14 // Treat People With Kindness

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My heart thumps so loudly in my chest that I could practically feel it in my toes as the door slowly creaks open. Once it was open wide enough to see into the room, it revealed the legend himself, Mr. Harry Edward Styles. I felt my facial expression blank completely once I saw him standing before me.

"Hello?" Harry asks as he opens the door. He was quick to change, now wearing a yellow shirt with a panda on it. I'm guessing he quickly showered after the, since his hair was practically drenched. But in all honesty, it could've also been sweat, we won't judge.

"Mr. Styles," George speaks up for me, "This is Miss Mason, the one we discussed."

Discussed? What was that supposed to mean?

"Ah, yes," He nodded, looking me up and down immediately making me feel ten times more self-conscious. He smiles.

God, that smile. Don't do this to me, Harry!

Apparently, but not surprisingly, I was just standing there with my jaw on the floor because Officer Smith nudged me subtly with his elbow. I muttered a quiet "oh" and—jumping slightly—I quickly extend my arm forward, holding his hand out. But what did surprise me is the fact that instead of holding his own hand out, he extended his arms out as if he wanted to hug.

My cheeks heated up as I sheepishly put my arm down and excepted his hug.

"What's your name?" He asks sweetly as we pull away from our short embrace.

"Oh, erm, Lili," I tell him.

"Like the flower?" His dimples popped out crookedly on either side, his left one deeper.

"No, actually," I correct him in the kindest way possible, "it's short for Liliana."

"Liliana?" He raises his eyebrows. "I've never heard that before. I like it."

I look down at the ground, my cheeks never stop blushing. "Thanks."

The conversation was becoming dry and I hated it.

"I'm Harry," He said, shrugging.

"It's nice to finally meet you," I said honestly, finally looking up to meet his stare.

"You as well," He nods. "So how did you enjoy the show?"

"It was incredible," I say. "I saw you on your last tour, but this one just seemed so much different."

"You did?" He asks, surprised. "Which night?"


"I see," He says knowingly, "I picked up on the American accent."

"Yeah, I feel kind of like an outcast," I chuckle slightly.

"Don't. It's the same as a Brit visiting the U.S, people find the accent interesting." He winks.

"I'll take your word for it." I couldn't stop grinning. He was awfully sweet and he radiates off such kind and happy vibes. I felt comfortable around him, even though I've known him for approximately two minutes.

"I really like your shirt, by the way," He compliments me out of the blue. Out of habit, I look down to see exactly what I was wearing that he liked.

"Oh, thank you," I say gratefully. "I love yours. The panda is adorable."

He looks down at his shirt also. "Really? Thank you."

I hated how awkward our compliments were toward each other. It didn't feel natural. It felt like we were two little fourth graders admitting they have crushes on each other.

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