Sad times

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Alex held on to Richie. Steve put his fingers through his hair. "You okay?" Richie asked. Alex nodded. Alex let go of Richie. "Get Will on the bed. He can't stay on the floor." Alex said. Mike H helped Alex put him on the bed. They all left Will's room and went to Joyce. Joyce and Hopper were sitting at the table. "The mind flayer has him." Mike W said. "He attacked Alex." El said. "W-w-w-what are we going to do?" Bill asked. Jonathan's eyes started watering. Nancy was there and she hugged Jonathan. "We can try putting him in a hot room, can't we?" Joyce asked. "We can use my cabin again." Hopper said. Alex started seeing the future again. She saw Will in the room she felt Will almost being burned alive. She saw herself in a room with all the losers but Richie, Jason, El, Dustin and Mike weren't there. She had been crying. All of a sudden she started feeling hot. Will and Alex were connected. Alex's eyes opened and she started breathing heavily. "Alex, are you okay?" Mike W asked. Richie turned to Alex. "s-s-she needs to sit down." Bill said. Beverly moved the pillows off the couch. Eddie, Ben, Max, Mike W and H, Richie and El helped Alex. "Are you o-o-okay?" Bill asked. Steve sat next to her. Alex nodded. "What happened?" Mike W asked grabbing Alex's hand. Richie glared at him. Mike W didn't care. "I don't think that will work." Alex said. "Why not?" Joyce asked. Everyone looked at Joyce then back at Alex. "I think me and Will are connected. Whatever he feels I feel." Alex said. Richie shoved Mike W a little and sat next to Alex and grabbed her hand. Eddie, Max, Stanley, Bill, Beverly, Ben, Mike H, El, Dustin, Lucas and Jason rolled there eyes. Nancy looked closely. "Why are there two Mike's?" Nancy asked. "There aren't." Mike W said getting up. "He's Richie." Mike said. "So that was the twin mom and dad were talking about." Nancy said quietly. Alex heard her. "What are twins?" Alex asked. Richie's and Mike W's eyes widened. "Twins?!" Mike W and Richie yelled. Alex covered her eyes. "Sorry." Richie said. "Mike, mom and dad adopted you. Your real mom said you had a twin but she was already dealing with two kids and she didn't have enough money to take care of you too." Nancy said. "So you're talking me i'm brothers with this piece of shit!?" Mike W said. "Mike." Alex said. "At least be happy. You have a brother that can actually get laid." Richie said. "Shut- wait, what?!" Mike W asked. Max and El hid their laughter. "Don't worry Eddie is single." Richie said. "Don't bring me into this!" Eddie said. Mike W ran outside. "Mike!" Nancy said. Alex got up. "I'll talk to him." Alex said. Nancy nodded. Alex ran outside. Alex saw Mike sitting on the truck of Hopper's truck. "Mike?" Alex asked. Mike W looked at her. "What do you want?" Mike asked. "Why did you run off?" Alex asked. "I thought my mom, dad, Nancy, Holly, I thought they were my real family. Now I find out My mom is Richie's and Richie's my brother. Me and Nancy don't talk that much but I still thought of her as my sister." Mike said. "I know and Nancy is still your sister and your parents are still your parents, now you just have two moms and a brother. Twin? Whatever you two are." Alex said. Mike smiled. All of a sudden they heard a roar from the distance. Everyone came out. "Will needs to go to hawkins lab." Alex said. "What?" Mike W asked. "Joyce take Will to Hawkins Lab. If he's near me he's not safe." Alex said. Joyce ran inside. "I'm going with them." Jonathan said. Jonathan started the car. Nancy got in the car. "Steve, El, Jason, Dustin, you guys go too." Mike W said. El, Dustin and Jason nodded. "What about you?" Steve asked. "I'll stay here and keep the mind flayer distracted. Then they rest of us will meet you guys at the lab to close the gate." Alex said. Steve nodded and got in the car. Joyce came out carrying Will. they both got in the car and Jonathan drove off. "Robin." Max said. "What?" Alex, Lucas and Mike W asked. "Who?" The losers asked. "Robin, she can help us." Max said. "Who is robin?" Stanley asked. "A friend." Alex said. "Ask Hopper to drive you to Robin." Mike W said. Max and Lucas nodded. Hopper, Max and Lucas came out. "Take this." Mike W said tossing Hopper a walkie. Hopper, Lucas and Max got in his car and drove off. They saw the mind flayer 2.0 coming from the woods. "Go inside." Alex said. "What!?" Richie and Mike W asked. "Both of you go inside, Alex can do this." Beverly said. "Yeah. let's not forget she beat Henry Bower's ass twice and killed IT." Eddie said. "IT almost killed her!" Richie said. "What's IT?" Mike W asked. "My dad." Alex said. "Richie you have to trust her." Ben said. "Fine." Richie said. They all went inside but Alex. the mind flayer ran towards her. Alex's eyes turned yellow and she lifted off the ground. She shot energy at the mind flayer. It flew back. The shadow monster and demodogs came out. Alex returned to the ground. She stomped her foot on the ground and the demodogs all fell. The shadow monster distracted Alex and the mind flayer got a hold of her. Alex