Ch. 49 A Real Date

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Megan POV
I open my eyes and I was confused on where I was at. Then I realized I'm in my room. I looked at myself and noticed I'm in my underwear. I turn over and I see a note.

You feel asleep last night in my arms and I brought you to your room. Don't worry I didn't do anything. I just took your clothes off and tucked you in.
Meet me at the park on 188 River Street for our date at 2:00 pm. It's a surprise. Dress cute/casual. See you soon.


Aww he wrote "love" on there. My heart is fluttering. I look at the time on my phone and it's 12:30 pm.

Megan: Oh crap!!

I get out of bed quickly and take a shower. I did my hair in a low ponytail. I did my makeup a natural look. I put on a casual outfit. Actually it's casual and comfortable.

I go downstairs and clean up from last night of mine and Tony's coffee

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I go downstairs and clean up from last night of mine and Tony's coffee. After that I get in my car and drive to where Tony wants me to meet him at. I put the address in my GPS and it's a good piece away from my house.
After a 45 minute drive, I arrive to the park. I text Tony to find where he's at.

**Text Messages**
Megan: Hey wya
Tony: I'm over here by the lake. U can't miss me. ;-)

I walk around and I spotted Tony and he has the most cutest set up ever. This man set up a picnic for us.

Megan: Oh my God! Tony this is so adorable

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Megan: Oh my God! Tony this is so adorable.
Tony: Thanks. I was hoping you would like it.
Megan: Like it? I love it.
Tony: Shall we enjoy our time then?

I shake my head yes. We both sit down on the blanket he has set up. Tony had the most amazing food. Did he cook it? Yes he did. There were a couple of times he did feed me. I would laugh at him. I did feed him some too.
This date is so much fun. We laughed and talked about everything. We both began to get to know each other. I know his favorite color is red. Which explains why he was so turned on from me wearing the red dress on our date a couple weeks ago. He likes to cook, travel, and draw.

Tony POV
This date with Megan is going so well. I'm having so much fun. I can just look at her smile all day. I even learned some things about her. Her favorite colors are lavender and blue. She loves traveling, spending time with the people she cares about, and reading.

Megan: You know what Tony, this is really a lot of fun.
Tony: I'm having a blast too.

We laughed and talked even more. We even talked about the Grammys. How we are both nominated. We are nominated to win together and we are nominated for one of us to win a category. I hope she wins because she deserves it. I feel like I'm in love with this girl. This is for real. No like messing up stuff. This is actually real. I really think I'm in love with Megan.

Megan POV
After our date, I left to go take care of somethings. For starters, get David a gift for his birthday. I just hope I don't run into that guy again.
I can't think about that guy. I should be thinking about Tony. I should have told him, but I was just too busy thinking about our relationship. Is it a relationship? We aren't even an official couple. This is a lot to think about.
I finally get David's gift. I checkout and I pay for it. As I walking back to my car, get a feeling someone is following me. I turn around and it's that guy I saw. What is his problem? I don't walk to my car because I don't want him to know what I drive. Instead, I pretend I'm walking to another store that's next door. This guy still follows me. This is freaking me out. I look ahead of me and I see Carson. I have no choice at this point.

Megan: Carson!!!

Carson POV
I'm walking into a store to get some things and I hear someone call my name.

Megan: Carson!!

I look over and it's Megan. She's walking extremely fast in my direction. She catches up to me. I haven't seen her in a couple of months. She holds onto my arm and I'm so confused.

Carson: Megan, what are you doing?

She whispers to me.

Megan: Just play along. This guy has been following me and he's been creeping me out.

I look over and I see the guy pretending like he was doing something. But he looks like he's up to something and wants to cause trouble.

Carson: Okay. Stick with me. Come on.

Megan POV
I go in with Carson in the store and I feel much better. I don't even think the guy followed us.

Megan: I'm sorry I had to drag you into this.
Carson: No it's fine. Who was that guy anyway?
Megan: I don't know. I ran into him yesterday and he claims that he knows me from a party I went to a long time ago.
Carson: Do ya?
Megan: I don't think I do. But I did get a weird creepy vibe from him.
Carson: Maybe a crazy fan.
Megan: Could be.

I stayed with Carson the entire time in the store. Honestly it didn't feel as weird as I thought it would be. He is my ex boyfriend....well he wasn't my boyfriend. He was pretending to by boyfriend. Right?

Megan: So? How have you been?
Carson: I've been good. You?
Megan: I'm doing good too.

Carson POV
I honestly really want to talk to her about what happened of the truth bombshell drop. But I don't think that this is the right place for it.

Carson: Look I have a couple more things I need to get and I'll walk you to your car.
Megan: Okay.

Megan POV
Carson gets what he needs and we walk to my car. I honestly want to talk to him about the bombshell that happened and just to clear the air between him and I. We get to my car. Carson looks around to make sure the guy wasn't around.

Megan: Thanks for walking with me.
Carson: It's no problem. I'm glad I could help.

Before Carson could leave. I had to ask him.

Megan: it okay if you and I could talk about what happened between us?
Carson: Yeah. How about tomorrow?
Megan: Yeah. That's fine.
Carson: Great. Meet me at my office where we first met at.
Megan: Okay. See ya.

Thankfully I remembered where it's at. Let's just hope and pray this goes well and we can clear the air.

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