Ch. 84 Back Together

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Megan POV
We get to the hospital and Tony and I are separated. The doctors take him into surgery. I'm taken to see if me and the baby is okay. The doctor examines me. Turns out I've actually been pregnant for almost six weeks. The doctor shows the baby on the monitor and I'm I shock. There is a baby inside me.

Dr. Tom: Looks like everything is great. The baby is healthy and has a great heartbeat.
Megan: how is my husband?
Dr. Tom: He's in surgery still. I don't know much of what's going on with him. I will let you know soon as I find out. As of right now, you need to rest and remain calm. I will print out the pictures of the ultrasound for you to have.
Megan: T-thank you.

The doctor leaves the room and I fall asleep. I hope and pray that Tony is okay. I can't lose him.

Bailey POV
David and I are in the waiting room waiting to hear about Tony and Megan. My parents, Carson, Sabrina, Hadley, and Lucy is here.
Then, a couple hours later the doctor comes to where we are.

Dr. Allen: Do you guys know Mr. and Mrs. Carter?
Lucy: Yes we do. I'm Tony's mom.
Laura: I'm Megan's guardian. How are they?
Dr. Allen: Tony just got out of surgery and he suffer a bullet wound to the shoulder. We were able to get it out. He's going to have to wear a arm sling for 4 to 6 weeks. After that he's going to need physical therapy for 4 weeks. He's going to make a full recovery.

We are relived. I'm glad they are okay.

Laura: What about Megan?
Dr. Allen: She's perfectly fine. No scratches, no scars, or anything. She is in a bit of shock. So we are giving her some time to rest and do one more check up on her.
Bailey: Can we see them?
Dr. Allen: Sure. Megan should be awake. Tony will wake up by tomorrow morning. We will have to keep Megan here overnight and Tony here for a couple of days.

We go see Tony first in his room. He's asleep. He has his arm in a sling and his shoulder is bandaged you pretty good. I feel so bad for him. Then, his dad walks in. I immediately think of what he did to Megan.

Bailey: What are you doing here?
Hadley: It's okay Bailey. I called him.
Bryson: What's going on? What happened?
David: Megan was taken by her stalker, Lance and Tony's ex, Julia. Julia shot Tony in the shoulder protecting Megan. They are both arrested.
Lucy: The doctor says that they are both fine. Tony is expected to make a full recovery.

Bryson POV
I feel relived that my son is okay. But I feel like this is all my fault.

Bryson: W-well that's good then.

Seeing my son like this hurts. Because of my actions I almost lost him. Thankfully he's okay. Him and Megan.
The tension is so thin in this room. No one here is pleased to see me.

Laura: I'm going to see how Megan is.
Bailey: Right behind you.

They leave out to go to Megan's room. I wish I could go to her room, but I know that everyone knows my actions that I did to her.

Bailey POV
We walk in Megan's room and she awake. I'm glad that she's okay.

Bailey: Hi Meg.
Megan: Hi everyone.
Laura: How are you feeling?
Megan: I feel pretty good.

Megan POV
Seeing everyone is great, but I have so many thoughts about everything.

Megan: Ummm...h-how's Tony?
Matt: He's fine. They had to do surgery on his shoulder to get the bullet. The doctor said he's going to make a full recovery.

That makes me feel a lot better that he's okay. I love him so much.

Bailey: So I have a question. Is it true that you are pregnant?
Laura: You're pregnant?
Megan: Haha. I am pregnant.

Laura, Matt, and Bailey hug me. They are so thrilled.

Matt: You are having a baby.
Megan: I know. It's hard for me to believe it. I actually have a baby inside me.
Bailey: How far along are you?
Megan: Almost 6 weeks.

Lucy and Hadley walk in.

Lucy: Hi honey.
Megan: Hi.
Hadley: How are you?
Megan: I'm fine.
Laura: She's pregnant.
Lucy and Hadley: What?
Megan: That's right. I have baby inside me. Hahaha.
Lucy: I'm going to be a grandma.
Hadley: I'm gonna be a Auntie.
Megan: It's mind blowing. Look at this.

I show them the ultrasound pictures that was taken. They are so in awe.

Megan: Don't post anything about it yet. I wanna wait till I tell Tony.
Bailey: We won't.

Everyone stays with me a bit longer talking about how excited they are about the baby. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to tell Tony.

Megan: How can I tell Tony about the baby?He probably may have forgotten that I said that I am.
Laura: He knows?
Megan: Well, I kinda blurted out unknowingly.
Bailey: What's one thing you have in mind?
Megan: Honestly, tell him again. Probably showing him the ultrasound pictures.
David: Do that then and not beat around the bush.
Megan: Probably.

Moments later the police came to get a report from me of what happened. I explained the best of could and told them to get the rest was to ask Tony when he wakes up.
Then, Jane and Peyton came to visit me. They are so thrilled that I'm pregnant. It still blows my mind that I'm pregnant. Who would've thought?

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