Insufferable Jerk

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He just stares at the sulking bunny sitting at his own desk.

"Isn't my desk supposed to be in the same room with Jimin? How comes it's here instead? When did you move it?"

"I have to mentoring you on the next project so it's easier this way. It helps save time and more effective."

Jungkook said like a sulking child when Jin just left him alone to go to Jimin. He'll never admit that he did it to separate Jin from Jimin or Jin will kill him for sure.

He knows how scary his Jinnie is when he's angry. He won't try his luck.

Jin just tsked at his illogical reason because he knows this jerk will do whatever it takes to get what he wants.

He just goes to his desk and read documents on his desk, scanning his obligations and note down. He has to arrange Jungkook's schedules as well.

If this is just the first day, then Jin would vomit blood soon with Jungkook's insufferable attitude.

"Why didn't you wake me up this morning?"

Jungkook asked Jin out of blue and Jin wants to toss document in his hand at Jungkook's face. This jerk is really getting on his nerve.

"Do I have to? Since when did I become your alarm clock?"

He asked with unbelievable voice. Does he have to do everything now.

"You're my personal assistant. Can't you wake me up? We live in the same home anyway."

"How much are you willing to pay me? I am your personal assistant not personal servant."

Jin just said it out of frustration and turn back to read document but Jungkook takes that seriously.

He walked to Jin's desk and turned his seat toward him, caging Jin between his big frame and the seat.

"What do you want then, Jinnie?"

Jungkook asked seriously. He's willing to give him everything.

"What?" Jin's dumbfounded with his action.

"You asked me how much I'm willing to pay."

"It's just a general words people say when they face something unbelievable. Why do you take it that serious?"

Jin tried to push Jungkook away but the big bully won't let him.

"I have to take it seriously; it's you who said it anyway. Should I give you all of my salary hmm? Or should I add your name to our house's deed?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go back to your work. I'm trying to work here Jungkook-ssi."

Jungkook teasingly bring his seat closer to him. He leaned his face closer to Jin and looks at his flustered hamster.

"As long as you cook for me and make coffee for me everyday, you can have all my salary and my bonus too. Is it enough? Or should I pay you with my body too, Jinnie?"

He seductively breaths on Jin's face. Jin's just irresistible for Jungkook's fragile heart. His sweet scent makes him want to hug him all day and bath himself in it.

"S-stop it. Go back to your desk or no coffee for you today Jungkook-ssi."

Jin looks mouthwatering with his flushed red face and ears and Jungkook wants to bite him.

"I really want to bite you my hamster but I won't. FYI, I'm craving for something else but your coffee will be suffice...for now."

He let go of Jin's seat and straighten his posture. He'll stop for now. It's just Jin's first day and he doesn't want to scare him off.

"Why do you have to have final word in everything?"

Jin breaths through his nose to calm his fast beating heart. Jungkook is shameless as he's observed him these few days.

"What final word? I've settled with what you suggested Jinnie. I let you have it your way."

He asked back with a smirk; knowing what Jin referred to but he has fun teasing his Jinnie.


Jin looked straight at his bully's face. Why did he fall for his jerk though.

"You were that dumb Jinnie. Look at this jerk now. He's just a big bully."

Jin scoffed at his younger self internally.

"This jerk heard you, Jinnie. Be grateful that I want coffee instead of what I wanted at the beginning."

He said teasingly, licking his lip while looking straight at Jin.

It's a hint for Jin to rush out of the office to make Jungkook a coffee or he'll be his target instead.

Run away from him, Jinnie!!!!

Enjoys folks💜

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