...Before The Storm

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The joint project is going smoothly with the trio working hard on making it right to satisfy both parties.

They're waiting for the arrival of the Kim's group right now with their minds occupied with the information, well except Jungkook.

"Jinnie, please!! just another cup of coffee. I might die if I don't get to drink it now."

Jungkook pleasingly said while looking at Jin expectedly. He feels like he's starving for his Jinnie's aromatic coffee to death.

"Aren't you tired asking for the same thing just to get rejected over and over, Jungkook-ssi?"

Jin looks at Jungkook with an annoyed face, can't he let him work in peace for one day.

"Aren't you tired too to reject something only to get requested over and over?"

Jungkook imitated Jin's tone and it annoys the younger to no end.

Yoongi, the grandpa he is, just enjoys the scene and let the couple bickering to their heart's content. He hasn't laugh this much long time ago.

"Fine then, one last cup and that's it. If you ask me for another cup, Jungkook-ssi, I swear you won't like the consequences."

Jin said, gritting his teeth hard. A week of working with Jungkook and he feels like he's aged 10 years already.

Jin stormed out of the office and came back after 15min with 3 cups of coffee that Jungkook is dying to have a taste.

"Why 3? I thought you said 1 cup only?"

Jungkook is escalated right now. Not 1 but 3 cups. He has no complaint at all.

"1 cup for you only Mr. Jeon. Hyung-nim, here is your first cup of coffee from me. And the last one is for me, I need this to deal with your bullshit and the meeting with the Kims."

Jin sassily stated and sat down on his seat, ignoring the fuming bunny who looks at Yoongi's coffee like he's going to steal it.

"Jinnie's coffee should be exclusively mine."

Yoongi knowingly smirks at Jungkook and was amazed with the taste.

"It tastes surprisingly good. I now know why this kid bugged you the whole day for it."

Jungkook was about to say the coolest comeback he could think of but Jimin rudely cut off his chance.

"The Kims have arrive at the waiting room. Should I invite them to the small meeting room or here in your office Mr. Jeon."

All the playful acts were cast aside, full working mode on for the trio.

"Escort them to the room I've assigned this morning and don't forget to inform Joonie hyung and Heseokie as well."

Jin swiftly gathers important stuff for the briefing and prepares to ace it for his first project in the Jeon Corporation.

"Got it. I've already informed them. They're on their way to the meeting room."

"Jimin, ask someone to take these 3 cups of coffee to the meeting room too."

Jungkook will never forget his coffee and it earns a loud groan from Jin who looking at him like he's gone insane.

But Jin let it slips, they have more important thing to tend to rather than bickering all day.

Namjoon and Hoseok were waiting for them in front of the room before they all going inside to greet the familiar faces.

"What took you so long, Jungkook. Was our grandpa here taking 10 hr. nap again?"

Taehyung playfully states and goes for a hug from Jungkook. There's no formality between them and teasing Yoongi is definitely one of their favorite things to do.

"Yeah don't mind him, he's kinda too old to handle all of these workload."

"My dear young lads, please have some manner and introduce us formally. I'm sleepy so let's wrap this up fast."

Yoongi's words earn laughter from them and easing up tension between the guests.

"Let's sir down first. Take it easy as this is a briefing session to familiar ourselves with the core member in charge of our joint project."

One by one they introduced themselves and starts the meeting right after that. The meeting was wrapped up smoothly except for the stealing gaze Taehyung glanced at Jin's direction and Jin to another female figure sat next to Taehyung.

It doesn't go unnoticed by Jungkook, Yoongi, Jimin, and Namjoon. They can feel the tension.

Enjoys folks💜
Double update is on the way to accompany this chapter.

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