The possession

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They walked to El's cabin. Mike W and Lucas were in front. "So you're Richie?" Max asked. "Yeah." Richie said. "We apologize in advance if he says anything disgusting." Eddie said. Max looked at the losers then at Richie. "Why did you guys come?" Max asked. "We were is our clubhouse when we saw a projection of Alex. It looked like she was in trouble so Richie being the boyfriend he is dragged our asses to Hawkins where we ran into those dogs and met you three." Beverly said. "Wait so you left your town just to help Alex?" Max asked. "Pretty much yeah." Richie said. "That is so- see Mike you suck compared to him!" Max said. Mike rolled his eyes. The losers were looking around. "Between you and me, how close were Mike and Alex when they were together?" Richie said. "They were pretty close. Alex would spend part of the summer at Mike's house. At sleepovers Alex would tell me how much they cared for each other. Then she started feeling like she had to lie to him just to go somewhere. When she found out she could teleport she asked me to cover for her with Mike just so she could find her friend because she said Mike and her brother Steve wouldn't let her but I know it was mostly Mike. anyway that led to Mike cheating on Alex, them breaking up, Alex finding out about her dad and going to derry and well meeting you." Max said. Richie nodded. He was still carrying Alex. "we're here." Mike W said. They knocked on the door and El opened it. "Hell- what happened!?" El said seeing Alex. "she's drained we ran into the Mind flayer. Nothing new." Lucas said. El opened the door wider. "You must be Richie and her other friends." El said looking at the losers club. THey all nodded. "Put her in my room." El said. El led Richie to her room and Richie set Alex down on the bed. El grabbed medical supplies. Max was talking to Beverly. "Max." El said. Max got up. "I'll help." Beverly said. The girls went in the room. Max looked at Alex's waist and wrapped it. she wrapped Alex's hand and her leg. Beverly and El introduced themselves. "Is she going to be okay?" Beverly asked. "She's going to be just fine." Max said. "She's very strong. This isn't the first time she's fought the mind flayer." El said. She grabbed a lamp and put it in Alex's hands. Alex drained the lamp's energy. "I'll go see what the boys are doing." Beverly said. El and Max nodded. Alex's eyes slowly opened. "I had the craziest dream. Me and you and Mike and Lucas were at Hawkins lab and Richie was there and my other friends were there too." Alex said. "Alex" El said. "It wasn't a dream." Max said. Alex jumped up and ran out El's bedroom door. She saw Richie. "Richie." Alex said. Richie looked up. Alex ran and hugged him. Richie lifted her up the floor. El and Max smiled. Mike W rolled his eyes. "We called Steve and Dustin." Lucas said. "Where's Jason and what about Will?" Alex said. "Joyce said he was sick." Mike said. Alex healed herself. Richie smiled. "The gate is at Hawkins lab." Alex said. "What?" Max asked. "I saw it." Alex said. They heard the door slam. Jason and Hopper walked in angry. "What's wrong?" El asked. "They're opening Hawkins lab again!" Jason yelled. "What!?" Alex and El yelled. "Yeah. hold on who are all these kids?" Hopper said. "My friends from Derry. The ones my dad tried to kill." Alex said. "Kill? Didn't you say hurt?" Hopper asked. "Well he did hurt them." Alex said. "Trying to kill us." the losers club said. "What do you mean they are opening Hawkins lab again?" Alex asked. "What's hawkins lab?" Mike H asked. The lab that took me." Alex said. "What!?" Richie said. "If they find us-" jason said. "It's been like what four years since El escaped they're not going to look for her now." Mike W said. "I'm talking about Alex. if they find us they find Alex. Alex has new powers and for them those powers have an experimenting room with Alex's name on it." Jason said. Alex looked scared. Richie put his arm around her and brought her close. "Don't worry Alex. Dr. Owens is going to work and manage the lab. Which means he'll make sure you don't get back in that lab. So will I." Hopper said. Alex nodded. They heard the door. "Alex." Steve said. Alex let go of Richie and hugged Steve. "Out the way worried friend coming through." Dustin said. He pulled Steve back and hugged Alex. Steve looked at Richie confused. "Why does Mike have glasses?" Steve asked. "Oh that's Richie." Alex said. "Richie this is Steve my brother." Alex said. "Oh so this is Richie." Steve said. Alex nodded. "Nice to meet you." Richie said. "You too." Steve said. They shook hands. Alex turned around. Steve squeezed Richie's hand so hard it felt like it was breaking. Steve pulled Richie close so only he can hear him. "You break her heart I rip your head and use it to decorate