Ch. 77 Discoveries

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Megan POV
Tony found us a flight to North Carolina. I texted Amani to tell her when we are coming. Tony and I messaged Peyton and Jane letting them know that we are going to be out of town for a few days. So no calls about anything till we get back.
A few days later, Tony and I fly to North Carolina. I can't lie I'm nervous to meet my family. I'm scared if they don't like me.
A few hours, we land. We get our bags and we look for Amani. I texted her and told her that we are here. Some people in the airport asked us for pictures and we didn't mind at all.

Amani: Megan!!

We turn around and we see who's calling me. I see someone wave at us.

Megan: Babe, I think that's her

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Megan: Babe, I think that's her.
Tony: Me too. Let's go.

We walk to her and it is. She hugs me and I hug her back.

Amani: Oh Megan. It's so nice to finally meet you.
Megan: It's nice to meet you too. Please call me Meg.
Amani: You are gorgeous.
Megan: Aww thanks. So are you.
Amani: Thank you.
Megan: This is my husband, Tony.
Tony: Nice to meet you.
Amani: You too. Let me help y'all with those.

She helps us with our bags and we get in their car and drive off. Tony and I connect really good with Amani. She reminds me so much of Bailey.
We get to her house and it's beautiful.

She show us our room and gave us a tour of the house so we'll know where to go

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She show us our room and gave us a tour of the house so we'll know where to go. Tony and I are in the living room with Amani.

Megan: You have a beautiful home.
Amani: Thanks. You know y'all came in perfect timing.
Megan: Why?
Amani: Sunday at our church is our family and friends day. This is one out of a few times of the year our family gets together.
Megan: So we are going to meet everyone?
Amani: Yep.

Then, someone walks in.

TJ: Momma!!
Amani: Hi babies.

Oh my goodness!! They are so adorable.

Tucker: Hi babe.
Amani: Hey baby. Babe this is Megan and her husband Tony. Y'all this is my husband Tucker
Tucker: Oh it's so nice to finally meet y'all.

We get up and hug him

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We get up and hug him.

Megan: Nice to meet you too.
Amani: Babies meet your cousin Megan and her husband Tony. Y'all these are our kids Myra and TJ.

Megan: Oh my goodness!! You guys are so adorable

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Megan: Oh my goodness!! You guys are so adorable.
Myra: Thank you.

We can tell they are shy.

Tony: Come on. Don't be shy. We are good people.

One of them hugs me and the other hugs Tony. I lowkey feel my uterus wiggle a bit.

Tony: There we go. That's what I'm talking about.
Amani: Give them time.
Tony: Oh I'm determined. I love kids.

We all laughed.
Soon it was time to eat dinner.

Amani: So Meg how long have you been doing music?

Tony and I talked about this on the plane about what to do in this situation. And we said that we are going to be honest and not lie.

Megan: I've been in the industry for a little over a year now.
Amani: What? I thought I was longer.
Megan: Haha. It kinda feels like it's been longer, but I love it.
Tucker: Have y'all won any Grammys?
Megan: I recently won three.
Tony: I've won a total or eight.

They are blown away.

Amani: I know I probably said this before, but just know that we aren't gonna trick y'all because of your fame.
Tucker: Exactly. Because this is really mind blowing and exciting that you are related to us.
Megan: I can't lie I did almost think that at first with the letter you sent me.
Amani: Why?
Megan: I guess being in the spotlight and the whole world knowing about my family past, anyone could try anything to set me up.
Amani: I promise you we ain't like that.
Tucker: Yeah. Is too much to ask if we hear y'all sing a little something?
Tony: I don't mind.
Megan: Me either.
Amani: Can we hear something now?
Megan: Okay.

I whispered to Tony that I'll do something first.

Megan: I wanna run to you oooooooooooh
I wanna run to you oooooooooooh

Amani and Tucker are speechless. Tony and I couldn't help, but laugh at their reactions.

Amani: What do you have in your throat to sound that good?
Megan: Haha. It's a gift.
Tucker: Lets hear you Tony.
Tony: Okay. So we keep waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change
We keep on waiting (waiting)
Waiting on the world to change. Yeah.

Speechless again.

Amani: Y'all deserve those Grammys for those voices.

We bust out laughing.

Tucker: I can't wait to see the reaction on the family's face when they hear y'all sing.

So far day one with my family hasn't been too bad. Amani and Tucker are really good people.

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