No One's Leaving

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As the gunshots ranged loudly from the broken window Moo hugged Violet tightly as she rested in his arms. He felt her body still trembling from what he had done to her but it began to lessen after a while.

His heart was in pieces after what he did, he had promised himself that he wouldn't do this to anyone else, especially to Violet. Anger and hate just got the better of him, with all this shit going on at once it was harder to control the impulses. He never knew why pain pleasured him so much during sex, he's been like this for as long as he could remember. He was capable of being gentle and tried his best to be gentle with Violet.

But with Miguel hovering over him with a gun pointed at his head there was going to be a little chance of him staying calm throughout the whole time.

"I'm sorry you had to suffer like that," he murmured running his fingers down her hair.

"You don't have to be," she croaked her voice a bit strained from all the yelling she's done, "I'm yours, remember? Besides, we were gonna do it anyway."

"But not like that, Vi," he blurted, "I had no right to treat you like that," he rubbed the small bruise on her cheek, "I never wanted to hurt you like this when we were going to do it when we got back. I don't know what got into me."

She chuckled weakly, "Sometimes, we can't control ourselves."

"I wish I did . . ."

Violet frowned looking up at him, "Hey, I know you didn't mean it. I can tell you never made love before."

He raised a brow, "'Make love'? I'm pretty sure I've done that before."

She shook her head, "No, no, there are two types of sex, making love and just straight fuck. I can tell you're used to just straight fucking because you never had an intimate person to do it with, have you?"

He blinked thinking about it, the person he was in a serious relationship with, never got to do it, but in his second relationship, they did. But he didn't feel like their sex was intimate, it was always what they wanted, not him, and afterward, he was beaten up pretty badly, and sometimes they did it unwillingly. It was almost the same thing with the girls he's been with ever since he can back to Charlottesville, he had no feelings for them and just did what he wanted to them since all of them were brain dead.

Violet was different.

He was actually in love with her something he never thought would happen in his life. With her, he wanted to give what she wanted even when he was forced to have sex with her.

He soon realized it wasn't only his anger that fueled him, but his own pain as well.

I never actually made love, he thought sadly to himself.

"I guess I haven't," he sniffled feeling ashamed.

"Hey, don't beat yourself up about it," she wiped away some of his tears, "you're new to this and I get it, you're new to me too. But I know how to make love, maybe not with a guy, but I know how to in general."

"I just don't see how to."

She smiled softly at him, "Don't worry, we'll learn as we go."

He smirked kissing her on the forehead then hugged her tighter in his arms as she snuggled in closer.

It didn't last long when jumped to the sound of a gunshot close to the broken window and a bullet flying in hitting a mirror. They were lucky the window was out of reach but it was a risk to stay in the room if the battle was that close to them.

"Shit," Moo hissed to himself, "we gotta get the hell out of here first."

Violet blinked looking up at him in concern, "What about Miguel, won't he track us down?"

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