my wall, understand?" Steve said. Richie nodded quickly. Alex turned back to Steve and Richie. Steve let go of Richie's hand and smiled. Alex looked at Richie. Richie smiled trying to hide how bad his hand hurt. Steve and Alex turned around. Richie started screaming without a sound. He shook his hand. "Fuck. fuck. Fuck. fuck!" Richie whispered. Alex looked at him. He stopped. Everyone but Alex saw what happened with Steve. Eddie held back his laugh. "Are you okay Richie?" Alex asked. Richie nodded. He wrapped his arm around Alex. They sat down. Steve sat right in the middle of them. Richie took his arm off. "The gate is at hawkins lab." Alex said. "How do you know?" Dustin asked. "I went there." Alex said. She looked at Mike W, Max and Lucas. "We went there." Alex said. "So we know the gate is there. Which one is going to close it?" Dustin asked looking at El, Jason and Alex. "no no no! I'm not letting any of them go into that kind of danger." Hopper said. "It's settled I'll close it." Alex said. "What makes you think you are going to close it?" hopper said. "Look last time you and Joyce closed it you ended up in the upside down and we thought you were dead. Then El got her powers again and she closed the gate but what if she loses her powers again. Lastly Jason is like me yes but he doesnt have all the powers I have. I have gotten more powers than i can count. It makes since that I close the gate." Alex said. "What if you get drain while you're closing the gate?" Hopper asked. "The gate is in Hawkins lab I'll just drain the energy of the lab before i close the gate." Alex said. "What if it kills you!?" Hopper asked. "It can kill her?" Richie asked. "No it can't i have indestructibility." Alex said. "Not with the mind flayer you don't!" Hopper said loudly. "Hopper just let me do this!" Alex said. "Over my dead body Alex am I letting you get near that gate!" Hopper said slamming his fist on the table. everyone jumped back but Alex. "I-" Alex said. "Alex." Richie said. Alex turned around. "Can we talk outside?" Richie asked. Alex sighed and went outside with Richie. "How dangerous is closing the gate?" Richie asked. "Not dangerous. El closed it twice and she's fine." Alex said. "I don't care about El I care about you. I don't want you doing this if there is even a chance something can go wrong." Richie said. "Richie, do you love me?" Alex asked. Richie put his hand on Alex's cheek. "Of course I do." Richie said. "Richie, one of the reasons I love you is you make me feel like i'm out of that lab. When I was with Mike, i felt like i could only do a little. Like i was only half free. I know he did it to keep me safe and i know you want to do that too but i need to do this i want to do this. You can either respect my decision or you can try stopping me wanting to keep me safe." Alex said. Richie looked away. Alex read his mind. "Rich, my feelings for you will never change. No matter what you pick." Alex said. Richie looked at Alex. Alex was shorter than Richie. She wrapped her arms around his neck. Richie wrapped his around her waist. "I love you, Alex. I know you well enough to know no matter what i say you will do whatever you have in mind. So as much as I want you to leave hawkins and come back with me and the losers to derry." Richie said. Alex softly laughed. "I respect your decision but i need you to promise me you'll stay safe." Richie said. "I promise." Alex said. She pulled Richie closer and kissed him. They went back inside. "We all know she's going to do it anyway so let's just make this easy and let her have she way." Richie said. "Fine." Hopper said. The phone started ringing. El picked it up. "We'll be right there." El said. She hung up. "Who was it?" Hopper asked. "Joyce. She said she thinks the mind flayer flayed Will again." El said. Hopper got his coat. "Let's go." Hopper said. Everyone got up and went outside. Hopper was about to get in the car. "I'll take the faster way." Alex said. Hopper shut his door and everyone grabbed on to Alex. Hopper drove and Alex teleported. They all went inside Will's house. "Mrs. byers." Dustin said. "He's in his room." Joyce said. Alex nodded. They all followed Alex to Will's room. "Will?" Alex asked. Will looked at Alex. All of a sudden Will hugged Alex. "alex, you need to get out of here. it - it got me." Will said. "W-w-what is he talking about?" Bill asked. "The mind flayer." Mike W, Max, El, Lucas and Dustin said. "Will." Alex said. "Please I don't want to hurt you." Will said. Will started hurting Alex. "Will your hurting me." Alex said. Will threw Alex to the floor. "What the hell?!" The losers club said. Will broke the leg of a chair and was about to hurt Alex when Richie punched him. Not hard just enough to stop him. Richie got Alex up. Steve put Will to sleep.  

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