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The black sheet prevents me from moving as The Dark comes closer to me.

His hood is off his face and he has very long sleek black hair and black eyes. His entire eye is black and it is like a black hole you can easily fall into and only see darkness after that. His face and entire look looks dirty and shabby. He looks like he hasn't had a nice shower in forever.

"Stay away." I say weakly.

He laughs at my weakness and keeps on coming closer. "Do you know why you came back here?" He asks me.

I don't respond.

"Of course you're don't!!" He laughs evilly. "You barely know anything!!" He tells me.

"I know things!" I shout back.

"Yada yada!" He says, waving me off. "Now. Let's make this simple and easy. I won't kill or touch you, if you simply tell me where Christin Waker is." He bribes me.

"Seriously?" I ask. "Why are you so obsessed with this person. Your like a pathetic boy trying to win the heart of a popular girl!" I shout at him.

His eyes suddenly loose any sign of mercy and goes darker than before.

"What?" He asks menacingly, walking closer to my trapped figure. "What did you call me?"

"N-nothing." I stutter out.

"Nothing?" He asks. "I think you insulted me." He tells me and stops right in front of my face.

He smells of death and that makes me want to vomit right onto his filthy face.

"Speak!" He demands when I don't respond and forms a knife made out of darkness. He brings it close to me and I try leaning away.

"Don't touch her!" Xavier yells from behind me. I forgot he was even here.

The Darks head turns to Xavier and he smiles evenly before speaking. "I see we have a new friend. Not Jayden or the white headed girl." He says and glides over to Xavier.

"Don't touch her!" Xavier tries to threaten.

"Or what?"

"Or I-I'll...." he trails off, not knowing what he'll do.

"I see our friend acts all tough, but doesn't know what he'll do." The Dark tells me.

He walks back over to me and moves his hands above his head. And suddenly everything becomes darker. I look up and he has created a dome of darkness above us. It is a little see-through but it covers Wasten in state of darkness.

"Remove that!" I tell him but he just laughs a fake evil one.

"You think you can order me around?" He asks me, looking me dead in the eyes.

I don't answer and he suddenly has his darkness knife against my throat.

"Answer me." He whispers to me.

I open my mouth to answer, when he is sent hurtling back with a flame attacking his chest.

I whip my head around to see Xavier struggling to melt the darkness sheet that is surrounding his feet.

"You shall pay for that!" The Dark roars and I see a black blur zoom past me at Xavier. He doesn't lift his head before The Dark bangs his body into Xavier. Xavier's body bends backwards by his knees and he slams into the black sheet.

As The Dark is distracted, I use this as my chance to try anything that will move the black sheet covering my feet.

I try chipping away at the black sheet with hard ice and water. But nothing does anything to the darkness.

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