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I was lying on my bed reading a random book I found on the bookshelf. History of Elementa. It's actually pretty interesting. I was reading about a part on Aspen. The Creator and Founder of Elementa.

So this place isn't that old? I question. Huh.

A slight knock on my door broke me out of my thinking.

"Come in." I tell them as I put the book back on the shelf.

"What are you reading?" Jayden asks.

"History of Elementa. Pretty interesting. Aspen seems like a cool dude." I tell him.

"Not that cool. He abandoned us after he created this place. He left never to be heard of again. He left us with nothing really. Just our Elements and a few forests." Jayden explains to me.

"Where even are we?" I ask.

"Elementa." He replies smoothly.

"No, I mean our location. Where are we?" I ask again.

"In the middle of the Pacific Ocean." He simply answers.

What the heck!!

"Wait. So you're saying we are we are littering floating on water." I breath out.

"Yes and no. Aspen has created some land for us and whenever we need to extend the Earths add land for us. Then the Wind, Sun, and Darkness work together to hide us from the eyes of Elementless." He explains to me as my jaw is almost on the floor.

"So I'm guessing Aspen is an Earth." I say.

"Yes and no, again. Remember he is a Six. He can control all six elements." He explains to me as my jaw is still resting on the floor.

"Now pick up your jaw and let's go see your parents." He tells me as he starts to exit the room. I follow him out into the hallway as I hear a scream.

"What's that?!" I ask alarmed. Before Jayden can answer me a small boy with white curly hair bouncing around, comes running at full speed at Jayden and I.

"Hey August." Jayden says.

"I am so sorry! Hey Autumn get back here!" I hear Winter say. She comes out of a room not far from my own. Her hair is down in beach waves and she has on a simple white dress. She is chasing a young girl the same size as August. The girl has curly white hair just like Winter. She has sparkly light grey eyes meaning she is a Wind probably.

"Winter, I never knew you lived in the castle." I say to her.

"Oh yeah. I do with these two goofballs." She tells me while laughing.

"Are they your siblings?" I ask her.

"Yes. This is Autumn." She points to the girl. "And that one is August. They are 6 and twins if you haven't noticed." She explains.

"Nice. Where are you parents?" I ask. She doesn't answer and looks down at Autumn.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I tell her.

"It's ok. My parents left me and my siblings when they where 1 years old. I was 8 and didn't understand anything that was going on. They left us here and we have been living here in the Living Quarters For Non-Royals Hallway since and haven't seen them. It sucks that August and Autumn don't know there parents. But I take care of them with the help of Queen Bee and the King." Winter explains to me as August comes back to her. He looks up at me with big light grey eyes. I notice Autumn has the same light grey eyes as August and not clear like Winter.

"Hi I'm August, and this is my twin Autumn!" August says energetically as Autumn tries to hide behind her brother.

"Hi. They are so cute Winter!" I tell her.

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