28 // Because It's Weird

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"Thanks again for getting us an Uber," I thank Harry as he opens the car door for me to get out as we pull up to my townhome unit.

"No problem," he says, closing the door as soon as I've stood to my full height. "Just as long as we can get me a rental car by the time you have to go back to work."

"Oh I wouldn't worry about that," I tell him, walking relatively close to him up the driveway to my front door. "I have the next few days off. I took them as vacation time to both get over jet lag and just take some time off."

"How long have you been working at the salon?" he asks.

"Since a little after college, so around 2 years now," I inform him. We both come face to face but stop before entering my house, fearful Jess would interrupt our conversation.

"Wow, that's not too long," he says, "Did you go to school to do nails?"

"No, actually," I say. "I went to become a counselor, but changed my path last minute."


"I don't know, actually," I confess, shrugging. "It just kind of...happened that way."

"I see," he nods. "I was planning to go to law school back in highschool. Then One Direction kind of blew up, and I never got the chance to go to university."

"Would you go back if you could?"

"No," he says quickly, not even a little pause for thought at all. "For the most part, I like the way my life is going and it terrifies me to think about what would've happened if I would've chickened out of my audition."

"You really love your job, don't you?"

"It's my everything," he says passionately. "All the people I've met and the people I've been able to help is enough to let me live with no regrets."

"That's really sweet, Harry," I tell him wholeheartedly, flashing him a small smile.

He exhales briefly, sounding more like a soundless laugh. Soon enough, he's gesturing toward the door.

"Shall we go in?" He asks, smiling softly.

"Yeah sure," I say, preparing to punch in the code to the lock, "you have no idea how excited Jess is going to be when she sees you."

"Should I be excited or nervous?" He says hesitantly.

"A little bit of both," I tell him honestly, a little giggle escaping from my lips. "Every time I've tried to guess what her reaction to a surprise would be I've been wrong. She could break down hyperventilating or act like nothing's happening. There's really no way to tell with her."

"I'll take my chances."

I punch in the code to the lock and the door unlocks automatically. I push down on the doorknob and just before opening the door, I stop.

"A few things," I advise Harry, turning to him. "First of all, I should warn you that Jess has little to no filter whatsoever. I've gotten used to the things she says, but I just don't want you to get offended by anything she says to you. If it comes off as rude, just know she doesn't mean to it to come off like that."

Harry nods, his eyebrows furrowed together, showing he was listening intently.

"Secondly, the house is very small, so no judging," I point my finger at him. "Which brings us into our next thing. Jess is a really messy and chaotic person, I'm usually the one to pick up after her. So if we walk in and it's an absolute pigsty, I apologize deeply. If her room is disastrous, I will force her to clean it or maybe just do it myself."

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