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"Madi?" My father's calm voice calls.

I am breathing hard and can't hear him. I just sit with my back to the door, panting with my eyes wide open.

"Madi?" My father calls from the kitchen.

Wait why is my dad home early? He is never home early? What is going on? I realize.

"Madi?!?" My father says panicking and running to me. He finds me at the door and hugs me tight.

"Madi? What is going on?" My father asked worried.

I come to my senses and talk to him, "Nothing I just thought I heard something outside and I got scared and ran all the way home."

"Why didn't you get on the bus?" He asked confused pulling away.

"I wanted to think about some things and the bus is to loud sometimes." I say to him looking into his hazel-blue eyes.

"Well just get on the bus from now on, ok?" He asks.

"Fiiiiiiine" I groan. "And why are you here early? You are never here early."

"Oh..yes...I....uh..g-got the day of today. And so I decided to have some dad time and guess what?" He says, stuttering a little.

I stare at him stupidly and say, "what?"

"I'm making dinner!!!" He says super exited with jazz hands. He even gets up and starts to dance.

My dad is a funny guy. He wants everyone to laugh. He's outgoing and talks to almost everyone. He is the opposite of me. He has hazel-blue eyes, brown hair and a moustache. He hates it though, so he always shaves.

"Urgggggggh!!!" I say, trying to be funny.

"Hey!!!! I am offended!!!!" He says, turning his back to me, crossing his arms and putting his chin up in the air. "Humph."

We can't ever stay serious for long, so in one second we are on the floor rolling around laughing with tears in our eyes.

"Oh, Madi!" He says hugging me, "I love you so much!"

"I love you to daddy!" I say to him, hugging him back.

We stay hugging for a little bit because we never get this time. He is always home late and leaves in the morning early.

"I'm home, Madi!" My mom's voice comes from the garage area.

My dad gets up and puts his finger to his lips signalling to keep quit because he is home. Even mom never sees him.

"Hi mom, I just got home." I yell, walking to the back to find her.

"Oh honey, I love you!" She says hugging me, "What do you want for dinner dad isn't ho-what's that smell?" She asked interrupting herself, walking to the kitchen.

She starts to move in the kitchen doorway when my dad jumps out from the doorway. To be honest I have never heard my mom scream that loud. The scream could be mistaken for a robber breaking into our house.

"Jesus, Deven!!!" My mom yells, "what the heck!!!"

"Surprise!!!!" My dad says again with jazz hands.

My family loves making jokes. My dad holds my mom in a big embrace.

My mom has blonde hair that is died brown at the tips making it ombré. She has thick glasses that cover her blue eyes. Just like mine.

I don't know why I have black hair, both my parents don't have black hair and most of my other family is blonde, and blue eyes. Well as that guy in the street said, water blue eyes, and I have started to notice it about my mom's too. People have always said we have similar eyes, but never have I thought as it as water.

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