Chapter 29

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Lena's POV

I returned from the lab to Sam's office and found them conversing. I smiled and settled in the couch off to the side. They were so engrossed in their discussion that I went unnoticed. I pulled out the paperwork that I had offered to help Sam with and began to go through them.

It seemed like hours before I got a call from Kara.

"Good Afternoon wifey! Are you still at Lcorp?" Her cheery voice said.

"I am darling. I'm just helping Sam with some paperwork. Your sister is also here with me" I respond. I smile softly at the other two women who look like they realized I was also in the room.

"Oh ok. Do you want me to bring you some lunch? What is the baby craving today?" I bit my lip and thought for a moment.

"I would love some chili fries. Honestly, this is obviously your child with their bad eating habits. I dont have your fast metabolism and its killing me. Also bring a salad though. I should be at least somewhat healthy" I chuckle.

"Chili fries and a salad it is! I'll be there in a few minutes. Say hello to everyone for me and make sure the baby knows I love them" she says.

"I will Kara, and the baby knows exactly how much you love them. I love you" I said the last part quietly. I was still shy with showing my true feelings even if it was only my friend and sister-in-law in the room.

"I love you too." With that we hung up and Alex shifted in her seat.

"I assume Kara is coming soon?" She smirked.

"As per usual during this time of day. Oh dear, did you all want anything to eat. I didnt realize" I felt bad for not asking.

"We're ok Lena. I ordered lunch earlier and figured Kara would come" Sam smiled kindly. I breathed out a sigh of relief and nodded.

We heard a knock on the door and Kara walked in.

"Hello family. What did I miss?" Kara beams. I know I have a devilish smile on my face and I quickly school my expression to remain neutral.

"Nothing extraordinary. Except our child is now fully awake" I look down to my belly and could feel kicks coming from within.

"Maybe they knew food was coming" Alex shrugged. I chuckled and Kara kissed my head.

She laid her hands gently on my stomach and felt around for the baby.

"So, I see that you two are getting along?" I asked innocently. Alex's cheeks had flushed red and Sam looked away for a moment.

"Yes, Alex was telling me of some stories since shes been on the force" Sam said happily.

"Sam says that shes starting to understand how you feel" Alex smirked.

"Its a hard job, but I know I've picked the right woman to handle things while I'm away" I raise an eyebrow. I feel Kara place a soft kiss on my cheek and look into her eyes lovingly.

"You'll have your hands full just as much as mine" Sam joked.

"Yeah with bottles if the baby has half the appetite that Kara has" Alex rolls her eyes.

"Hey! I just have a high metabolism" my wife pouts.

"You eat like we starve you! Just because you have a fast metabolism doesnt mean you have to eat everything in sight!" Alex argues.

"I just have to eat more to keep up! Dont judge me! You have bad habits too!"

I laugh and snuggle into my wifes and listen to my family's banter. Such a strange thing to argue about.

Kara's POV

Everything seemed to be going well for us. Lena and I were stronger than ever and Alex was finally getting back out there. I was finishing an article when I got a call from Alex.


"Kara! We need your help. Lex is in the middle of the street downtown. I have no idea how he got out of prison but you need get here NOW" she said breathlessly.

I changed into my suit with my superspeed and flew as fast as I could to downtown. I touched down near Lex and I could see the smirk on his face.

"Hello Supergirl. I hear you are close to my sister now" he calls out to me. I dont need him to reveal my secret identity.

"What do you want Lex" I growl.

"Well, to catch up of course. It's very boring in prison you know and I would like to keep tabs on my enemy" he responds.

"You're going straight back there when I'm done with you" I yell.

Lex continued to have a sly grin on his face and it made me uneasy. I hadn't a clue what he might be planning but I knew I had to take him out.

"The DEO is in position Supergirl" I hear Alex tell me in my earpiece.

I made to step toward him when he pulled out a device from his blazer. I froze in place and the evil grin grew.

"So long Supergirl. Have a nice nap" he said.

Sparks flew and I felt a wall of electricity hit me. I felt weightless and there was darkness all around me. I tried to fight it knowing that I needed to get out of here but my efforts failed. I tried to yell and no sound came. I tried to move my limbs but I couldnt feel anything. I was stuck. Stuck somewhere that I was powerless. Stuck in what felt like my hyper sleep before coming to earth.

I began to panic and memories of what it was like being stuck in space made me fight harder. Why cant I wake up?

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