Too Soon

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Chapter Thirty-One


~Violetta's POV~


"Ugh, can you believe her?!" I say my cheeks flustered and warm.

Leon had offered to walk home with me.


"She just makes me so angry! I haven't done anything and now she's acting like a total b*tch to me!" I start pacing around the sidewalk.

"Violetta, calm down! She's your best friend..."

"Was... She was my best friend, Leon you have to understand that"

"You shouldn't fight over something as silly as this"

"Oh, So are you saying I'm overeacting?!"

"No! What? I never said that... I just said mean-"

"I can't believe you're taking sides with her!" I shout at him.

"Violetta, you're not listening... Okay, I'm on your side... I just... Don't want to see you upset like this" He says holding my arms so that I stay in place.

I take a deep breath and relax. "You're right... I-I guess I shouldn't be talking about her behind her back to you..."

He nods his head and gives me a little smile.

"Sorry, I'm sure you're tired of hearing me talk about all this drama" I say.

"No, it's fine... We're friends, I'm here to listen to all your troubles"

"Um Okay" I grin.

"Hey, is that your house?"

"Oh... Yeah, we're here! Thanks for walking me"

"No problem" He smiles.

"Okay, well I have to go deal with my dad... I wonder what news he has to give me..." I sigh. "See you tomorrow"

"Yeah, see you... Text me if you need someone to talk to for any reason"

"Erm... Okay... Thanks?"

"Your welcome" He smiles at me and then turns away leaving with his hands in his pockets.



I walk inside the living room and see Angie and my dad kissing on the couch.

"Ugh. Gross!"

"Oh Violetta! Good you're home!" My dad exclaims.

"That was a really unpleasant welcome..."

"Sorry" Angie says shyly.

"Violetta, now that you're here... I think there's something we should say..."

"W-what?" I ask unamused.

"Okay, should I tell her? Or do you want to?" My dad asks Angie in a playful tone.

"You should do it" She giggles.

"No, we should say together" He says holding her hands.

"Okay! Let's say it at the same time!"

"1,2... 3........"

"Okay" I give up. "What's so important? And why are you taking a whole entire year to tell me the news?"

"Now, Violetta, I hope you know that I'm very happy with Angie"

"Okay..." I respond crossing my arms.

"And... We're getting married next Saturday!"

"E-excuse me?!"

"Yes. It's true, Vilu. Please be happy for us. We love each other very much" Angie smiles.

"You... want to move your wedding 6 months early? That's just...-Just too soon! Are you crazy?!"

"No. We didn't want to wait! Is that too bad?" My dad asks with a worried expression. "Violetta, sweetie, you don't have to understand, but you do need to be happy for us..."

"Have you not been listening to me this whole time?! I don't like any of this! I told you I don't want you to get re-married papa!"

"Violetta, we are already way past that-"

"You are." I say in a serious tone. "But I'm not."

"Violetta! This is enough!" Dad yells.

"Vilu..." Angie says coming over to comfort me.

"Don't touch me." I angrily ran upstairs and slammed my bedroom door.


For the next few hours, I spent my brooding time, crying and screaming into my pillow.

After I heard my dad close the lights and head to bed, I wiped my tears and grabbed my phone.

I began pushing buttons in anger and dialed Leon's number.

I don't know why I'm talking to him. At times like these, I need to talk to Francesca.

"Francesca's gone." I remind myself. And I can care less about what she has to say.

I spent what seemed like a minute waiting for him to answer and after I almost quit, I heard him pick up...

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