Between Friends

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"What does it has to do with Jin? Sleepover is our routine, it's our thing and it suck when you suddenly canceled it just to go on a fucking date."

"Yeah you're right, it has nothing to do with Jinnie because whether he's here or not, it changes nothing."

"Whether he's here or not, you'll never love me." Jimin internally screaming.

"And it's not 'our thing', it's 'your thing' because you was the one suggested it to begin with."

Jimin calmly stated it and Taehyung's gut is telling him to not clarify anything but he did anyway.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Let's live our lives like normal friend do from now on. You go after your love and I'll live my life however I want. I can't accompany you for the rest of my life. I have my life too you know. Is it too much to ask for?"

It left Taehyung speechless at the moment because he's imagining his life without Jimin and it's so lonely and empty, he doesn't want that.

"And why now? We've been doing that for years and just a first date with him makes you go all independent? What did he give you that I didn't? What's so special about him that you want to drop everything for him?"

Taehyung asked with irritated and somehow hurt voice, he thought their friendship will stay forever but it's changed when there's a man walks into their lives.

"Taehyung, we're friend and he's my date so as a potential boyfriend. I didn't drop everything for him because we still can hang out like normal friends and I see nothing wrong with that."

Jimin tried to make Taehyung understand his point but looking at the male in front of him, it seems like no word could pass through his thick ego wall right now.

Just hearing Jimin mentioned Taemin as a 'potential boyfriend' makes his inside snapped. No way in hell would he let that happen.

He's still single so Jimin has to accompany him no matter what. He's selfish and he knows but he won't let other bastard steals Jimin from him.

"Let's talk later. We'll have sleepover at my place tonight and that's it."

Taehyung starts dragging Jimin to his car again and Jimin has never been this frustrated with his smaller frame that can't fight against the giant brat.

"Tae, let me go you asshole. I want to rest and right now you're making me lose more of my energy."

Jimin squealed hard when Taehyung suddenly lifted him bridal style out of blue.

"Yeah that's my name, Tae and Taetae. Remember it and I'm your hyung, Chimchim, so don't you dare curse me. Oh!! didn't you say you're tired? Stop moving now or I'll drop you."

He shamelessly told Jimin off and effortlessly buckled up him in passenger seat like Jimin weights nothing before went around to driver side.

"I said I want to cancel this sleepover thingy, can't you hear me."

Jimin yelled at him like a grumpy kitten while continuously hitting his shoulder. He loves him, it's a big yes but Taehyung is being an asshole right now.

"You said it's me who initiated it right? So isn't it supposed to be me who have right to cancel it?"

He smirks at Jimin because he deadly glares at him with an adorable pout like a naughty kitten  who needs to be tamed. Taehyung is more that ready to tame him.

"I ordered your favorites and some dumplings, didn't you say you love them?"

Taehyung brought up foods to bribe him because he knows it always work in the past.

Just a mention of those dumplings makes Jimin drooling but he turned to the window to hide his sparking eyes and hug his stomach tight to hide the sound his stomach makes.


Jimin mumbled to himself but thanks to the silence inside the car that Taehyung heard him loud and clear.

The whole ride falls into silence because Jimin wants to kill himself for being so easy for Taehyung.

"We're here."

Taehyung sing-song before open Jimin's door side and help him take off his seatbelt.

Their faces are so close that the idea of showering Jimin's face with kisses overwhelm Taehyung and he does it.

He cupped his cheeks and kisses him all over his feature especially his forehead, he repeatedly peck the same spot Taemin kissed him to erase the trace.

That makes Jimin rooted on spot.

"Yeah, exactly what friends do."

He sarcastically thought and incredulously looks at his friend.

"Don't you dare let other touch you, especially like this."

Taehyung said like it's matter of fact, like he hasn't just kissed Jimin all over his face.
And that's it. Next will be JinKook's scene. Sorry for inserting these chapters tho.

Enjoys folks,

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