screamed. "S-s-shit." Bill said. Richie looked at Alex. Alex melted out of the mind flayers hands. Her nose started bleeding. She wiped the blood. "Fuck." Alex said. The mind flayer hit Alex and she broke the window and landed at the back of the wall inside. "Alex!" Richie said. They all ran to her. "Ow." Alex said. Richie helped her up. The mind flayer was about to get her. Richie pushed her away and the mind flayer grabbed him instead. "Richie!" Alex said. Everyone ran outside. Alex tried using her powers but she was drained. The mind flayer brought Richie closer. With its other hand it stabbed Richie's chest. "No!" Alex yelled. Mike held her back hugging her. The mind flayer let go of Richie. Alex was crying. Eddie, Ben, Mike H, and Stanley's eyes were watery. Beverly hugged Bill. Bill was in shook. Alex fell to the floor crying. Mike W fell with her. He hugged her tight. The mind flayer looked at her. Alex screamed. The mind flayer flew back. The shadow monster turned and faced the direction towards hawkins lab. He, the mind flayer and the demodogs started heading towards hawkins lab. Alex was still crying. Mike W realised where they were going. He let go of Alex and ran inside to tell Hopper, Robin, Max and Lucas to get the others out. The losers all hugged Alex. Alex got up and walked to Richie. She grabbed his hand crying. "Don't leave me Richie. I need you. I love you Richie. Please don't leave me." Alex said. She cried into his chest. Richie brushed her hair back. Alex looked at him. Richie softly smiled. "I love you too hot stuff and I don't want to leave you." Richie said. Alex shook her head. "No. no i-i can fix this. I can heal you and everything will be okay again. I just have to-" Alex said. Richie used his last bit of strength and kissed her. Alex started crying again. "I'll never leave you hot stuff." Richie said. He closed his eyes. Alex cried harder. Hopper and Jonathan pulled up. "Alex? Alex!" El said. El ran to Alex and hugged her. Alex turned to her and cried in her arms. "H-h-he's gone." Alex said. Max ran to them. She covered her mouth. "Oh my god." Max said. She saw Richie. Lucas got out of the car and Max hugged him. Jason whispered something to El. El nodded and took Alex inside. Everyone went inside but Jason. "Alex if you need some time you can use my room." Joyce said. Alex nodded. El took Alex in Joyce's room. "Can I be alone?" Alex asked. El nodded. "We'll all be outside if you need anything." El said Alex nodded. El left. Alex closed the door and broke down crying. She slide down the door crying. *Mike and the others* the losers were silent. Jason walked in. El got up and Jason and her went into a room. "I'm sorry about Richie." Dustin said. "T-t-thanks but I think A-a-alex is hurting more than us." Bill said. Eddie looked down at his cast. He remembered when Alex wrote lover. "She doesn't deserve this." Eddie said. They all looked at him. Mike W came in. "where is she?" Mike W asked. "In Joyce's room." Lucas said. Steve went to talk to her. Mike W sat down. El and Jason came back. They whispered to Hopper. He nodded. "Mike I think you should talk to her." El said. "She lost Richie, El. he was my twin. If I talk to her it might remind her-" Mike W started. "We know but the gate is still open. It's heartbreaking she lost Richie but we need her to close the gate." Jason said. Mike W sighed. He got up and walked to Joyce's room. Steve was just coming out. Mike knocked on the door. "Alex?" Mike asked. Alex looked up. She got up and walked to Mike. her eyes got watery and she hugged Mike tight. Mike hugged her back. He closed the door and him and Alex sat on the bed. Alex put her head on Mike's lap. Mike played with her hair. "Alex, listen I know you're hurting but we need you to close the gate." Mike said. Alex looked at him and sat up. "I dont think I can anymore." Alex said. Mike got off the bed. He kneeled down in front of Alex. He grabbed her hand. "Your sad, right?" Mike said. Alex sniffled. "Turn that into anger." Mike said. Alex looked at him confused. "What?" Alex asked. "You're sad because Richie is gone. Take that sadness and turn it into anger towards the mind flayer. The mind flayer took him away from you." Mike said. Alex thought for a second. "I don't want to just close the gate." Alex said. Mike looked at her. "I want to kill them." Alex said. "Alex-" Mike said. "I know how. They took Richie, Mike. I want them to pay for what they did. I want them dead." Alex said. Alex's voice cracked at the end and her eyes got watery again. Mike sat back on the bed and hugged her. "Okay." Mike said. "Just be careful." Mike said. Alex nodded. They were like that for awhile. Alex stopped hugging Mike. "We need to get him out of Will." Alex said. "But you said-" Mike started. "I can handle it." Alex said. Mike nodded. They walked out the room. "Do it." Alex said. "What?" Joyce asked. "Get him out of Will. no matter what." Alex said. Hopper, Jonathan, Nancy, Jason, El, Dustin and Joyce left. Alex returned to Joyce's room. The others followed.     

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