Chapter 27

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Micky and I were crawled into a ball on the ground while she was in my arms sobbing. I kept repeating "its ok" but nothing seemed to work.

After a while, we both rested in eachothers arms and fell asleep.

Jaces POV
I smell my mates scent nearby and my wolf starts howling in excitment. I found her and a young girl in her arms. They looked so at peace and I was too but thats when I saw blood on Tess. I stood there for a while, enjoying knowing shes safe and shes found a friend until I see Tess' little nose sniffing.
"Jace!" Her eyes pop open and jumped towards me but ended up crashing towards the ground.
"Babe, are you ok?" I got her up and wiped the dirt off her arm.
"Better than ever" She said with a massive grin on her face, her dimples exposed.
I eye her up and down thinking "you have been hurt, what do you mean you are fine!?"

She starts rubbing her stomach.
"Youre hungry!? Come on well go eat-"
"Youre hurt? Who the fuck hurt you!!" I am furious.
"Yes, but not just me."
"what do you mean!!??" I say confused
"She grabs my hand that were placed on her arm and placed it onto her stomach.

"We have a pup?.." My eyes start tearing up.
She nods smiling.

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