The Void

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Jungkook arrived his penthouse with drained body, exhausted from all the works and meeting going on the whole day.

All these years, he has been looking for someone who could fill his empty and heavy heart because of that annoying kid. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't commit himself to someone else. One night stand is all he's done to get rid of his hollowness.

He just wants someone to come back home to. His big,cold, and empty penthouse only makes it worse. He still doesn't know why he bought a 3 rooms, big ass penthouse for himself when he has no one to share the space with.

He didn't wander into the matter. He's just tired of everything. Life is dull and repetitive; there's noting to lift his mood.

Jin decided to grant his parents' wish; him returning to Korea. He knows he can't run away forever so he's finally collected himself to confront his biggest nightmare at his homeland.

He goes back to spend his birthday with his parents after a long time of not celebrating the festive occasion. His parents are over the moon right after hearing the good news from their son. He finally return back to their embraces.

"Babe, are you ready?"

Jin asked his girlfriend. They decided to go back together. Jisoo too will face her problem because she knows that Jin got her back.

"More than ever hon. Thanks for having my back, always"

She hugs his neck bring him down to peck his lip lovingly

"I can't wait to introduce you to my parents. They're gonna love you"

Jin combs his finger through her silky raven hair that he adores so much

"Let's go babe"

They leave their safe haven, intertwine their fingers, ready to face the problems head on.

"Son, come to our home tomorrow. Let's have dinner together with the Kims"

Soomi called her workaholic son, asking him to come home after him ignoring his parents for a long time.

"What's with tomorrow mom?"

Jungkook doesn't want to do anything. He knows too well that tomorrow is Jin's birthday and he wants to do noting besides drowning himself with his wines over his miserable life.

"Just come brat!! What's so hard with you coming home to your parents?"

She reprimanded him again and again over this matter. Her son barely sets his foot in the Jeon mansion since years ago. Only when there're party or important occasions that he bestowed his parents the present of his mighty self
(A/N: the sarcasm lol)

She heard from Jin's parents that Jin is coming back to Korea. She missed her small bean so much.

The kids are heartless; how could they leave the elders and not visiting them like that. She won't miss this chance to reunited her son and the small bean as well. Oh how she misses the old time when the kids are inseparable.

"I'l try mom, you know that dad pushes everything off his hand to me to spend more time with you right?"

His parents are lovebirds even at this age when he has no one. How envious of them!!

"Brat, don't complain and come home. You should be happy that your dad loves me. Hmpf"

"Alright alright, I'll try after wrapping up the meeting"

Jungkook just hung up on his mom like that every times and his mom just wants to kill him

"Tsk, if you're not my only child, I'd end your life years ago. Brat"

She took out her frustration on the poor phone in her hand

"Yay!! my small bean is back. My son-in-law is back. Oh my life won't be boring anymore"

She squealed like some teenagers in their High School,already planning how to spend time with her small bean, baking and shopping together.

How she doesn't know that the fun part isn't the fun she expected at all.

Next Chapter will be the long awaited reunion. Sweet!!!!!

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