Ch. 89 Sing or No

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Megan POV
After we found out that we are having a girl, we immediately started looking for ideas to decorate her room. We are so excited about having a baby girl. We already have a name in mind. I'm currently 5 1/2 months pregnant. I'm at the halfway point.
Right now we are in the baby store shopping for a certain necessities such as a scroller, a car seat, a baby bag, and a few clothes.

Megan: See one you like.
Tony: Not yet. It's so hard to find one.
Megan: It is. Like we don't have to get one today, but are going to need it soon
Tony: Yeah.

As we are looking in the baby store, I noticed some cute clothes.

Megan: Tony. Look how cute.

I show him the clothes.

Tony: Awwww. That is cute. My little princess is going to look adorable.
Megan: She is.
Tony: Let's get it.
Megan: Haha. Okay.

I get a couple of clothes. As we are in the store, we set up a baby registry. After we did that, we go to a restaurant to have lunch. Besides, I am eating for two.

Megan: Babe, I wanna ask you something.
Tony: Sure. What is it?
Megan: Are going to do anymore music?

Tony POV
I've been afraid of this question. After what happened, I've been so focused on us.

Tony: Honestly Meg, I've been thinking about it.
Megan: Oh.
Tony: Yeah. I'm quite unsure because I'm going back and forth with myself. Like if I do make music that means I would have to do all of these different promotions and everything. Which means that I'll be away from you and baby girl a lot and I would hate that.

Megan POV
This is something scary that is apart of our marriage that we have to face.

Megan: I know Tony. But that doesn't mean you'll be away from us all the time. We are always gonna be there to support you.
Tony: What? Are you sure?
Megan: I am. If you want to do music then go for it. Plus, I'm looking to do my music after having baby girl, but I'm going to like write new music along the way.

Tony grabs my hand and hold its.

Tony: Okay. I'll start by doing a couple of singles for now before doing a full album.
Megan: That's fine by me. If you need me to help you, I will.
Tony: Thanks baby.

After lunch, we just go for a walk. My doctor told me that it's good that Tony and I go for walks. I just hope that it helps with the labor process. As we are matter of fact it doesn't matter where we are or what we are doing of our everyday lives there are paparazzi taking pictures of us. Whether we are disguise or not. Like this is our outfit for today.

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Not in disguise or anything

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Not in disguise or anything. Just regular. We are just wearing sunglasses because it's sunny outside. I don't complain or anything, but they try to hard to make us fall with different stupid headlines. I will give them this, at least they get some good shots of me and my bump.

Tony POV
The next day, I wake up early this morning and go to our home studio and work on some music. I have so many ideas of songs that I want to do. I'm currently working on one that has inspired me so much. I'm making a song for my little princess.

Tony: Baby girl, I hope you like this.

Megan POV
I wake up and I noticed that Tony isn't in the bed. He must have gotten up. I get out of bed and take a bath and get ready for today.

I go downstairs and I hear a guitar and singing coming from the studio. I peep from the door and see that Tony is working on a song. It sounds beautiful.

Tony: My baby girl, please don't you cry
Daddy's got you
I'll always be right here to wipe your eyes
And just know
Whenever you fall, it'll be alright
Remember I taught you
And you're just like your mom, so you know how to fight
Yes you do
And even when you grow up and find a man
I still will always say (I will say)
From her love, I would never be the same
My life will forever change
Because of the most beautiful
Girls, I'll always feel like I'm in heaven
'Cause I'm not alone
This is my home
Because of the most beautiful love, I'll always feel like this forever
Because of you
My dream came true

I tear up a bit because it's so beautiful. I walk in while I'm wiping tears. Tony looks up and notices me.

Tony: Hey Meg.
Megan: Oh my God. Baby that's beautiful.
Tony: Thanks. It's for baby girl.

He rubs my belly and kisses it. I giggle.

Tony: Ever since we found out that we are having a girl, it's like my world has changed.
Megan: Really?
Tony: Yeah. Because I honestly thought we were going to have a boy.
Megan: I'm honestly terrified about having a girl.
Tony: Why?
Megan: It's just the fact of what's going to happened when she's a teenager scares me.

Tony gets up and pulls me close to him.

Tony: It's going to be fine. We are going to raise her the best we can. She going to be just like her daddy.
Megan: What if she's like her mama?
Tony: Haha. Yikes.

I lightly punch him while we are both laughing.

Megan: Haha. Shut up. I hate you sometimes.
Tony: I'm kidding. She's going to be a good kid.
Megan: Awwwwww. I think baby girl can use some breakfast.
Tony: Oh really? What would she like?
Megan: I think she would like waffles, bacon, scrambled eggs, and orange juice.
Tony: Say no more.

We go to the kitchen and Tony makes breakfast. He never fails with his cooking. I love that my man can cook.

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