Chapter 32

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Lena's POV

I headed back to the DEO, as I couldnt be gone from Kara too long, and noticed everyone was in chaos. Agents scrambled to and fro yelling orders to each other. My heart dropped and thought something was wrong with Kara.

I sped to her hospital room where Alex and a few other doctors were restraining her. Kara fought against them and was screaming with her eyes closed.

"Let me out! Wake up! Let me go!" She almost seemed to be in pain and it frightened me.

"Alex! What's happening?" I yelled out.

"Her heart rate spiked and she's been thrashing around for 10 mins. Lena, you need to wait outside of the room. Someone get her out of here!" Alex barked.

An agent gently but firmly led me outside of the room and the sound of my wife's screams tortured me. I wanted to help but I wasnt sure how.

After a lifetime her screams stopped and Alex walked out of the room. She seemed troubled and tired and I walked over to her to get an update.

"What happened in there? Is Kara ok?" I asked.

"We got her stabilized for now. I have no idea what just happened but let's hope it doesnt happen again. Are you ok? You said you went to Lcorp" Alex says.

"I did but I couldnt be away for too long. I think I was more worried when I was away from her than I am here" I sigh. Alex shakes her head and we go to the round table at the center of the DEO.

"Director Danvers. Theres a disturbance at the docks in National City. Reports are saying he's threatening to blow it up" an agent reports.

"Send a team to apprehend him and the bomb squad. Be careful. We dont need anything else happening today" Alex commands.

I look up at the screens and see an ordinary man standing alone. A few minutes later the NCPD and DEO are on the scene. He attempts to take fire and is shot before. He staggers back but remains standing. I get a sickly feeling at the smile that we can see on his face on screen. He raises a hand facing the law enforcement and a ray of blue hits them.

"Get them out of there! I'm going down to assist. I need a team to bring our alien technology immediately!" Alex bellowed.

I watched in horror at the scene on the TV and hold my hands to my chest. I take a step back from the table and feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I grunt at the sharpness of it and lean against the table. It soon subsides and I look back at the scene.

Alex shoots at the suspect from her specialized gun and ducks for cover at an oncoming beam. I walk over to the table where Winn is directing agents and talking to Alex through her comms.

"Winn, you need to tell Alex to get him in the water" I tell him.

"Lena, you shouldnt be here. We got this ok? Just let us handle it" Winn huffs. He is tapping away at his keyboard and searching for a vulnerability in the suspect.

"Winn! We need something! He doesnt seem to be too fazed with our guns. We need to have a plan and fast before he blows this dock up!" Alex yells.

"You need to get him in the water! I've studied his movements and he avoids stepping in puddles. Tell her to try and get him in the water!" I demand.

"Alex! Lena, says to try and get him in the water. He's been avoiding puddles so any amount should do something" he says.

I watch the screen while Alex starts to move to flank the alien. I feel the sharp pain again and bend forward a bit. It pulsates throughout the lower half of my body and I grit my teeth against the pain. These are contractions.

I go to a nearby chair and try to remember how far apart they were. I take deep breaths and watch to see if Alex is ok. I see her being chased by the man and jump off the dock. She curls her body and lands with a splash. The man doubles over and starts to sizzle. I scrunch my nose and look away from the scene.

"Target detained. Tell Lena thank you" I hear Alex say.

Winn looks back to me and I open my mouth but am caught in another contraction. Winn leaps out of his chair to come to me.

"Lena!? Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asks frantically.

"Tell Alex that she better get her ass back here quick. Shes going to be an aunt early" I grunt. The pain starts to dwindle and I take deep breaths.

"Alex! Lena's having contractions. She said you better get your ass here and pronto!" He says.

"I'm on my way!"

Winn looks to me and I raise an eyebrow.

"What? I never get to say that to her. Besides, I was just telling her what you said" he shrugs.

I roll my eyes and am escorted by a few agents to a medical bed in the room next to Kara's.

"They couldnt have chosen a worse time? I need Kara here. I need her awake" I say sadly.

"Alex will be here in a minute. I'm sure Kara will understand and it will be a nice surprise when she wakes up, right?" Winn says softly. We then heard screaming in the room next door.

"Kara!" I yelled. Winn rushed away and left me with another agent who reached for my hand.

Alex had finally arrived and walked into the room.

"What the hell is happening here!? My sister is screaming bloody murder and my sister-in-law is in labor!" She took place of the agent and grabbed my hand.

My contractions began to come more frequently and stronger. I could feel tears accumulating in my eyes but refused to let them escape. I need you darling. Our child needs you.

A large and especially painful contraction overcame me and I finally let myself cry out. The pain I was feeling was unlike any other. I squeezed onto Alex's hand and hoped that the pain would end soon.

"Its a good thing you dont have super strength. You would have broken every bone in my hand or worse" Alex attempted to joke.

"This is not the time for playfulness Director Danvers!" I growled.

A large crash sounded and I saw my brother standing in the door frame of my hospital room. I felt as though I were seeing a ghost as Lex was supposed to be dead. Alex immediately had drawn her gun and aimed it at him.

"Miss me sister?"

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