Chapter 10

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I feel myself waking up as my eyes open to the most beautiful human being I had ever seen.
After all of that, he was exhausted and seemed to be napping on my shoulder curled up on my side with his hand placed around my waist.
I took a quick look and pretended to fall asleep as he started wiggle around.
"I know you're up.." He groaned and tightened his hold against to me.
"Dang it" I said as I got up from the bed. Jace then pulled me back into his arms and I responded cuddling him.
"How you feeling?" he says through little pecks around my face.
I give a little giggle and I think that was enough to answer his question.
"Ill take that as a yes?" He says through his gorgeous smile.
He and my face were inches apart. He looked at me and chuckled for a second.
"What?" I laugh
"You're gorgeous, even if you're half asleep." He said as he kept kissing my cheek. He was tickling me with those kisses of his.
I gasp suddenly and look at the time.
"5:00! My mum will be looking for me!" I exited out of his hold as he groaned.
"Your mum can always get between us somehow." He said an that gave me a chuckle.
"Don't worry. One day, you and I will have our own place AWAY from my mum and you'll have me all to yourself!" He grabbed me in between his legs and pulled me in. Both his hands were on my waist.
"Really?" He asked
He bites his lip and I crash into him. The kiss was intense. He brought me in even closer to his chest. I brought him out suddenly forgetting I needed to go home.
"Oh what!" He complained wanting more kisses from me.
I rolled my eyes and blew him a kiss as I left his room.
As I shut his door, I heard a growl of anger which brought a smirk to my face feeling I was irressitable.

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