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"Vi, you aright?" Moo looked at the little scrawny blonde headed girl.

She nodded stiffly, "Just... not in the mood for school."

"You're never in the mood for school," he pointed out making her eyes roll.

She turned away from him and sighed. His expression softened as he put his hand over her shoulder squeezing it gently.

"Hey, if those assholes start messing with you again, just tell me this time if that what's bothering you. I don't want you getting hurt anymore," she turned around as he gave her a reassuring look.

She gave him a small smile, "Okay, Moo. I just didn't want you getting rapped up in my own problems."

"Vi, I told you, we're friends, remember?"

She looked down to the floor as her face saddened a little, "I know I keep saying this, but you're maybe the first real friend I ever had, people just think I'm weird and . . . different. I don't even think my parents like me either."

He sighed, "Vi, it's not your fault. People are just cruel. People don't like me just because of my race and problem"

"That must suck."

"Not much, I've been treated like this my whole life. But hey, us weirdos have to stick together, right?." he nudged her with his elbow making her giggle.

"Right," she leaned against him her head laid on top of his as he wrapped an arm around her waist pulling her closer.

"Vi, when we grow up and have our own families and stuff, do you think we'll still be friends?"

"I think we will as long as you never forget about me," she hugged him tighter.

"I'll never forget about you."

She looked at him with her large beautiful gem green eyes that were filled with so much worry and hope, "Promise?"

"I promise."


Vivian flinched as Violet roared in frustration slamming her spear into the river. It was so difficult to catch fish with her poor eyesight. It's been almost an hour and the best she could do is catch two fish while Vivian caught about nine. This sucked.

"Uh, Vi," Vivian started hesitantly.

"What?!" she snapped coldly.

"You want me to take over? I don't mind doin' it, mate."

"No, it's fine, you can go back since you have like a ton of fish. I'll just stay here and try to catch some more."

Vivian chuckled a little, "You and I both know Clem would kill me if I did that."

"Then tell her told you could go,  I'm not a fucking kid," she growled viciously as she slammed her spear back into the water.

"Jeez, you alright?"

She sighed, "It's fine, don't worry about it."

"Ya' sure? You look stressed."

"Yeah, no shit, Vivian."

Vivian started to look a little more hurt, then Violet noticed her expression and sighed.

"I'm sorry, Viv, I'm just tired of people thinking I'm helpless because of my fucked up eyes."

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