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Oh wow,

I can't believe I am already on chapter 15!!!! I never thought I would get this far into my book.

Also......thank you for 288 reads!!!!I never thought it would get that high!!





I jolt from my spot on the hard floor with a scream splitting my ears. I look around and see Winter being dragged from the cell. I quickly look over to Emerson's spot but she isn't there.

What's going on? I question. I look back at Winter being dragged from the cell. I try to stand up and walk over to her.

"Winter!!" I yell as I walk over to the door. Once I get there someone pushes me back down to the ground.

"Stay low." A familiar voice says into my ear. My eyes are wide with shock but I obey this familiar voice. Then Winter suddenly stops screaming.

What is going on? I question. I look around to see two bodies at the entrance. I stand up and slowly make my way over to them when someone pushes me to the ground again.

"Stay Down!" They order. I look up and see reddish-brown hair and instantly know who has come. I stay on the floor while they do what they are doing. Then someone comes and helps me to my feet. I feel very unsteady on my feet but I hold my ground.

"Can you walk?" The accented voice asks.

"Yes." I weakly reply. They don't respond and lead me quietly out the cell. Once we get out I notice the Rodger person on the ground unconscious. I don't ask any questions as Jayden leads me quietly down a hallway. I don't know where Winter is or how Jayden is seeing in the dark when he is a Fire. We turn a corner and he suddenly stops. He flattens himself on a wall and I copy him.

"Who's there?" A voice asks. I don't say anything and neither does Jayden. Someone's footsteps start down towards us and my heart beat quickens. Once they are close enough Jayden ignites a ball of fire and throws it at the person. It illuminates the hallway and it travels to its destination. The ball of flames hit the person in the face and they let out the most horrifying scream. Jayden pulls me along the corridor leaving the person thrashing on the ground. Instead of walking, Jayden starts to run. We turn down many hallways and we soon reach a dead end.

"This is a dead end." I whisper to Jayden. I see him nod and move forward. He stops suddenly by a slither of a voice.

"You are not going anywhere." Someone says from behind us. I spin around and see a figure. They step towards us and Jayden pulls me behind his back. My arms grazes his and I hiss with pain from my cut. I hear a deep, deadly laugh from the person in front of us.

"You aren't touching her." Jayden says to the person.

"Oh....sweet boy......she was mine to begin with." The person evilly laughs out the sentence. Jayden doesn't wast any time and attacks. He lunges for the person and conjures two handfuls of fire. He swings for the person who just laughs and dodges his attacks.

"You will never get me!" The person says as Jayden misses terribly. I want to help but my feet are glued to the ground and I can't seem to move. Jayden keeps trying to hit the person and keeps missing. I then see the person pushing something on Jayden. Jayden stops in his tracks and falls the the ground.

"See!!!" The person cackles. Jayden is pushes down on his hands and knees. The thing that is pushing him down presses down on his back and his feet don't move from under him.

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