Ch. 48 Confessions

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Megan POV
The party was absolutely amazing. David had the best time ever. I know for a fact him and Bailey are gonna get some tonight. Hahahaha.
After the party was over, Tony takes me home. It's a quite and awkward ride back to my house. I just looked out the window the entire time.
We get to my house and Tony walks me to my door.

Tony POV
Something doesn't seem right with Megan. The car ride back to her house was quite. Before she even went in her house, I grab her hand.

Tony: Yo are you okay?
Megan: Yeah why?
Tony: The car ride back here and you looked like you had something on your mind when we were on the balcony at the party.

Megan POV
I was afraid he was gonna bring that up.

Megan: Okay. Come inside then.

We walk in my house. I take off my shoes because I've been in heels all night.

Megan: Do you want some coffee?
Tony: Sure.
Megan: Okay. You can sit in the living room and I'll be there in a minute.

Tony goes to the living room while I go in the kitchen and make us some coffee. I make the coffee and put our mugs on a tray along with some cream, sugar, and a two spoons. I walk back to the living room with the tray and sat it on the coffee table. I give Tony his mug. I get mine and sit next to him. I put cream in my coffee. Tony puts cream and sugar in his. At the same time we both take a sip.

Tony POV
This is definitely awkward. More awkward than any other time it's been awkward. Megan looks like she is scared to tell me something. Someone is gonna have to break the ice. And that's gonna be me.

Tony: Meg, you gotta tell me what's going on. I can tell that something is up.

Megan POV
This guy can read me well. I put my mug down and take a deep breath.

Megan: It's about us.
Tony: What about us?

Tony sits his mugs down too.

Megan: I know that we agreed that we are gonna take things slow, but I feel like that there is something between us.

Tony POV
I don't know if it's the same feeling we both have for each other.

Tony: What you mean?
Megan: I can't believe I'm admitting to this, but I feel like I'm falling for you.

Oh shit!! I didn't see that coming.

Megan: But I'm scared of that because of one or two things. One because I know that you are known for not being in a serious relationship with someone. Two because if the paparazzi finds out about us it can or could cause some trouble.

Oh wow. I let out a sigh and I move closer to Megan. I hold her hand.

Tony: Listen to me, you are right about me not being in a serious relationship. The reason is that I really didn't find anyone who I felt in my heart and soul was the one for me. Julia was with me for fame and popularity. When we were out in public she would pretend to be in love with me when paparazzi was anywhere. Behind closed doors, we would just argue. Plus, she was the one who made up the lie saying that I cheated on her.

Megan POV
Okay that part I didn't know. Julia is definitely an awful person.

Tony: In reality I didn't. She claimed that I had an affair with my own manager Peyton. That almost ruined my life. After that happened, Peyton told me that I should live in New York for a year and don't try to do any music. So I did. Waited till that next year came back to LA and I continued my music career.
Megan: When you came back did the paparazzi try to damage you again about you and Julia?
Tony: No. I had disappeared for a year so everyone forgot. But there have been a few times when they bring up about Julia and I.
Megan: When?
Tony: When you first came into the picture.
Megan: Oh.
Tony: It's not your fault. Things happen for a reason.
Megan: What about if the paparazzi finds out about us?
Tony: Fuck 'em. Don't let what they say and do affect us. They don't know me as well as you, Peyton, David, Bailey, and my family know. Even if they do spot us out and post it everywhere let em be. We don't have anything to hide.

Wow I really appreciate him saying that. That does make me feel better.

Tony: Also, I can't lie either. I have been feeling like I'm falling for you too.

Oh my God. I can't believe this.

Tony: This feeling I have for you is so different from anything. My worries of the world just goes away when I'm with you.
Megan: Oh Tony.
Tony: I'm serious. This feeling excites and scares me at the same time.
Megan: Why?
Tony: It excites me because you are different, I've never had this feeling for anyone, and I really like you a lot. It scares me because I'm afraid of losing you.

I put my hand on Tony's cheek.

Megan: You won't loose me. I really like you a lot too Tony.

Tony smiles at me and he pulls in and kisses me. The kiss is very passionate. Tony gently pushes me to lay on my back and he's on top of me. I pull away.

Megan: But we cant keep having sex like this all the time now.
Tony: Hahahaha. Okay. How about I take you on a date tomorrow afternoon?
Megan: Yeah. I would like that a lot.
Tony: Since we aren't gonna he having sex for a while, can we make out?
Megan: Go ahead lover boy.

So we both made out on my couch. Trust me it was hard to maintain because we aren't having sex.
After our make out session, we both sat holding each other. I began to fall asleep.

Tony POV
I noticed that Megan is sleep. I carefully and quietly carry her bridal style and go upstairs to her room. I take her clothes gently and leave her in her underwear and tuck her in. I write her a note so she doesn't get any ideas. I kiss her on her forehead before I leave.

Tony: See you tomorrow baby. I love you.

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