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Marisol shifted uneasily in the leather chair while Victoria was making her some tea while Cobra sat across from her silently reading a book. She wanted to come to hang out with her today since everything was going smoothly with the town. Since her sisters are busy and her brother dealing with his own problems, she decided she could talk with Victoria for a bit.

She came back with two steaming mugs handing one to her son a one to Marisol. Victoria then sat beside Cobra giving Marisol a sweet smile.

"I saw your daughter a couple of days ago, she's grown into a beautiful joven mujer."

Marisol smirked, "You know when she was younger I prayed she'd never turn out like me when she became a teenager."

"Matéo was my youngest and I was scared for my life when he grew up."

"Now, I don't even want her dating because of my past mistakes with Lucas."

Victoria rolled her eyes, "Please, I let Matéo date and you saw how that turned out."

"Ya know, I'm actually scared that our kids might get together."

She raised a brow, "Why?"

"Well, no offense, Tori, he's kinda unstable since he came back here, most of the town is afraid of him."

"Sí, I know," she sighed, "I should've been there to protect him, not you or Cobra. I was just... so weak."

"And none of it was your fault," Marisol reassured her touching her hand, "I owed you for taking care of Violet when you could."

"Marisol, you don't owe me anything, I loved that girl like she was my own."

"I really didn't wanna send her away, Lucas just looked up this boarding school we could send her to because he thought something was wrong with her."

"Nothing was wrong with her," Victoria growled, "you of all people should have seen that."

"I know, but when I saw her that day just staring at the TV like nothing was wrong and Betsy's chest being blown out, I thought something was really wrong with her."

"I wish you would've let me talk to her, my Matéo wouldn't speak for months. She was his only friend..."

"She seems better now, she was really pissed at me when she saw me again," Marisol looked down in guilt, "She had every right to be, I never even forgave myself for what happened to her and Storm."

"Storm's abduction wasn't your fault."

"No, it is, I shouldn't let the bastard take him anywhere, I tried really hard to stop him but I was still in so much pain after giving birth to Violet."

"That drunken fool," Victoria grimaced, "heard he's going into surgery today."

"Yep," Marisol took a sip of her tea, "damn karma for all the fuckin' drinkin' he's been doin'."

"Marisol, you have a very bad habit of holding grudges," she pointed out, "Your ex-husband, your brother, and even your mamá. I know how horrible they were to you, it's very unhealthy to just hold anger towards them."

She sighed, "I don't know, Tori, I can never forget what they did to me. I won't even let Lucas near Violet."

"I get that you're still mad at him, but you should at least let him see her again, she's his daughter too."

"I know, I know, I could tell that he really does love her, he just rarely showed it."

Victoria looked down, "I just wish that my children's Papi would've changed his ways so he could stay."

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