She poked her head back round the living room doorway,

"How did you know we had a fight?" I tilted my head in curiosity,

She said nothing and looked at Kai who was behind me,

I directed my attention to him and he looked at me, suddenly pushing me out the door, "Now, now, you're going to be late." He urged me out the door,

"Late? It's my day off though?"

"Day off to work, I haven't forgotten." He shoved me out the door,

"Oi, I'm going to kill you." I said as the door slammed shut at my face,

I sighed at his successful attempt at getting rid of me. 'Well looks like we're going to work' I thought to myself.

-Y/N's POV-
I was stood at the top of the staircase, holding onto the bar as I sulked.
I watched the door shut after Guren and breathed in a sigh of relief, I could finally get started with my plan.

"Oi, Y/N-?"

I jumped and yelped as I turned to face Kai, "I thought you were downstairs with the others when did you get up here?" I was still sensitive after the fight so Kai's sudden appearance scared the remaining tears out of me,

"Nevermi- Hey are you crying?"

"You scared me." I lowered my head as the tears fell,

"Hey, hey, hey, I'm sorry, ok don't cry, please don't cry." He put his hands on my shoulders and shook me lightly, bending his head to see my face,

"Kai." I hiccuped,

"Y-yes?" He responded cautiously,

"Are you still worried about Guren even though we've fallen out and he's not even here?" I sniffled,

Epiphany. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 2. [Semi-hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now