Ch. 35 Gala

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Megan POV
Today is the day of the Breast Caner Foundation Gala. So I get up super early this morning and I go to the hair salon to make a new change to my hair. Basically, I'm going to cut my hair to a shoulder length and get it highlighted. I go in the salon and to the same hair stylist that I've been going to.

Cathy: So, what's it gonna be for today?
Megan: I want my hair cut to shoulder length as well as some highlights.
Cathy: Ooooooo!!! Okay. I see you.
Megan: It's part of my new start.
Cathy: Say no more.

So Cathy gets to work on my hair. After about 3 hours she's done.

Cathy: Are you ready to see the new you?
Megan: Yesss!!

She turns me around in the chair and Oh My God!!!

She turns me around in the chair and Oh My God!!!

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Megan: Oh my God!!! It looks so good. You did a great job.
Cathy: Thanks love. See ya girl.
Megan: Okay. Bye.

So I go back to my house to get ready. My glam squad came to my house a couple of hours after I came home. After about a couple of hours, they are done. My makeup is a simple smokey eye look and my hair is slightly curly.
I put my dress on soon as they finished.

I haven't dressed this fancy since The Billboards

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I haven't dressed this fancy since The Billboards. I love my dress so much. The designer did an amazing job.
I go downstairs and my driver that Jane hired for me for tonight has already arrived. He helps me in the car and we head to the venue. I text Bailey and Jane that I'm on my way. Bailey gonna be there because she's with David. Oh I failed to mention, they have officially became a couple.
After 45 minutes, we arrive to the venue and it's amazing. There is a red carpet and everything with some paparazzi there. I remembered that this is my first appearance since what happened to me. This should be interested. My driver helps me out of the car. Soon as I get out some people that were there are shocked to see me. Jane was already there waiting for me.

Jane: You ready?
Megan: Yes.
Jane: Okay.

I walk the red carpet and pose for pictures for the paparazzi. I decided to avoid doing interviews with anyone because I don't want to cause drama or anything. Nora didn't seem to pleased when I walked by her to answer any of her bull shit questions. But I didn't care.
I walk in the venue and it's beautiful.

 I walk in the venue and it's beautiful

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I look for Bailey and David. I see them over at the lounge area. I walk over there to speak to them.

Megan: Hey guys.
Bailey: MEGAN!!

She gets up and hugs me.

Bailey: You look amazing.
Megan: Thanks so do you.
Bailey: Your hair? I love it!
Megan: Thanks.

David gets up and hugs me.

David: It's been a while.
Megan: It sure is.
David: You look incredible.
Megan: Thanks.
David: How have you been?
Megan: I've been good. Thanks for asking. I've just been busy lately.
David: Congratulations on your new deal and house.
Megan: Thanks. You should come and see it.
Bailey: You have to see it babe. It's gorgeous.
David: I will have to then.

So I basically hung with Bailey and David. They are my friends and are the only ones I know besides Jane. I'm hoping not to run into Tony or his dad.
Soon, Tony and his family walk in. I see that Julia is with them. I honestly have mixed feelings, but I shouldn't care. They go around greeting everyone. I walk outside to the balcony area to get some fresh and to yes avoid them.

I take a deep breath and I take in the view.

Tony POV
I see Bailey and David there and I walk over to speak to them.

Julia: Where are you going?
Tony: To speak to my friends.

I'm honestly not in the best mood for tonight. For starters, I'm still upset with my dad for what he did to Megan. Second, he invited Julia to this event that he knows that is in memory of my grandma, his mom. This event usually excites me because I'm helping people who have a loved one with breast cancer.

Julia POV
Tony really hasn't been himself lately.

Ever since I took those pictures of Tony and Megan and had it released to Hollywood Insider, I haven't heard anything from Bryson. Something doesn't seem right. So I decided to make a trip to his office. I go see him and he lets me in.

Bryson: What brings you by?
Julia: I haven't heard from you about your end of the deal.
Bryson: What deal?

Is he really being that dumb?

Julia: Ummm..the deal. I get the pictures of Megan and Tony together and sent to Hollywood Insider to do a story on them and you sign me?

He looks at me like as if he's confused.

Bryson: I don't know what you are talking about Julia.
Julia: Don't play dumb with me Bryson. You know the deal. You said that if I did the job you would sign me.

He thinks some more of what I just said. Before he could say anything, Hollywood Insider shows the story about Megan and Tony. I'm just hoping that this just destroys Megan. I know that Tony and I belong together. We are suppose to Hollywood's power couple.
After the segment on Megan and Tony was done, Bryson looks at me to say something. I hope he doesn't act like he forgot.

Bryson: Oh yeah. Now I remember.
Julia: Ugh! You are such a pain right now.
Bryson: Whatever. Look you did you end of deal and I'm glad. Now all we have to do is wait to see what Megan's next move is.
Julia: Excuse me?! You said you would sign me soon as I did it. Now I want to sign.
Bryson: Ha. The way you keep acting you won't get signed at all.

How could he be so cruel? Usually he isn't like this with me.

Julia: What is your problem?
Bryson: Look I don't have time for any of your crap okay. You did what I needed you to do. That's all that matters to me.

I felt offended in so many ways.

Julia: You know what? Fuck you and your deal. Next time you find someone else to do your dirty work.

I walk out of his office and I slam the door. I'm so furious at him. How could he not hold up his end of the deal?

**back to the present**
Am I still mad at Bryson? Yes. Who wouldn't? This man played me and my career.
Ever since Tony came back from tour, I tried to get to him. He didn't want to have it with me. I know he has no idea I was the one who took those pictures and he won't find out. I'm just trying to make him feel better after the boom shell that happened. All I want is to be with him.

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