Sweet Reunion

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"I'm here babe, let's go together"

Jisoo side-hugged him while holding his hand tight, reassuring him that she too got his back

"Thanks you" Jin kissed her forehead while savoring the close proximity with her.

Jisoo knows his nightmare; they opened up to one another after that one faithful night at UK. She knows every details which even his parents don't know about.

His parents didn't say anything. They don't know the details but they weren't blind. They could guess the root of everything

"Let's go there together, so we can introduce Jisoo to the Jeons as well son. You have such lovely girlfriend; don't you want to show her off to them?"

His parents could only pray for tomorrow to go smoothly. They just want the kids to live happily and get rid of the suffocated tension

"Okay, I'll go there... Jisoo, stay with me tonight please"

Jin said, not letting go of Jisoo. How could he do that when he took another step closer to his nightmare.

Jin accompanied Jisoo the whole day, meeting her parents,  and bonding with them. They didn't welcome them with open hands but Jin didn't want to make Jisoo uncomfortable so he just go along with them.

They also looking for apartment for Jin with the thought of sharing it with each other in mind. They want something not too big, where they could share the space comfortably with one another.

Then comes the evening time, Jin wants to just run away from everything again but Jisoo won't let him do so. Just like how he got her back in the morning with her parents, she too wants to help Jin gets rid of his nightmare.

On the way to Jeon's mansion, everything is flashing in front of him, pull him back into the painful memory land.

Jin got teary with the painful tug in his heart, reminding him of his own misery, how he hasn't moved on from his first love like he has thought.

As soon as Jin parked his car in the garage, his tear flows down hard with that day's incident reoccurring inside his brain. How could something happened 9 years ago still affects him this much, Jin's dumbfounded.

Jisoo gets out of the car and go to Jin's side to pull him out and wipe his tears lovingly, understand so well how Jin feels at the moment.

"Cry as hard as you want Jinnie, I'm here. You have me. Get the resentment and frustration out of your heart and live a new life"

Jisoo hugged him tight caressing his back, sooting him down, assure him that he got her and there's nothing he has to worry about
Jin holds on to her and pressed her against his car door and hug her tight, nuzzling his face on her neck, inhale her sweet scent to calm his frantic heart

"There there big baby alpaca there"

Jin pulled back from the hug and cupped Jisoo's face and caress it softly before diving to capture her lip with his pair passionately. Jisoo kisses him with the same intensity but she deepened it when she saw male figure standing behind them looking at her like he wants to kill her with bare hands.

Jungkook rushed to his mansion as soon as he finished with his straining meeting because he doesn't want Mrs. Jeon to reprimands him regarding his workaholic attitude again.

His body turned rigid when he saw the van of Jin's parents. His mom didn't tel him that the Kim parents will join them. Even though they have never asked him anything regarding the past but it's him who can't face them without feeling guilty.

He parked his car at the side of the garage seeing how the garage is filled already. But what he didn't expect is witnessing the a couple hugging each other tightly near a black unfamiliar car.

He feels like his inside going to burst out when the male pull back from the hug and his face reflected on the car's window.

There stand the annoying kid he hasn't seen for 5 years. His body moves on its own, walking toward Jin's direction. Jungkook wants to hug Jin tightly, to feel the his warm against his body again. He misses Jin so much that he could cry.

But his step halted as he saw Jin cupped the girl's face and kisses her intently and the kiss is filled with so much adoration and love. He feels like all the hurt he's felt these past 9 years are nothing compared to witnessing Jin kissing some other girl. That girl's place should be his. Jin is His since He was a baby.

His body froze with the anger and the intension of wanting the rip the girl off Jin. He saw how the girl deepened the kiss after seeing his standing behind them.

"How dare you!!!"

Jungkook screamed internally
It's been a long time folks haha
Enjoy the update and see ya soon...

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