(Not Quite)The Last Grimborn

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"I still can't believe Viggo sacrificed himself to let you escape," Fishlegs said after Hiccup returned from his adventure and told us all what happened.
"I can't believe he was still alive after Hiccup saw him jump into the volcano for the Dragon Eye," I muttered, sitting by the fire pit and hugging my knees loosely.
"I had a feeling it was him from the beginning, my dad doesn't write so cryptically, he's blunt and to the point," Hiccup said.
Astrid placed a hand on his arm, "And you still went? Alone? Knowing it was him?"
"Astrid, that's not the point but you don't have to worry anymore, he's gone, this time I'm sure it's for good," Hiccup said.
I'd heard enough, I got up and headed to the door, "I'll be at my hut," I told them and spread my wings to take off.
Snotlout scoffed, "What's her problem? I'm glad Viggo's dead, less trouble for us," he said.
"Snotlout!" Astrid scolded, "Viggo was still her cousin and probably the only family she had left," she said in a hushed tone, "Now she's really all alone, imagine how you would feel if all of your family was dead and you were the last Jorgenson on the planet."
I huffed and flew off, hearing Ruffnut's familiar steps hurry towards me, likely in an attempt to stop me but I needed to be alone for a bit.

I reached my hut in no time and spent a bit of time just laying on the slab of rock in my rafters, trailing my fingers over my new cheek scales, they've already shed once since they appeared and I kept the scales, possibly for a future project.
I sighed to myself then started messing with one of my wings, "Astrid's right, now I'm really all alone, the last Grimborn in the Archipelago, the gods must hate me to let me be the last one," I chuckled softly, "Now I'm just talking to myself, I must be going crazy," I sighed, "I'm a beast, a monster, enough of one that my father named me after one, even after everything, in the end I'm still just Fenris Grimborn, a monster so evil that her own father cut off her wings so she couldn't escape."
"Now there's a name I recognize," I gasped at the sudden voice and sat up, peeking over the edge of the slab, "hello, cousin, though you have always been more of a little sister to me."
"Viggo..." I couldn't move, he's still alive!
He chuckled as he looked up at me, "I notice you're quite surprised to see me, Fenris, though I suppose that's fair, even I thought I was done for back there."
I slowly snapped out of it and tried to hide my wings, "I don't go by that anymore, I-."
"Yes, yes, what was it that the Dragon Riders called you? Luna? Quite the beautiful name you picked out for yourself," Viggo sat on my bed with a groan.
"Why are you here? You were with the rest of the village when they found out about me and tried to kill me," I said with a growl.
"I was a child, I went along with the crowd, you know how it is," he said, "I didn't know the beast they were hunting was you until much later, after you were gone. Remember how we used to play together when you were just a little thing?"
"I-..." I quickly trailed off, "No...I don't remember much from before I was chased out of the village."

Viggo smiled up at me, "Won't you come down from there? I'd love to see how you've matured."
"How do I know I can trust you?" I tensed, "For all I know you still want to kill me."
Viggo just chuckled then he looked down at the floor and started humming a tune which was...familiar. "Raindrops fall on the meadow, on which this maiden lay..." he say softly.
I know this song! "The woods do tell her story, so listen what they say~," I sang right back.
"She were the chieftain's daughter 'fore did come what may. For when she found this meadow, it is here she'll stay~," we harmonized for that part then it only took a moment but I was quickly on the floor before him.
"That song..." I gazed at him, he was badly injured but he was smiling when he looked up at me.
"We made it up together, you used to sing it every time we played, it's how I knew you were having fun," he said, "there was a day that you didn't sing, you were distracted and kept looking at the dragons in the sky."
I remembered that day, "I wanted to fly with them but my father had forbidden it, you told me to do it anyways...that was the day I nearly got discovered by the village," I looked off to the side and hugged my arms.
"But now look at you, flying as you please, good friends," he got up with another groan, "You're not the last Grimborn quite yet, little sister."
I don't know what came over me in that instant but I hugged him, I hugged him tight and wouldn't let go even as tears started flowing down my cheeks. "You always were a jerk when others were around, Viggo, but you were the kindest person when it was just us."
He hugged me right back though he was clearly in pain so I loosened my hold, "I'm right here now, Fenris, you don't have to worry about a thing."

I soon heard flapping of a Hideous Zippleback and a Gronckle, the twins and Fishlegs were coming to check on me. Viggo had to disappear.
"You have to go, some of the others are coming, go," I told him, "now!"
He looked at me then smiled and gave me one more hug before hurrying off. I sighed and flew back up to my rafters for a few minutes before Fishlegs knocked but the twins came right in.
"Hey, Luna!" Tuffnut called out, "Come on out, we brought you fish!"
"S-Sorry for just bursting in," Fishlegs called too.
I looked down at them then softly sighed before smiling, maybe I'm not so alone after all. I flew down and hugged Fishlegs and Ruff, Tuff joined in by hugging my back.
Fishlegs chuckled as we all pulled away, "What was that for?"
"Just..." I trailed off and shrugged, "Thanks for being here for me," I said with a little smiled and Ruff hugged me again so I hugged her right back, holding her close.
"Of course we're here for you, we can't just let our dragon girl be all down in the dumps and alone," she said.
"Unless of course you wanted to be alone," Tuffnut added on, "then we're happy to give you space, just say the word. Actually, what kind of word would that be?" he mused.
I chuckled, "Thank you, all of you," I smiled softly then Ruff poked my cheek.
"Come on, who's my sweet girl? Who is it?" she asked.
"Ruff!" I laughed a little and pushed her hand away.
"Nuh-uh, try again," she said, persisting.
I couldn't hold myself back any longer, this has been a long time coming. I cupped Ruff's cheek and kissed her, just a soft one because Fishlegs and Tuff were still there. "I am, you know I am," I purred and nuzzled her cheek but I think I might've stunned her so I giggled.

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