Chapter 3

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I finally got to English and sat in the seat all the way at the end of the class. As I walked to my seat, the teacher why I was late.
"I flew over the rainbow with my unicorn..thats why Im late." I say sounding smart not even looking at her. Everyone seemed to be chuckling.
"Excuse me?" Miss. Harris had her arms folded. Not impressed.
"Are you new to this school?" She asked.
"Well you better watch what you say to me. Sit in your seat." She ordered.
"I thought I was here for English not being slaved.." I mumbled under my breath. The girl next to me found me quite ammusing. She got my joke and I gave her a smile.
"Had something to say?" Miss.Harris asked me hearing me mumble.
"So can I continue?"
"You're the teacher, you tell me.."
She found me funny and rolled my eyes. I thought she would punish me or spank me or at least put me into detention but she didn't which was okay.
I started writing down a story about a former US president. I felt a knock on my shoulder.
"Hey? Where do you have the guts to say that?" The girl next to me asks.
"On a good day I guess aha" I reply.
"I'm Mikayla. Its great to meet you."
"Im Tessa, but people call me Tess." I gave her a warm smile and we both continued writing again.
Half an hour later, English had finished and it was break. I remembered that I had to meet those girls out in the Caf.
I made my way out of the class not wanting to be late.
Everyone seemed so chill and I felt as though I was the odd one out. It didn't help when about the whole school had created rumours about me already.
"The New Girl Tessa has already found her mate.." I over hear while scurrying through the hall way. Mate? What did that basically mean? I hope they aren't talking about Jace and I.
Jace seemed reserved. Too reserved actually.
Not long, I reached the Caf and immediately spotted the girls. It was pretty damn easy.
One of them started to wave to catch my attention but I already knew they were there.
"HEY" I feel a hot hand slice across my shoulder.
Its Jace.
"Oh hey!" Already feeling shy.
"Hows that head of yours?" He said while lightly tapping on my head.
"Aha a little better" I reply.
"I'm glad and I'm sorry again." He grabbed a hold of my hand and with his other played with my hair as he stood close.
He was taller than me. I was up to his chest which made him look intimidating. But really, he is so caring which makes me feel so comfortable to be with him right now.
"So where you heading?" He half whispered over the racket of noise.
"A group of girls want me to sit with them. I'm guessing "hanging" with them?.." I feel myself over talk because I'm so shy standing inches away from a beautiful guy that has all the girls drooling for him.
"You're sitting with....them?" He pointed. Sounding surprised and protective. It seemed strange.
A simple "yes" was all I said.
"You aren't sitting with them." He grabbed my arm tight.
"Ow..could you let go of me?" I shoved my arm out of his hands.
Why would he do that?
"Sorry.." He looked to the ground as he twirled his fingers cutely. It gave me a sudden chuckle to see him so adorable.
"Its ok squirt!" I playfully punched him on the arm and gave him a smile. He chuckled.
"Ill call you tonight" was all he said.
He walked off out of the cafeteria as I stood there wondering what just happened.
I made my way to the girls as they were gorking me up and down.
"Hey, How was English?"
"It was fine.."
Now that Jace tried to defend me before I went to the girls, made me wonder if something wasn't right with them. Or they had a disapproving past. It just made me wonder.
"Just "fine"? Is that how you answer me?" She narrowed her eyes at me as if she was the leader and I was her follower and I was certainly not her follower. I wasn't going to be treated like that.
"Yeah why?" I answered. I'm not going to be treated like second class.
"Whats your problem?"
"Don't treat me like that." I simply answer
"Treat you like what?...Tess?.." She leans in closer.
"Get away from me!" I make a scene but I know from the first second I would of gotten into trouble.
So I pushed my chair out as she tried to get a hold of my hair. She just misses but as I loose my step from my chair, I stumble onto the ground. The whole room was full of laughter.
"WHAT THE F*CK IS YOUR PROBLEM STEPHANIE?!" There was growl somewhere so I figured there was a dog or something but I check and there wasnt. I look up and find Jace centimetres away from raising his fists and pounding Steph.
I do not know what was into Jace. It was frightening to see him like this. He is the usual layed back kind of guy and I wouldn't find him getting into fights.
"Jace..calm down..I'm fine" I say trying to sooth him.
He was about to punch Steph but made a sudden stop. And instead, shoved her.
Jace made his way over to me as I started to stand back up. He rushes over to me and leads me out the cafeteria under his arm. He takes me behind the Caf and into the dark hallway.
"You'll stay with me...period. Ill even change lessons if I haved to."
"No. Jace. They aren't going to let you do-"
"Ill make them!" He cut me off.
I thought for a while as I watched him calm down. He was pacing back and fourth trying to stay cool.
"Jace!" I said as I stopped him in his tracks. He looked at me and thats when I noticed a Topaz colour change in his eyes.
"" I lost my train of thought. I stood there like an idiot as he was staring straight into my eyes. He was staring at mine..and I was exploring his.
"Yes?" He said waiting for my answer. He sounded the slight impatient.
Without thinking, I crashed him into me for a friendly hug. In a matter of minutes, he responded to my hug and embraced me.
"Thanks" I say into his chest. I can hear his heart beat just and its going a million miles per hour.
"Anything for you. You better pick up the phone tonight other wise ill go ape shit" He brought a smile to my face and a chuckle.
"Ill have the phone right next to me.." I confirmed as I rubbed his back.

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