Ch. 16 Back To Earth

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Megan POV
The next day, I wake up refreshed. I can't stop thinking about my date with Carson. It was so much fun. He was so perfect.
To be quite honest, the thought of what Peyton told me about Tony was bothering me a lot, but I wasn't gonna let it get to me. Tony and I hate each other. There's no way he has feelings for me. My life has definitely taken a big turn since I've signed that deal.
I decided to go see Laura and Matt. I need someone to talk to. I take an Uber over to their house.

Laura: Hey, Meg. What brings you by?
Megan: Can I talk to you and Matt about something?

Laura POV
I can tell by Megan's face that it's something serious.

Laura: Sure sweetie. Matt is in his office.

We go to his office.

Matthew: Hey Megan. What's up?
Megan: I need to talk to you guys.
Matthew: Oh okay. What's wrong?

She takes a deep breath. Something is definitely bothering her.

Megan: It's about how everything is now since I've been apart of the music world.
Laura: Oh. Well what's been going on?

Megan POV
I explain everything. From how much Mr. Bryson is doubting me to Tony being an asshole to Tony getting jealous that I went on a date with Carson to how Peyton and Tony's mom told me that Tony could have feelings for me.

Laura: Wow.
Megan: I know. You guys got any advice for me.

They both think for a minute and look at each other.

Laura: Well, be honest with us how much do you like being an artist?
Megan: I really like it a lot. I love going into the studio and recording songs that wrote.
Matthew: Really?
Megan: Yeah. Going in that booth has me at ease. Pretty much when I'm working on my music puts me at peace.
Laura: I see that as a good thing that you love your work.
Megan: Yeah. But I hate dealing with the drama.

Laura puts her hand on my hand.

Laura: Sweetheart, I hate to say but this is what becoming famous is gonna have. You will have drama and stuff like this will happen. But it will make you stronger.
Matthew: Exactly. You are strong and smart. You know who you are and what you want.

I give them both a smile. What they are saying is so right and really opening my eyes.

Laura: I wasn't gonna suggest this, but it's definitely something that I think you should do.
Megan: What is it?
Laura: Go visit your parent's grave and just talk to them.

I haven't visited my parent's grave since I graduated from college. When I did go I would just cry because I miss them.

Megan: Okay I will. Thanks guys.

I give them both a hug.

Matthew: Anytime sweetheart.

So I leave their house and I take Uber go to my parent's grave. I made a stop at the flower shop that is not far and got some flowers to put in their grave. I reach the grave site and I go over to where my parents are buried at. I'm trying to hold back tears, but I can't.

Megan: H-h-hi mom and dad. I-I know it's been a while since I last visited you.

I take a deep breath as I wipe tears from my eyes.

Megan: So much as done happened since the last time I was here. I finally taking on my dream to become a singer. I was so scared for so long that I wouldn't stand a chance, but I think I have a shot.

Tony POV
I'm driving to visit my grandma's grave site. She died when I was 23 from breast cancer. That woman was everything to me. She knew how to talk to my dad when he was being a hothead. I go to her grave and place flowers there.

Tony: Grandma, just know we are trying. We are trying so hard with dad. It hasn't been easy. If you could only help us.

I look ahead of me about a few feet away and it's Megan. I can kinda hear her talking. I walk over slowly to hear some more.

Megan: I'm going to be going on tour with this guy named Tony who is a Grammy award winning and multi platinum artist. He's helping me reach it. There have been times when we don't agree on things, but when we sing our disagreements fade. We both smile at each other and have fun singing. There's also drama with being an upcoming rising artist. Some how I'm still managing to hold who I am.

She put the flowers on two grave sites. She wipes her face from tears.

Megan: I miss you both. I wish you was here to see how much I've become. I love you.
Tony: Hey.

Megan POV
I jumped a bit and I turn around it's Tony.

Megan: Jeez man.
Tony: I'm sorry.
Megan: It's fine.

I wipe my face as dry as I can so that Tony doesn't know that I've been crying.

Tony: You okay?
Megan: Yeah. I am. I'm just visiting my parent's grave.

Tony POV
Her parents?! Oh I feel horrible. I can't imagine the pain of that.

Tony: Your parent's?
Megan: Yep. My parents died in a car accident when I was 15. It was hard. I just miss them so much.

She bursts into tears. I hate seeing Megan cry. I pull her close to me and just hold her.

Tony: Oh my God. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Don't cry.
Megan: I haven't been here since I graduated from college and—

She just couldn't take it. She keeps crying.

Tony: Shhhhhh. It's okay Meg. It's okay.

I keep holding her as she is crying. I rub her back up and down to soothe her.

Tony: Hey let me take you to get something to eat. Okay?

She stops crying and I wipe the tears from her face.

Megan: Okay.

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