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I would like to give a shout out to:
@AuthorRose8  And their book!!!

Also please like, comment and share please!!

Now.....on with the chapter!!!




Jayden's scream ricochets off the dirt walls through the darkness. So loud it could crack the earth. I hear a low laugh coming from the person on top of me. I am angry for what he has done.

"Get off of me!!" I scream.

"Only if you tell me where she is." They say. The darkness it easier to handle and I'm starting to see other colours instead of black.

"I don't know who and where she is!" I shout at them. I see them shake their head and lean forward. I take it as my chance to grab water from the earths soil and form the water into ice. I throw it the small distance between us and it hits the hooded face. The ice brakes into tiny shards, flying everywhere. I hear a small scream coming from him and use it as my advantage. I swing my arms around the persons neck and yank to the side. They get caught of gaurd and land on the dirty ground with a hard thud. I swing my legs so I'm on top of them.

"You think you'll win against me?" The person asks. I don't have to see the face that he has a smirk plastered on his evil face. Next thing that happens is the dirt comes up around the person face. It covers his face and starts to drag him under. I hear a muffled shout for help.

"Madilyn! Move!" Aaron says from behind me. I jump of the half submerged person. My eyes are wide as only there feet remain. Then nothing. I stand there shocked at what just happened.

"Madilyn?" A voice says. I turn to see Tyson almost out of a black shield. "He's a Dark. And these are darkness shields that only Darks that placed it can remove. But somehow I'm able to maneuver it a little to get out." Tyson explains as he jumps to the floor. "Hey Jayden are you able to cast a ball of fire?"

"Well not with the hand that has a knife sticking out of it!" Jayden shouts, slightly angry.

"Sorry." Tyson says. "Maybe with your other hand?" He suggests.

Jayden nods his head and casts a ball of fire out of his right hand. It's not as bright as his left hand.

"Sorry. My right hands is my weak hand." He explains to us. I notice Winter and Aaron are plaster to the other wall by black shields. Tyson gets to work trying to get Jayden out of his shield. He moves his hands up and down and side to side.

"Madi? Can you help us over here?" Winter says. I walk a few steps to be in front of them.

"I'm sorry." I say quietly as I try doing anything that might get these dark shields off of them.

"For what?" She asks.

I look up at her clear eyes and sigh. "For making us go to The Edge." I say.

"We didn't know anything was going to happen." She says. "And also I should be sorry for not telling him about....her." She whispers her. I'm confused for a second until I realize who she means by 'her'. I nod silently. I finally am able to get Winter out of her shield after pulling it away with all my strength. She gives me a weird look but decides against saying anything. I then move to Aaron as Winter goes to talk to Tyson and Jayden. I look at Aaron and see his face stripped of goofiness.

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