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Ashley had given the signal, now the the back was a complete warzone, everyone was distracted.

The perfect time to make their move.

Ashley had tied the horse to the tree so he wouldn't get spooked and run off. He first handed everyone a walkie talkie before entering through the broken gates then they cautiously through with their weapons for anyone about to come at them. Ashley led them with his shot gun rifle in hand looking at all of his surroundings. So far there was just walkers coming in by the noise from the fighting, but so many were starting to draw in.

It looked like there was a time limit set for them.

When they got to the gates their luck ran plentiful when there was no one guardian them and they were busted open.

Probably some of the soldiers that forgot to go to the back with the others.

They all ran in stopping at the sight of people running for their lives at the rain of bullets, mothers trying to protect their children, and others helping the wounded get to safety. Ashley didn't know that some of his soldiers would be shooting from the front.

Nor even told them.

He rolled his eyes in frustration knowing that they would follow exactly what Catalina or Marisol ordered them to do.

But it didn't matter now. As they walked Storm had to gently pull Sophie when she was becoming frozen at the sight of innocent people and children being shot down like prey. She started to hyperventilate heavily becoming weak to her knees before Storm could help her to continue.

"It's alright, Sophe," she whispered making her look away.

Izzy's legs started to stiffen some when they were already close to the entrance. She didn't what she'd do to herself if she ever saw him again.

"Alright you, two," Ashley stopped turning to Storm and Coyote, "you guys remember where the medical house was, right?"

"Yes," they accidentally said at the same time with Coyote chuckling to herself and Storm just rolled her eyes.

"Just remember, it's close to the back so make sure to be extra cautious when walking around there," he hugged both of them tightly before nudging them to move on, "now move out and make sure to back alive!"

At that the two instantly began to sprint their way to their assigned location leaving Ashley and the other girls behind.

He turned to Sophie and Izzy pulling out the map and pointed at the marked location of where Marisol and the others would be kept captive.

"What about the key?" Sophie asked almost forgetting that they probably needed something to get in with.

"I have you covered," Ashley winked, "just go to the basement, find a place to hide if anyone except for us coming your way or notify me through the radio, stay put until I get there or either go to a place where I want you guys to meet, 10-4?"

They both nodded.

"Let's move out."

"Victoria!!" Dixon screamed as he was running through the hall leading to Miguel's room.

He knew there was fighting going on outside but ignored it worried to death on Miguel did to Victoria. He doubted that Nicóle, Lynx, or Cobra knew anything about it since they probably be hunting down their father by now.

But Dixon was glad not wanting them to see a gruesome sight.

When he got to the room he immediately halted rapidly taking a row of keys shakily putting the one to the hole as his heart sped faster every minute. He gasped excitedly when the door unlocked then flung the door wide open frantically looking around.

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