Chapter 2

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Jace and I had an awkward moment where we sat there looking romantically at eachother. It was nice but I just met the guy which made me snap out of it.
I chuckled not knowing what to say.
"Uh-yeah hah sure" I felt I was blushing. I knew I was blushing.
I started searching for a pen and paper and started writing my number down but screwed up by how shaken I was by him. I got stressed and started having a panic attack by scribbling and squabling.
"0414 641 896?.." He said. He sat there looking at me with a smile. I backed away and stared at him.
"Howd you know that?" I smirked and and moved my hair out of my face.
"You are so beautiful.." He changed the subject.
"Um..thanks?" I said awkwardly. He came centimetres from my face and stroked my cheek.
"Ill call you tonight."
He escaped out. When I thought he was gone, he came back apologising for hitting me in the head earlier.
"Oh! Im also really sorry again!" That only lasted three seconds until he disappeared again. I laughed and rolled my eyes.
I had a long nap. It revived me from the 3 hour sleep I had this morning. I got up and looked for my next class.
English seemed to be nowhere in sight which made me frustrated. I knew I was going to get lost sooner or later. Quietly talking to myself working out where to go I hear high heels clicking my way. I look up probably knowing what was coming my way and took a deep breath and turned.
"You must be "The new Girl"" Putting air quotations with her fingers.
"Is that what I'm referred to?" Sounding hurt almost.
"Or Weird Chick, Ball magnet..want me to go on?"
"No please dont." I half begged. I stared at the ground for a while when she placed a hand on my shoulder.
"Hey? You ok?" She was sounding a little concerned.
"Dunno" As I shrugged my shoulders.
"I'm kinda lost..I need to get to English class." I explained hoping she would help me.
"Uh, well its just all the way down the hall way to your right." She pointed. I saw her eyeing me up and down. I twitched my mouth.
"Uh, well thank you." I turned and started walking.
"No wait!" She holted me and gave me a scare.
"I wanted to ask if you'd like to sit on our table at break?"
I thought about it for a while. I do really need friends to get through High school. To get through the dramas..
"Sure, why not?" I answered. She jumped up and down in excitement and gave me a unexpected hug.
"You'll have so much fun- I mean, we will have so much fun!" She corrected herself.
"Ill see you at break!" She waved and trotted off. I only just then noticed how attractive she was.
Blonde, blue eyes and a great set of legs but weren't sure if it was the overdone heels that were making her legs look spectacular.
I smiled and headed off to English class.

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