Ch. 3 Sing A Long

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Megan POV
So I called David and agreed to be the fitness trainer for the tour. He was thrilled that I agreed.
Anyway, I'm looking at songs to sing for this contest. I have so many songs on my Spotify playlist. When I sing, the beat of the song has to have me in the drive and mood that I know the crowd will love.
Bailey comes in my room to check on me.

Bailey: How are you coming?
Megan: Eh. It's hard to pick out a song that I'm gonna sing. The contest is in three days and I got nothing.
Bailey: I wish I could help you think of something. But my mind is all over the place.
Megan: It's okay. I'm gonna go visit your mom.
Bailey: Okay sis. Tell her I said hi and if she has some of her famous pound cake bring some back.
Megan: Hahaha okay.

So I leave the apartment and head over to visit Laura and Matt's house.

I get there and I knock on the door

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I get there and I knock on the door. My mom comes and answers the door.

Laura: Hi Meg.
Megan: Hi Laura.

We hug and I walk inside and we go to the kitchen.

Laura: How are you?
Megan: I'm doing pretty good. Bailey told me to tell she said hi
Laura: Awww. So what's been going on?
Megan: Well you know about me going on tour with this artist being the fitness trainer and all.
Laura: Yeah. I think that's awesome.
Megan: Also, signed up to do this singing contest at the bar. If you win the contest, you win a record contract.
Laura: Oh Meg that's amazing. You get to finally showcase your talent.
Megan: The problem is I can't think of a song to sing.
Laura: Aww. What song do you have in mind?
Megan: I don't know. I just know I want it to be something that will leave people stunned.

Then, my Matt walks in.

Matthew: I thought I heard your voice.
Megan: Haha. Hi Matt.

We both hug and he sits down with us.

Matthew: What are you guys talking about?
Laura: Meg is gonna be in a singing contest and she's having trouble picking out a song to sing.
Matthew: Oh. Hmmmmmmm.

Matt thinks of a good song for me to sing.

Matthew: I got it.

He whispers it in my ear.

Megan: Oh!!! That's a good one!!
Laura: What is it?

We tell her and she loves it.

Laura: That's perfect.
Megan: I'm gonna practice it when I get home. Also, mom can I take home some of your pound cake? Bailey wants some.
Laura: Hahaha. Sure sweetie.
Matthew: When is the contest Megs?
Megan: In two days at the bar near the shopping center.
Laura: We will be there to support.
Megan: Haha. Thanks.

I take some pound cake home with me for Bailey and I.
The next couple of days, I practiced my song. I feel confident singing it and everything.
The day of the contest arrives, Bailey insists on taking me shopping. She takes me to the Louis Vuitton store and Chanel. The two of many expensive stores I don't shop at. I trust her since of fashion because she's a YouTube fashion sensation.
We get home and she does my hair and makeup. I tell her not to go over board with it and jay keep it simple.

Tony POV
I'm meeting up with Peyton.

Peyton: Have you decided on who is gonna be your opening act for the tour?
Tony: Nope. But I'm definitely looking.
Peyton: Look, you have to find someone soon so that we can start rehearsals.
Tony: Peyton, I know that. I'm looking okay. I'm probably looking at taking a different approach with this.
Peyton: How?
Tony: Instead of asking like someone who is famous and familiar to the fans, that we have someone who is up and coming. Like introducing them to the fans and help them into the music world.
Peyton: That doesn't sound to bad. But there's a problem. Who do you know is a up and coming artist?
Tony: I'm actually going to see them perform at a music contest tonight.
Peyton: I'm gonna come with you to see for myself.
Tony: Okay. Don't be too harsh on them okay?
Peyton: Okay.

So we leave the office and head to the contest.
We arrive 30 minutes later, with me being a celebrity I have to hide my face in places like this. So I put on my glasses that I always wear in this type of situation and my baseball cap. Peyton and I walk in and sit down.

Megan POV
Bailey and I get to the bar, I check in and everything and they have me sent backstage to prepare for my performance.
I'm a bit nervous, but I'm taking deep breaths.
Soon, it became my time to sing. I go on stage with my guitar. I have one on the piano. I look out in the crowd. I see Bailey, Laura, and Matt. I look around even more and I recognize someone else. Anyway, my song comes on and I start to sing.

Megan: A lonely mother gazing out of her window
Staring at a son that she just can't touch
If at any time he's in a jam she'll be by his side
But he doesn't realize he hurts her so much
But all the praying just ain't helping at all
'Cause he can't seem to keep his self out of trouble
So, he goes out and he makes his money the best way he know how
Another body laying cold in the gutter
Listen to me
Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
I seen rainbow yesterday
But too many storms have come and gone
Leavin' a trace of not on God-given ray
Is it because my life is ten shades of gray
I pray all ten fade away
Seldom praise Him for the sunny days
And like his promise is true
Only my faith can undo
The many chances I blew
To bring my life to anew
Dreams are hopeless aspirations
In hopes of comin' true
Believe in yourself
The rest is up to me and you
Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast
Don't go chasing waterfalls
Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to
I know that you're gonna have it your way or nothing at all
But I think you're moving too fast.

After my performance, the whole building was on their feet cheering for me. I take a bow and get off the stage.

Tony POV
Megan's performance was amazing. I didn't even know that she could play the guitar.

Tony: What do you think P?
Peyton: What a power house of a voice?
Tony: Haha. Told you.
Peyton: Good thing I recorded her. What's her name?
Tony: Megan.
Peyton: She's perfect for our tour. Even if she doesn't win, we have to sign her.
Tony: Easy P. She's also gonna be the fitness trainer for tour too. We don't wanna overload her.
Peyton: Fine. We'll talk to her afterwards.

Megan definitely has that voice that is rare and amazing. Now wanting to get her a deal is hard. These record companies are looking at auto tuning voices to the max and the looks of artists. It's something not fair. But Megan should have a definite chance with her voice.

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