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"Uhhhhhh......" I say awkwardly, trying to break the silence between us. The Queen is like frozen in her place staring at me with so much worry and curiosity plastered on her face, "Sooooo......."

"Oh....umm....sorry about that dear. You must see my emotions plastered all over my face like I see on yours. Wait what Element are you?" Her high pitched voice asks.

"Uhh......Water." I say.

"Then how can I see your emotions like playing all over your face. Us Lights are really bad at keeping our emotions under control and Waters are very good. You must've a mixture of Light and Water. But how do you have black hair and water blue eyes?" She questions.

"I don't know." I say, "I just got here."

"Sorry," She says staring intently at my face."It's just that you look so much like him."

She has on this elegant gown that looks like it is made of sunlight that reaches her ankles showing of her bare feet. Her yellow flowing hair reaches down to her bum and is in nice gentle waves. She has thin glasses that cover glowing yellow eyes.

"Uh, ok...ummm.....Queen Bee? Are you ok?" Jayden asks.

"Oh yes dear. Umm can you let Madilyn and I have this time together. You can just wait outside or go visit Art. He should be in his room." Queen Bee says waving Jayden of with her hand.

"Okaaaaaay......." Jayden says leaving. He starts to shut the door on the way when he quickly says. "Oh and uh she hasn't seen anything except the castle and that's it your highness."

"Ok dear. Now go along!" She orders him out of the room. "Come back in an hour!"

He closes the door and we hear his foot steps fade away out of the hallway.

"Ahh. He's probably not going to Art's room. He and Art have a history together." She explains looking at the door.

"Is it Art or Arther and you just call him Art?" I ask.

She looks and me and says, "No, just Art. I wanted a unique name for him, and my husband wanted Arther so we decided to shorten it to Art."

"Ok.........ummm can you answer a few questions for me please?"

"No, not right now. We need to get down to business because you guys where slow getting here and I have a Light coming to meet me in an hour. So let's talk about Elementa." She says leading me to her two comfy chairs infront of her desk and she then goes to the one elegant chair behind her desk.

"So Elementa is like our country. Externila is in the middle of everything because it's where the castle is. Also Externila is a circle. All the places are a circle. We then have the six surrounding cities. There are Ux, Frix, Trabik, Maston, Axy, and Wis. We then have our Natural Habitats surrounding the cities. Usually pure Waters live in Wastan, pure Winds live in Winzon, pure Earths live in Ealthia, pure Lights live in Listion, pure Fires live in Fitren, and pure Darknesses live in Dagon. Not all pure Elementals live in their natural habitats. Some live in the normal cities and some Elementals with two different Elemental parents live their. Although you have to have that element. Sorry about the explaining but you kind of have to know this before you begin your studies at Aspen Academy, which is also in Externilia." Queen Bee explains pointing at a map behind her desk. She points at each circle while explaining to me.

"So do you have that?" She asks me.

"Yes. Is that all I need to know right now?" I ask.

"I think so, you will learn a lot at Aspen-oh wait, so all the Elementals that do their education go to Aspen. It is a huge school. Has 8 floors, one for every level and an extra one for offices, the gym, and extra classes. You normally start when you are 11 at Year 1. And since you are-wait how old are you?" She asks interrupting herself.

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