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I wake up to an alarm going off.

What the heck? I think to myself. I soon realize it sounds like a fire alarm. With my eyes wide, I jump out of bed and throw my door open. No one is outside or roaming the hall. I zoom down the hallway to Winter's room and realize the alarm has faded.

Ok? What is going on? I question myself. I'm standing outside of Winter's room thinking of what is happening when a tap on my shoulder disturbs my thoughts. I spin around to see Jayden there.

What? Is all I can think. I then remember last night and all the events.

After we came to the castle we went Winter's room and talked. We talked for a long time until I fell asleep.

Then how did I end up in my bed? I question. I look down and see I am still in my clothes from being captured. I look up at Jayden who hasn't said anything while I'm sorting out my thoughts.

"Huh?" Is all I say. He gives me a smirk and then decides to speak.

"What are you doing here?" He asks.

"Well. I should be asking you that question." I say to him. "So....what are you doing here?"

He laughs a small laugh and answers. "I was released from the Healing Centre. They took out the knife and tried to fix my hand as much as they could. But it ended up being that no fire can come to my left hand anymore." He explains to me. "Now. Your turn, what are you doing here?"

I roll my eyes, but answer him. "I heard an alarm."

"What alarm?" He asks.

"I don't know. That's the problem. I was woken up and it sounded like a fire alarm. I went out in the hallway and no one else was up. I then came here and realized the alarm has faded. So I don't know!" I almost yell the last part.

"Calm down. Clam down. Don't you realize it could be your alarm to wake you up?" He asks. My eyes widen and I slip past him to my room. I hear him laughing from behind me.

How can that be funny? I ask myself. I shake my head in annoyance.

"Madi! Wait!" Jayden calls after me. I make it to my door and slam it shut. I then curl up in my bed and realize how tired I still am.

What time is it? I question and look over at the clock. I read 2:34am and I almost fall out of bed. My anger grows and I realize who did this. I stomp over to my door and throw it open. Jayden is still there with a confused expression on his face as I push past him.

"Where are you going?" He asks following me.

"Aaron." I flatly state. I feel my anger trying to burst from me and I know people can practically see smoke coming out of my ears

"Do you even know where he lives?" He asks. I don't even have to look at him to know he has a stupid smirk on his face.

"No. But you are coming with me to find him." I angrily state.

"Wow. Someone's angry. Only Fires get this angry." He tells me.

"I don't care if I am a Water or a Fire! Whatever! I'm finding Aaron and..." I stop and realize I don't know what I'll do once I find him. Jayden notices and smirks again.

"Will you stop smirking!" I yell at him. He shakes his head no. I roll my eyes at him as he speaks.

"Don't know what to do to him?" He asks my previous thoughts. I shake my head and he grabs my shoulders turning me around. "How about let's get you back to your room before you rip someone's ear off and I'll go....uh...find the Queen." He hesitates. I turn to look at him.

"Why did you hesitate there?" I accuse him.

"Nothing." He looks at me and swallows.

"I know somethings up. What are you hiding?" I ask, my eyes narrowing into slits.

"Nothing." He responds to quick. I shake my head and turn to go back to my room. "I'll see you tomorrow Jayden." I sigh and close my door. I slide against it to the floor and shut my eyes. Blackness slowly takes over me.


I'm in the tunnel again. Jayden is off to the side with a knife to his chest. Instead of alive and against the wall, he is dead against the wall. Winter and Aaron have met the same fate. Only Tyson and me remain.

"Tyson?" I ask. He is standing motionless in the middle of the tunnel and I'm facing him.

"Tyson?" I ask again. Instead of responding his eyes flicker to mine and instead of a water blue they are black bottomless pits. Even the white part is black. Then his black hair and face is covered my a hood. I step back scared because it isn't Tyson anymore. It's the other Dark guy.

"Madilyn." He says evilly to me. "Tell me where she is or Tyson gets it." And just like that, Tyson is in his arms with a knife pressed to his throat. His expression is emotionless. Unfazed.

"Don't-" I start but he cuts right through his neck. Tyson drops to the ground and he lays dead on the dirt. I want to scream but nothing comes out. Suddenly I can't move. I look down at my feet and they are covered in a black sludge. He comes closer to me with another knife. This time it has a clear blackness around it. My eyes widen at the sight and try to move, but the sludge holds firm. I try anything to get free and then I try manipulating it like Tyson was, I'm free. I turn to run in the opposite direction.

"Come back Madilyn! It's only one piece of information and I won't even hurt you!" He says from behind me. I take one glance over my shoulder and see he isn't moving. Then I hit something. I fall to the ground and he is over me. I let out a scream I was holding in. He leans down to my ear and I try to punch him, kick, anything, but nothing of my body moves. I'm not covered in anything but I can't move.

" where....she......." he whispers in my ear, dragging out every word while his knife light drags across my cheek. "Is." He finishes and brings the knife down to my neck.

I scream.


And scream and scream. My head hurts from screaming and no one has come. The image of my first friends dead on the ground scares me to death. I lay in my dirty clothes, that I have been wearing for who knows how many days, my hands against my head, clutching my hair. My screams soon die down and I'm trembling on the floor. I don't care to look at the clock or turn on the light. All I do is is lie down, tremble, and clutch my head.

The instant I move my head, I regret it. A headache splits through my head and it causes more screams which cause more pain.

I scream for so long that, finally, I'm done with screaming and look out the window. Dawn has come through and beautiful colours shine through my window.

"Not everything is beautiful sky!" I shout at the sky, my voice raspy from all the yelling and screaming. Then the tears come. I sob onto my hard floor and tears stain my cheeks.

"Why did that nightmare have to come?" I question out loud through tears.

I cry for what feels like hours and hours until I hear my door open from behind me. I don't make any movement as a light comes on. It makes my headache split and I scream more. My screams sound like a crow dying.

"Shhh..." someone says as arms wrap around me. I don't care to see who it is as I squeeze my eyes shut.

"Turn the light down." Someone orders and it goes dark once again. My eyes unclench but stay closed. I don't want to look at anyone right now.

I just want to sleep without nightmares.


It wasn't my favourite chapter, so please tell me your thoughts on it.


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