Epiphany ~ Chapter 7.

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-Y/N's POV-
Guren still hadn't returned, or showed any signs of making an appearance anytime soon and I began to feel bad for the way I reacted. Was I too harsh on him perhaps? Maybe I was wrong; I hadn't tried to understand his situation.

While I was sat on the kitchen counter analysing my current predicament, an annoying person came into my field of vision. I tried swatting Kai's head out of the way but he dodged effortlessly,

"Don't worry, he's fine." He drawled faking annoyance,

"Why did you have to come back today?" I whined, rolling my eyes,

"Why wouldn't I? Do I have a secret harem at work? No."

"Everyone is still asleep, I can get rid of you and no one will know." I threatened, scoffing at his harem fantasy,

"Summon your gun and I will scream." He put his hands out, getting into a fighting stance,

"Are you sure you're living the harem life or are you just getting femdommed?" I glanced at him,

"Femdommed?" He repeated in disbelief,

"I'm serious. You're always getting bullied here, no ones falling at your feet as your desire suggests. Perhaps you're a masochist?"

"Huh? At least you admit to me being bullied." He sighed before realising the rest of what I'd said, "Wait, MASOCHIST?"

"Yeah." I confirmed, "Are you still in denial? We can test it out if you want?" I stood up,

"You must think I'm easy, Y/N." He frowned, "Guren isn't here and you haven't undergone any military training recently." He got back into a fighting stance,

"You're right! This must be a warmup, are you bringing someone more qualified to train me? I faked excitement."

"That's enough you two." I heard Takana say as Kai rolled his eyes in response,

"Oh, good morning." I turned around to face Takana who made a beeline to the fridge, rubbing her eyes,

"Morning." She responded, grabbing the milk carton from the fridge, she closed the door and spun around, "You're back?" She addressed Kai,

He smirked, "Excited?"

Takana didn't seem to have the energy to be even the slightest bit annoyed and instead shot a sarcastic reply back,

"Elated." She got to making her tea, as I settled back on the kitchen island,

"Why are you back so early?" Takana asked,

"The thing with the army is that you want to get out of there as soon as possible. I was given permission last night but it was too late so I came at the ungodly hours of the morning so you guys could wake up to me being here like you'd wake up to presents under the tree in Christmas." He finished his long explanation, which almost seemed rehearsed as he didn't trip over a single word, or even stop to think,

"Did you just liken yourself to Christmas presents?" I scrunched my nose,

"I'm just saying how it is." He shrugged,

"Did you even sleep?" Takana seemed to get more than enough sleep, and the thought of being sleep-deprived disturbed her in a comedic sense.

"Yeah!" He answered as if it was obvious, "30 minutes and you're good to go."

"Half an hour? Go to bed." She stood up and began pushing him out,

"Relax Takana, that's normal, you don't sleep in the army." I waved off her concern,

Epiphany. [Guren Ichinose x Reader] ➥ Book 2. [Semi-hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now