Ch. 69 Personal Matter

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Tony POV
Tour went by so fast. I had a blast. The fans were incredible as always. We all came back to LA. Now it's time to finish up wedding plans. Aunt Leah told us that 75 people have RSVP for the wedding with a plus one. We invited only almost 100, but it is what it is. Megan and I got our cake tasting and menu done soon as I came home. The only 2 things I have left to do. I get fitted for my tux as well as the guys and shop for wedding rings.
Today the guys and I are getting fitted for our tuxes.

Tony: Guys, I wanna get Meg a gift to give her on our wedding day.
Carson: What you wanna get her?
Tony: I don't know. I would know what to get her, but this is different.
David: Greyson, what did you get Peyton when you guys got married?
Greyson: I got her custom made earrings. They were pearl earrings with her favorite color diamonds around it.
Carson: Wow man.
Tony: I know.
Greyson: Just know that the thought counts.
David: Let me ask you this, what is something that you think Megan would love?

I had to think what all the things that Megan like.

Tony: What do you guys think about if I got her a bracelet?
Carson: I like it.
Greyson: Yeah. That's great.
Tony: Imma go shop for one soon. I think I got a few ideas for it.

After we got our tuxes fitted, we decided to go to the bar and hangout for the rest of the afternoon. We are talking and laughing. A waitress comes over with a drink.

Tony: Woah, we didn't order that.
Waitress: It's from that the lady with in the brown blazer and the black hat at the bar.
Tony: Huh?

We look over and I immediately recognize who it is.

Tony: Oh my God.
Carson: What is it?
Waitress: I can tell that you don't this. So I'll take this off your hands.

She take it and I give her a tip. She leaves with the drink.

Carson: Am I missing something?
Tony: It's fucking Carmen.
David: The crazy girl who was your manager?
Tony: Yep.
Greyson: What did she do?

I tell Carson and Greyson what she did to me.

Carson: Damn man.
Tony: She's not kidding that this is over. She's like obsessed with me.
Greyson: What are you gonna do?
Tony: I don't know man.

I turn around I see that she's not there.

Tony: She's gone.

We hangout a bit longer, soon Greyson had to go home to Peyton and baby. So we all leave. David and I head to my car and I notice a note placed on my windshield wipers. I get the note and read it.

You'll see me again sooner than you think.

She's gone mad obsessed with me. I take David and drop him off at his house. As I'm driving home, I call Megan.

Megan: What's up babe?
Tony: might wanna be on the lookout.
Megan: Why?
Tony: Carmen has gone mad. When I was at the bar with the guys someone came up to me and said she got me a drink. I turned it down. Then, I get to my car and she leaves a note saying I'll see her sooner than I think.
Megan: What the hell?
Tony: I know baby. She's crazy.
Megan: Why should I have to be on a lookout?
Tony: She'll either come after you or me. I recommend you watch your back.
Megan: Okay. I will. I'll let the security guard know what's up.
Tony: Okay. I'll see you later.
Megan: Okay.

I hang up the phone with Megan. I make a few more calls about the situation to everyone in our social circle.
A few days have passed and there hasn't been anything done. I have a gut feeling Carmen is waiting for the right moment. I'm at home just chilling and I get a phone call from my sister's school.

Tony: Hello?
Sandy: Is this Anthony Carter?

So yeah my government name is Anthony Lewis Carter. Tony is just my nickname I've had since I was little.

Tony: This is he.
Sandy: I'm Mrs. Sandy the principal of the school. Can you come by for a minute? It's important.
Tony: Yea ma'am. I'll be there.

I get in my car and head to the school. I walk in and the principal is there.

Sandy: Anthony correct?
Tony: Yes, but please call me Tony.
Sandy: Okay. Come with me please.

I go with her in her office to find out what's going on.

Sandy: I bet you are wondering why I called you?
Tony: Yes. Is everything okay with my sister?
Sandy: Well, there is a slight problem.

Oh no. What did she do?

Sandy: One of Hadley's teachers told us that she hasn't returned to class.
Tony: What?
Sandy: She said that Hadley asked to go to the bathroom and she hasn't returned.
Tony: How long ago was this?
Sandy: This about 2 hours ago. Everyone has looked every inch of this campus trying to find her and we haven't seen her. This is definitely not like her.

This really isn't. My sister is extremely smart. She has made all A's in her classes. My phone vibrates and an unknown number texts me.

**Text Messages**
Unknown: If you want your baby sister alive do as I say. I told you that you'll see me sooner than you think.

Tony: Damn it!! Oh I'm sorry.
Sandy: It's okay. What is it?
Tony: I think I found the answer to why Hadley is missing.
Sandy: Let me help you.
Tony: No. This is way to personal.
Sandy: You have my number so keep my updated.
Tony: I will.

I leave out the school and get into my car. I'm so scared to dial this unknown number knowing that I know who it is. I take a deep breath and I dial the number. It starts to ring.

Unknown: Hello there.
Tony: What do you want?
Unknown: I knew you would see things my way.
Tony: Just tell me what the fuck you want.
Unknown: Meet me at ______ at 7:00 pm tonight. No cops and especially no Megan. Just you. If you do as I say, I'll let you baby sister live. If not, I will kill every person that is close to you starting with your sister.

Here's that made me nervous. I don't want my baby sister to get hurt or anyone.

Tony: Fine. I'll be there.
Unknown: See you soon love.

I hang up the phone and I'm frustrated. I don't want to call my mom or dad to freak them out. I dial up Megan's phone.

Megan: Hello?
Tony: Babe, we have a problem.

Megan POV
I can tell by Tony's voice something is wrong.

Megan: What is it?
Tony: It's Hadley. Carmen got her.

My heart dropped when Tony told me that.

Megan: What?! Oh my God!
Tony: I know. Carmen wants me meet her tonight. No cops and no you either.
Megan: What are we gonna do?
Tony: We gotta come up with a plan fast. I don't want my baby sister to get hurt.
Megan: We gotta have a plan with the cops involved. We just got to out smart her.
Tony: Okay. I'll come pick you up and we will go to the police station.
Megan: Okay.

This is by far the scariest thing I've ever dealt with. I hope Hadley is okay.

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