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Tyson and I land in on the path leading to the castle giant oak doors.

"Thanks for that amazing day." I tell him, turning to face him.

"No problem. I think it was the most fun I've ever had since.." he trails off, not finishing his sentence as he looks off into the setting sun. "Nothing." The whisper floats to my ears.

"Ok. But you know I'm always here for you if you need me." I tell him, putting my hand on his shoulder gingerly, but still making him flinch at the contact.

"I know, Lyn. But right now let's just focus on the amazing day we had together and maybe we could do it again or hang out at school more like we did today?" He suggests with a hopeful expression.

A smile takes over my face. "Of course."

His face goes from hopeful to grateful in less than a second. "Alright." He says. "But I should be going now." A sorry look takes over his face.

"Ok." I drag out, but then something comes to mind, making me grab his arm of his already retreating body. "Can we actually do something quick please?" I ask.

He looks at me then the sun setting rapidly. "Ok. But it must be quick."


We land in front of a gate. A slightly rusting one that hangs on its loose hinges. The whole murder mystery or haunted movies that I have always watched since I was a kid, start to kick in as I look at the gates that look like it could be in a movie with its swinging giant gates in the howling wind.

"Why are we here?" A confused Tyson asks me as I start to walk towards the gate of Wasten.

"Xavier said at lunch that Waters have disappeared and I want to investigate and see if that is actually true." I explain as I slip past the gates, trying not to touch them.

"Wait but I'm not allowed in." Tyson shouts from behind me. "I'm a Dark, not a Water like you!"

"You'll be fine. No one is here anyway to catch you!" I shout back.

I hear Tyson hesitantly follow me as I make it farther into the circle. The dome, that still hasn't moved or taken down yet, casts a giant shadow over the town, concealing any light from shining up the town.

"Okay?" Tyson asks. "And that is important to you because?"

"Because if the Queen isn't going to do anything about it, we have to. Because we were here." I explain to him. "And if The Dark wants me then I have to stop him. I've read way to many super hero stories to say that the person the villain is after is the person to stop them. And that's what I need to do."

I can just hear the confused expression on his face after I explain that.

"What?" Is all he asks.

I turn my attention and gaze to him. "I need to find and stop a murderer." I tell him simply and continue across the once new looking bridge, that now has pieces of wood falling into the muddy looking water.

How did this place go from looking amazingly new and pretty to a complete ghost town.

"How?" Astonishment laced into my town.


I turn to look at Tyson who is only now taking his first shaky step onto the wood, cautious of the wood breaking under his weight.

"Crazy how this place can go from being a lively town of happy Elementals when now it's a dump that has been dumped by those same individuals." I voice my thoughts.

Elements-PausedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora