Trapped Pt. 1

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Jin scoffed at Jungkook's sarcastic remark. If the Jeon conglomerate is small then the company he used to work for will be called family business for sure.

"Have you ever heard of a saying goes 'the size of the house doesn't matter, it's the people inside that does' Jungkook-ssi?"

Jin can't help but being sarcastic back, he's not the kid back then who would let Jungkook has his way anymore. The world doesn't revolve around him

"So you're applying that you don't wanna work with my dad and Namjoon hyung as well?"

Jungkook smirks at his Jinnie, he has always had whatever he wants and right now he wants Jinnie back in his embrace. He won't let Jin slips through his finger just because Jin responded back with that petty remark

"Ouch that hurt!!"

Jungkook hissed at Namjoon because he just hit him on the back of his head.

He can't help but want to strangle Jungkook to death. He should have killed him 9 years ago so that everyone will live their lives happy.

Jungkook is getting out of hand and it worries him immensely

"Joonnie hyung, uncle, I know you noticed that I didn't refer my remark to you guys right?


Jin thought internally and send a glare to the big bully who is also looking at him with a furrowed eyebrows

"Can I work with you instead hyungie?"

Jin directed his question to Namjoon who was back to his eating the sweet dessert but freeze instantly with the question

Jungkook almost retorted back to Jin but Namjoon has already said what he wanted to

"Err... I can't lil' bean, I already have my own personal assistant"

Namjoon awkwardly chuckled, no matter how much he disapproves of Jungkook's action, he also want both of his favorite dongsaengs to make up and go back the the time 3 of them hang out together again

Jungkook chuckled after hearing Namjoon's respond

"You have nowhere to escape from my grasp my Jinnie"

The elders could see who's leading the game right now and Jungkook is creepy with that villain smile on his bunny face

"Appa Eomma"

Jin starts to whine to his parents again, hoping that at least they would let him breath but well, what could he expect from them though

"Just work at the Jeon company first Jinnie, you know, getting new experience is always a win-win situation right Honey?"

Jin's mom take her husband's hand into hers to signal him to help adding more to her remark

"Right right, grab the chance son. you know how many people line up just to work for the Jeon corporation?"

Jisoo could only look at her boyfriend with sympathy, but she helps anyway

"Right babe, work for the Jeon company first so you could change the atmosphere and if you don't like it, you can just resign and wait for your previous company right?"

And she did help Jin's elders' side not his

Jin only look at his beautiful girlfriend's face and goes speechless tho

"babe, if I start working now, I wouldn't be able to find my apartment"

Jin hopes that is the most logical reason right now. But what he doesn't know is that he's created a biggest trap for himself, thanks to Jungkook's grin as an indication

"Oh you're looking of apartment right now lil' Jinnie? is it for both you and pretty Jisoo here or just you?"

the she-devil won't let this chance slips, finally!!!!! and Jin knows where all of this thing is going to

"No Mrs. Jeon. The apartment is for Jinnie alone. I want to live with my parents for a while before moving out"

For the very first time, Jisoo made eye contact with Soomi and Soomi is kinda like the girl a little bit more. Just a bit though

"That's perfect then. Son, you still have 2 empty bedrooms at your too-specious-penthouse if i remember correctly right?"

"Been waiting for you to ask that question eomma"

Jungkook wickedly thought while winking at his mom

There, Jin is trapped with his biggest nightmare, he knows that they won't let him live

"If Jinnie here doesn't mind sharing the same roof as me, then he can move in as soon as possible. Tomorrow is perfect to move in, don't you think so Jinnie. It's saturday anyway"

And that's how the death penalty dropped for Jin
I'm back from the wild and was hit by all of these Co-vid 19 news.

Take care of yourself folks. Don't be reckless during this important period please.


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