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I woke up early the next day, I packed a small bag of clothes and some extra caloric intake bars in case I had to use my quirk, of course, I probably would.

Achilles came to pick me up. Achilles, whose real name was Yoshi Sato had a quirk that could easily make him a top 10 hero, which was also called Achilles. Much like the greek hero he is super strong, super fast and seemed to have no weaknesses. I know where it is, the pressure point that would make him fall unconscious. It's behind his ears, slightly under his earlobe. It's a strange place to have a weakness but we all have them.

"Hey sport, you ready to go?" Achilles said leaning on the door frame as if he was some cool uncle or something.

"Don't call me sport," I said as I exited the apartment. My dad had already left that morning for work so it was just me. I locked the door and walked down the stairs with him.

"Now, what's your hero name?" Achilles asked as we met outside with Metamorph. They each stood on opposite sides of me. "I'm the star-crossed lover: Juliet but I might change it to the shapable hero: Juliet, star-crossed was just what they called me during the sports festival," I said with a wide smile. 

"I felt that," Achilles started saying "when I was doing my first sports festival they called me The Tragic Hero because I was-"

"Because you were doing really well until someone touched your no-no pressure point and you fell, yeah yeah Achilles, at least you weren't called the dog-hating hero after you lost a fight to a person with a dog quirk," Metamorph said rolling her eyes. I could tell she was only half-joking, I remember I once told my dad that the dog-hating hero was so cool and only recently have I stopped calling her that. At least to her face.

We were getting on the train to Hosu when I got a call from Todoroki. I hesitantly picked up the phone, after all, last time I called all I got was weird breathing before I picked up the phone. "Hello," I replied as I answered the phone.

"Hey, L/n do you know if Aizawa-Sensei assigned any homework? Like at all?" Todoroki answered back, he sounded like he was in a public area with quite a bit of people. "He didn't, I believe the last thing he told you guys before you left was to try not to break any bones," I replied with a slight chuckle.

"Right, can you stay on the phone with me? there are girls that saw me from the sports festival and they keep trying to flirt with me," Todoroki said quietly into his phone. "Sure but I think this would be a good time to increase your fanbase, after all, a large fanbase makes you a popular hero," I reasoned with him. Achilles mouthed a question to me but I couldn't understand what he was trying to say. 

"Yes but I'm trying to have breakfast," he said kind of annoyed. "Well I don't know what to tell you then, give 'em the ol' sexy bagel," I said cheekily. I heard Todoroki snicker a bit off to the side of his phone. "I'll have to let you go right now my mentors are both giving me a weird look, tell me all about your internship later okay?" 

I hung up quickly and looked at my mentors. "What?" I questioned, looking at them attentively. 

"You know a Todoroki?" Achilles asked quickly, I almost didn't understand what he was saying. "You're acting like they're a type of plant, yes, I know a Todoroki," I replied bluntly, my mentors looked at each other and then at me.

"It's just that...I don't know, they're so closed off from everyone else." Metamorph said quietly. "Well I've met Endeavor before and he wasn't very, how the kids say, cash money," I said looking out the window of the train.  We rode the train in silence till we reached Hosu, the wind blew gently as  I exited the train. The collar of my costume fluttered slightly due to the wind. 

"Do you know which hero this Iida kid is interning with?" Achilles asked as we exited the train station. "Yeah, with Manual I think. There's something wrong though because Iida got like 300 offers, all of them were better than this one." I said calming as Metamorph and Achilles lead me to an alleyway. "Hey, don't say that about Manual. He's a homie." Achilles said slightly annoyed at me. 

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