Ch. 38 The Real Truth

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Megan POV
It's been two days since Tony told me how he felt. I have been going back and forth about what I should do.
Do I want to give him a chance? Yes. I'm not confident enough to do it though.
So today I decided to go to go to the garden at the park that is not far from my house.
I walk over there and I sit down on the park bench. The garden is so beautiful. It's definitely a good place to come and think. I began to think about everything that went on between me and Tony. From the time we met to now. So much happened. Good and bad and he did make me smile a lot and I felt a lot comfortable around him. He knew the music industry so well that he helped me get through it.
As I'm thinking a girl, who looks around the same age as me walks up to me.

Sabrina: H-hi. Do mind if I sit here?
Megan: Not at all.

I scoot down a bit and she sits next to me. She definitely seems a bit shy when she came.

Megan: You don't have to be shy around me. I'm a good person.
Sabrina: Oh I'm sorry.
Megan: It's okay. Tell me what's your name?
Sabrina: My name is Sabrina.
Megan: That's a very pretty name.
Sabrina: Thank you. Your name is?
Megan: Oh. I'm Megan.

Sabrina POV
Oh My Gosh!!! This is Megan!! She is beautiful in person. So far she's definitely super nice. I literally didn't think that I would actually meet her. I just came here to think on how I would be able to talk to her about me and Carson.

Megan POV
Sabrina seemed a bit in shock when I told her my name.

Megan: Are you okay? Did I say something wrong?
Sabrina: Oh no....I ummmm....

She definitely seemed nervous. I want her to be comfortable around me.

Megan: You can tell me what's wrong. I'm mean you can talk to me.
Sabrina: I don't know. You would take this the wrong way from me.
Megan: Come on. It can't be that bad.

She takes a deep breath.

Sabrina: For starter, I heard a lot about you.

I'm not surprised and surprised at the same time. Not surprised because I know that I'm well known now for my music. Surprised because I don't know how she saw me here.

Megan: Well, I'm assuming you are a fan of mine because of my music.
Sabrina: Well....yeah that. But I think you would hate me for knowing something that you don't know.
Megan: There's no way. I've been through far worst things that did cause me to hate other people. But what you can tell me definitely shouldn't make me hate you.
Sabrina: Okay......well for starters what you were told about what Carson did isn't fully true.

Okay now I'm surprised. My heart began to beat so fast when she said Carson's name. What does she know?

Megan: Wait, what? I don't understand.
Sabrina: Lets go somewhere where there aren't too many ears.
Megan: Okay. But I walked here. My house isn't too far.
Sabrina: Can we go there then?
Megan: Yeah.
Sabrina: I'll drive us back to your house.

So we get in her car and go to my house. We sit down in the living room.

Megan: Okay please explain to me everything you know.
Sabrina: So before all of this happened, Carson and I were actually together.
Megan: What?! He was in a relationship with you?
Sabrina: Y-yes. When he found from his dad, Maxwell, that you didn't take the deal to New Bloomings but went to Jet Maxwell was mad. He needed some type of way to convince you to come to New Bloomings despite the company's history with money. The only way was to get you and Carson to be together and have you become apart of New Bloomings. When I first saw the pictures of you guys together, I was heartbroken. I didn't talk to Carson the entire time you two were together. Then, I saw the news that you guys broke up and I didn't even hear why. I was so confused on what to do. Somehow Tony reached out to me and explained everything. He arranged for Carson and I to talk. I told Carson that Tony explained everything to me. Carson told me everything that happened that night. I felt so bad for you because of the way it was done to try to bring you down because you are so new to music industry. But your music is amazing. After Carson told me his side of the story. Carson told me how he told his dad he didn't want to do it in the first place and that he was with me. His dad didn't care. I began to think in my head how I wanted to talk to you in person about all of this. It really wasn't Carson's or Tony's fault for all of this. They really had no part in it.

Okay this is a lot to talk in.

Megan: So you mean to tell me that Carson was set up by his dad to get me to New Bloomings and Carson didn't want to do it because he was with you?
Sabrina: Yep.
Megan: Wow. This is a lot to take in. I'm so sorry for you.
Sabrina: Me?
Megan: Yeah. I had no idea Carson was in a relationship. There were times when he did tell me he had meeting to go to but I never knew what they were.
Sabrina: That was him trying to contact me, but I didn't want to hear him.

Damn it!! I'm a horrible person.

Megan: So are you guys back together or not?
Sabrina: We are working on it. I just felt like if you knew the truth that it would be better for all of us.

I just can't believe it. I was basically set up. I immediately hug Sabrina. She was so shocked.

Sabrina: What the—?
Megan: Thank you.

She hugs me back. We pull apart.

Sabrina: Why?
Megan: You really answered everything that I've been wondering for the past month. Now I feel bad for everything.
Sabrina: You aren't a bad person. You don't do anything wrong. You are just following your dreams.
Megan: So I really have to talk to Carson huh?
Sabrina: I recommend. Just to clear the air.
Megan: You are so right.
Sabrina: I could also tell how much Tony likes you.

Ugh!! Come on now.

Megan: Really? Everyone has been telling me that.
Sabrina: He told me how much he cares for you and everything. If I were you I would give him a shot. He's hot.
Megan: Haha. That's why I was in the park thinking about that.
Sabrina: What do you mean?
Megan: Two days ago at a event I was volunteering at he pulled to the side and poured his heart out to me. He told me that he care a lot about me, he likes me lot, and that he was so sorry for what happened to me between me, his dad, and Carson.
Sabrina: Oh wow. He definitely seemed like he was serious.
Megan: He was. To top it off he kissed before he even told me. He said it was the only way to get me to shut up and hear him out.
Sabrina: How was the kiss?
Megan: Honestly, amazing. I felt fireworks, my knees were weak, I get chills thinking about it. It was very passionate.
Sabrina: Do you know what you wanna do?
Megan: After what he did and what you told me, I know what I want to do, but I'm not feeling confident enough.
Sabrina: A piece of advice, go to Tony and talk to him and tell him how you feel about him and what you want and everything. If he asks are you sure give him the honest truth how ya feel.

Well, I know what I want to tell him and I just need the confidence to do it.

Megan: What about my confidence?
Sabrina: Take a deep breath or do something relaxing to help you relax. When you have that confident feeling real good go for it sister.

We both laughed.

Megan: Thanks Sabrina.
Sabrina: No problem. Please call me Sab.
Megan: Okay. You can call me Meg.
Sabrina: Awesome.
Megan: So sooner or later I gotta talk to Carson.
Sabrina: Well, it's up to you. It's your decision.
Megan: I'll think about.

We exchanged numbers and we talked even more about girly things. We became friends really quick. I told her that she, Bailey, and I should hangout one day.
After a while Sabrina leaves, I go upstairs and take a nice long, hot, bubble bath with some relaxing music playing in the background. It was so relaxing. I did begin to feel confident a bit. Soon as I got out of the tub and dried off I text Tony.

**Text Messages**
Megan: Hey can we meet up tomorrow? I wanna talk to u
Tony: Sure. How does 12:00 at my place sound?
Megan: Perfect. See ya then.

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