Wingmaiden Island

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Luna's been gone for a couple months now, after that episode she apparently had and the rest of us finding out that she was related to Viggo and Ryker, I guess maybe she felt like she didn't belong anymore. Like she betrayed us somehow. Which she totally did! Ruffnut's been missing her a lot but has returned to causing chaos with her brother and that seems to keep her distracted so I guess that's good? I'm just glad the "Dragon Girl" is finally gone and out of our hair, now we can all get back to our normal lives...except I angered Astrid and so now I'm flying Hookfang through a storm to escape her wrath. I'm not too sure what happened next but I did wake up to see a lot of pretty ladies but one of them was familiar.

"You?!" and there's her voice, "Ugh! Why did it have to be you that I see after so long? I'd prefer Tuffnut or even Dagur over you!" She stormed out, those dark wings snapping open right outside the doorway so she could fly off.
"What's got her all wound up? I should be the one upset right now since I have to see her face with all these pretty ones," I said.
"I'm still here and I can hear you loud and clear, Snotlout," she said from the other side of the curtain, "Y'know what? Maybe being here will teach you some manners."
I heard her finally fly off then grumbled, "I can't believe I thought this was Valhalla, it clearly isn't if she's here, I mean, why would Odin want a woman like that in Valhalla?"

Alright, some craziness happened, I was awesome and brave and just so heroic, despite what some would say. 

"So, do you all know Luna? Or is it only Snotlout?" Atali asked, I honestly haven't seen her since that first encounter.
"How do you know her name's really Luna? Hmm?" I asked but I was ignored.
"Wait, Luna's here? Where? We haven't seen her in forever, she had a bit of an episode when we last saw her then she left without a word," Hiccup said.
Ruffnut stood, "Wait, do you hear that?" she asked then a cat came into view and walked right up to Ruff, "Hey, you're Sylva! Luna really is here!" she said excitedly and started running around looking for her.

"So it seems you do know her, she came to our island about a month ago, she was exhausted, starving and dehydrated with only her cat with her and a small bag of provisions," Atali said, "The poor thing accepted our hospitality but refused to take any food for a few days until finally giving in to the hunger. We introduced her to the dragons and she's been such a great help with taking care of them and helping around the island in general. I have to admit, neither I, nor any of my Wingmaidens have ever seen a woman with natural wings."
"Yeah, she's pretty special," Astrid said.
I scoffed, "I still don't see what the big deal about her is," I muttered under my breath.
"Do you think we could see her? Ruffnut's been missing her like crazy," Heather said.
"Unfortunately she doesn't often join the rest of us for gatherings such as this and prefers to keep to herself most of the time," Atali sighed, "Since the first day she arrived we could all tell that something was troubling her deeply and we've all tried to help and do our best but she refuses to talk about anything we don't absolutely need to know."
Tuffnut sighed, "She's always been as stubborn as a yak that you're trying to milk but you can't milk it, because it's a boy, and boy yaks don't give milk." As always, he's confusing and makes no sense. Ruff was still running around, trying to find Luna.
"Well next time you see her, would you mind telling her that the dragon riders miss her?" Hiccup asked.
"I certainly will," Atali smiled a bit.

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